You don't have an argument against this

You don't have an argument against this.

Sure i do, no heroes on tv

He doesn't have 2 great movies.
He has one good movie. The rest of it is shit.
The little girl is also getting a shit film, unfortunately.

>2 great movies
1 is okay at best and 2 is utter trash

You have to stop pretending anything Ghostbuster related was good.

>kids are so stupid they have to have their role models be just like them
In that case, why are these girl Ghostbusters all 40+ year old hags and not preteen girls?

That little lady deserves better than what was made.

That little lady is getting a lame movie with overall poor humor and little rewatchability.
I'm actually feeling pretty bad for her.

Ghostbusters is for THIS awesome little girl who has been indoctrinated by her neckbeard parents and forced to sleep in a lego death star as a baby.

>1 is okay at best

woman don't need heroes. women don't need shit; they have life on easy mode. their greatest 'aspiration' is landing a quality man to breed with. they have attention literally thrown at them by the opposite sex. men are the ones who do the work. we need heroes to inspire us and compel us to get moving, working, actually running the society that women are merely guests in because they have vaginas.

fuck off with this female ghostbusters bullshit. this should be a clear message to hollywood to never do this again

>men can idolize strong women
>women can't idolize strong men

Sounds like a bitch problem to me.

> Make movie for skinheads
> starring all skinheads
> advertise to skinheads
> have thousands of skinheads shilling your movie for you



>2 great movies

Even die hard Ghostbusters fans admit the second one sucks dick

capeshit has female heroes that little girls love.

not some unfunny OAPs in a movie that wasn't even made for them but made for 50 year old tumblrs.

That awesome little lady wants to rewatch Frozen for the 100th time, she doesn't want to see a Sandler-tier flick filled with sex-related jokes


Why would anyone watch the 3rd one if the first two weren't that good??

>1 is okay at best

kill yourself

Are you scared of women?

>Little girls cant have male heroes
>She has to have female heroes

>Men should be happy with either

Anyone else see the irony

If it's for an entirely new audience then make a new franchise. Otherwise then it is for the guy on the left on some level.

If I wanted role modals for my daughter I certainly wouldn't be relying on a frivolous american comedy to do that. I'd read her the myths and folk tales of powerful national women that are actually worth emulating. That's probably racist or something though

Wonder if these women have any self awareness at all.

Men already have heroes dumbass

I feel like everyone forgot about the first one a few years ago and now everyone is suddenly a big fan of the original since the reboot was announced.
It was a fun flick, but it wasn't a masterpiece.
At least Star Wars fanboys have 6 movies to rave about.

Was Ghostbusters ever thought of as anything other than a supernatural comedy? I don't understand why people are treating it like a superhero movie...even the clips that have come out make it look more like an action movie. The Ghostbusters always were kind of ragtag and goofy, I don't think Ghostbuster fans ever thought of Venkman as Captain America or something. I think the people that are spinning the movie like this are missing the spirit of the original movies, it's weird that they're trying to push this idea that kids need a female Ghostbusters movie and not a new movie or something. Just comes off like they're trying to paint the reboot as something it's not.

Saw an image like this the other day and thought it was legit. Fuck it, if it gives little girls something to look up to, who cares?

I can just imagine the kind of redditor that made this photo.

that little lady has the same 2 movies, the same theme song, and I guess all the other stuff. They still exist and she can (and seems to have already) enjoy them

twitter memers please go home

Isn't GB2016 PG-13?

>Women don't already have heroes

>she needs heros too

go watch an old disney movie

Because the little girls aren't actually fans of ghostbusters. Much too young.

Its a marketing stunt. Using feminist ideals to get people to support a movie.

>Ghostbusters (2016) is for this awesome little lady [who is around 5 years old]
>Ghostbusters (2016) is a PG-13 film about ghosts

big fat ugly ones yes

Is that Arkroyd? He looks like a mix of him and that punk musician that used to eat his own shit on stage

That's not the real issue. It's just a distraction. The real issue is "is this a good and funny movie" and "is it necessary for this to be a remake, instead of having a sequel with appearances by the original characters?"

Exactly this. Girls don't play at being superheroes.

And any fucking way, is the little cunt lady so dumb that she can't appreciate a movie made just 30 years ago? It's not like that it's no sound black and white and even in that case. What the fuck man? The first time I saw Ghostbusters was ten or so years later and I loved it completely.

Why do you care about Ghostbusters so much? It was one decent movie that spawned a ton of mediocre material. If they want to reboot it with a female cast, who cares? There really aren't a whole lot of action movies catered to girls, so let them have it. No need to be angry about it.

Why can't they watch the originals?

Im not angry about it.

Im always happy to see a bad movie sell poorly in spite of trying to use poltiical ideals to trick people into liking it

I like the Ghostbusters franchise but I wouldn't call myself a fan

>Two great movies

Jesus this franchise whoring. Its just a soulless cash grab remake.

Because they're trash

They look old

What all that really means is

> we cannot sell new toys from that movie to this forced audience, so we need new products of this franchise that we have (because we can't create new) that we are turning into comic-super hero type because also we don't know what the hell else can we sell these people

What an irrelevant and insignificant hobby you have.

What is their reasoning to even make this movie besides trying to garner some of the praise the original film had?

Oh wait...

The movie's a fucking cash grab without any merits, but it probably won't be any worse that GB2


They look less dated then the current one's special effects

Nobody cared about the originals until the remakes was announced.

Dumb fucking hypocrites.

>Defending the new GB movie on cantonese imageboards
Yours isn't too exciting either

>Cash grab

Cause making money is bad. Find a new buzzword.

he has a great movie full of wit an originality that was cemented in the culture of the time.

she has a cynical corporate rehash with terrible writing and lowest bidder CGI.

why do you hate your daughter you scumbag?

Same reason the Animorphs and Harry Potter authors used initials for their first names. Boys typically don't want to watch movies/shows with all female casts. Girls are the same way. Except if most boy-centric media involves action, and girl-centric media involves playing house, you create this weird sense of identity from an early age. This acts kind of like a brain drain in society, because why would anyone want FEWER people going into science, math, engineering, etc.? If people are smart, they should be going into fields that benefit civilization. Not staying at home or being pushed into a some other field.

I'm guessing this post is b8 but I'll bite

Ghostbusters has been a beloved classic since it came out. If you don't believe me, look at all the parodies, homages, and other shit they got up until the annocement of the new one.

A cartoon, a videogame, and a few lunch boxes. Wow. Timeless franchise.

No, but making a movie SOLELY for it is.


Proof of this? Or just cause you say so right?

>She needs heroes too, and it's not like we're going to come up with new and original ones in a new and original setting, nope, we have to copy paste already made thing

It's been in the public conscious since it was made. Everyone knew about it before this movie was annoced. Ten years from now when everyone's forgotten about the 2016 version, when people hear Ghostbusters they'll think of the original.

>2 Great movies
>Ghostbusters 2
>Great movie

So, the best reason to make a new female one is little girls are sexist? I thought this movie was trying to fix sexism. Why would we encourage women to only identify with female characters?

A super vulgar PG-13 rated comedy is not for that little girl.

I wonder, if I pick, I dunno, Ripley, and I change her into a male and repeat the whole movie, but for males, would women complain?

>Implying your heroes should be limited to your race, gender, social class, and/or age

Why is everyone so mentally inept.....

Only SJW and new wave know, liberals

>It's been in the public conscious since it was made

Am I the fucking twilight zone? Why does this movie make people here act completely fucking retarded?

I've been hearing this garbage a lot lately, but don't quite understand it. Why do you need your heroes to look like you.

Also, are we as a society so shit, that our heroes come from works of fiction? Peoples heroes used to be their parents, or astronauts, or pioneers, now it all comes from make believe comic book shit.

If only we could all be redpilled alphas like you.

I'm right tho

Most people knew it and loved it

>Put a kid in the movie, that'll make the kids want to see it.

I'm guessing you had plenty of white male role models growing up bruh

do you really relate to anything else? nah, if you did, you probably wouldnt be so mad about a movie about girls

pretty sure a lot of people have been lobbying for a third movie with the original cast for more than 15 years.


I never had a problem enjoying heroes who weren't just reflections of me.

This whole thing is really contributing to division in the country. People who think like that just want to sort people in to racial and gender categories and keep them there.

>People who think like that just want to sort people in to racial and gender categories and keep them there.

AKA liberals

I'm black

A minute ago it was in the public conscious, now it's "most people knew it and love it"

Get fucked seriously your laser backpack power fantasy is overrated.

Why are the parent/s passing hero roles to a film.

>but what about a hero for my race/sex/gender/religion
>make my own? but that could fail
>can't i just have yours?

That's what the public councious is user-kun

Most people knowing about it

it makes me(picture related) upset
thats enough of an argument

They have shit like Hunger Games and Divergent. Why do they need to take something away from me to give to her.

Not him, but the movie was a tremendous blockbuster when it launched and ghostbusters related media and merchandise has been selling well ever since. People throw huge amounts of money at the franchise still, and companies are constantly developing products that capitalize on this.

Acting like it was a forgotten movie until now is, frankly, retarded.

Clearly you have internalized racismisogyny and you need dyed haired white female college students to tell you how you need to think.

The awesome little lady was dressed up that way by her parents, which are probably just like the guy on the right.

They did the same thing with the Power Rangers Turbo movie around that same time. I've never enjoyed when they do this, even as a kid. Why would I want to see some little shit who can't act take up screen time from what I actually wanted to see?

The only role models I have are historical figures, growing up some of them were super heroes, wrestlers, even mythical beings. Yet all of them are not so because of how they are/were defined but because of what they did.

I hated that fat little turd who got to be a power ranger. Why did he get to be one and I didn't?

I didn't know a single kid who liked that faggot.

I thought there were going for a PG rating because I think it would have done better marketed to kids, though they still are it seems since all cape shit it. The original films are rated PG, though the first does meet the standards for a PG13 rating, it was before PG13 was a thing, and 2 I think was toned down.

Since when can girls only look up to women?
Since when is Ghostbusters a source of role models? It's a fucking movie
Since when is putting a girl in a Ghostbusters costume an argument?

>making more
>taking away

Not everyone is a video game playing manchild like you. Yes, not even little girls. As a matter of fact, they even seem to have a better ability of enjoying a movie and taking it for what it is, a fucking MOVIE, than you. How does it feel knowing a child has more emotional control over their relation to a product than you?

I thought girls had movies YA shit like Hunger Games and about a million TV programs tailored to their taste.
They don't need the failed remake of the year to find heroines.

He won a contest I think

The people who made that poster would like to pretend that TV isn't majorly catered to females.

Honest question:
Is the whole "females don't have heroes/protagonists in films" a new meme or has it been barked about for awhile? I don't remember it before this nonsense and my first impression is that it's entirely studio created as there have been tons of female driven films with great characters.

This is all related to the shitty marketing, right? Normal people don't actually believe this, right?

I know I sound out of the loop and I am. I don't use facebook and don't come here often.

That it takes a really shitty movie to tell a girl it's ok to be a Ghostbuster too? Also is she wearing a jumpsuit based on the original series?

Some people complained about it before, due to volume of male leads vs female, but it really gained traction in the last 9 or so years when new younger crazier feminists latched on to it.

If you talk to them now, you'd find that they essentially block out any female leads in movies from before like 2005.

I walked out of the force unleashed when it was done behind a group of them and they were talking about how sexist star wars was before because there wasn't a single woman who was allowed to do anything.

nigga that dont mean shit. I'm white as snow and Lando and Chewie were still my favourites in Star Wars growing up