For those who have seen leaked images of Gal Gadot for the new Wonder Woman movie: remember that all of this is going...

For those who have seen leaked images of Gal Gadot for the new Wonder Woman movie: remember that all of this is going to be recolored to look really dark and blue (as the movie preview shots show here).

As a big fan of BvS and MoS: I really wish that DC did not color their movies like this. Why would you want to make her costume look so blue and gray?

I am in no way hating on this new movie: all the leaked photos show that it is going to be a full on kickass movie and Gal proved she IS Wonder Woman in my eyes! I just wish we got to see her in actual color.

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Did this really need its own thread when there's already one faggot trying to hype up the movie?

man the front shots of her are terrible

her face is not aethstically pleasing at all, pudgy rat face with shopped cheekbones.

also why did you go full Reddit on your closing blog?

holy shit you're a faggot

She looks fine and looks so much better than the other WW they cast for that tv show years ago.

Blue filters are fucking cancer. They did it to the Lord of the Rings Blu Rays too, it was a fucking crime. Why do they even do it? It doesn't look good, nobody likes it. It's like someone out there is making an enormous effort to make otherwise good movies look like shit.

She isn't the problem. The low lighting and blue color is what is going to make people judge her next movie. I am trying to bring this out into the open without people here constantly praising the behind the scenes footage because she is not going to look like that in the movie

Wow, she looks better than a low budget superhero television show from the seventies? What an accomplishment.

>looks better than Adrianne Palicki

I hope you mean costume wise or you are a fucking joke

Honestly disgusting.

>They did it to the Lord of the Rings Blu Rays too
And also for the Aliens Blu Ray release.

But the difference: we can go back and watch LOTR and Aliens normally but with WW: once the editor finishes his edit: all the original raw footage of her bright costume is gone forever and people will be criticizing it

What does she mean by this gesture

This blue filter is so shit

Anyone have the pic of Picard doing a shields up gesture

oops I was meant to reply to you with this

Whoever did that deserves to be hung.


>ywn see a 10/10 super hero movie as colorful as Sam Raimi's Spiderman

why do you care this much?


Nah I'd agree with that user gadot>palicki

And whining here will help your cause?

wtf I love Israel now

please be bait


The fact all the parts of her fight in BvS were on a green screen where they had her sliding around the screen worries me this movie's fights will be shit. Gal didn't do any real stunt fighting in BvS.

>It's that guy in the background

holy kek

Eh, how much darker could she be? She's already a shitskin with souless mud eyes.

>Nah I'd agree with that user gadot>Palicki

Shit godawful taste

Palicki looks disgusting

Gadot looks like a goddess

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