Was this the best movie of 2015?


Very much probably. But I may not have seen one or other contender yet.
More importantly, it's one of the greatest films in the action genre ever, Top 5 at least. Based Miller


Sure as shit was better than Spotlight

If you're a pleb sure

Not a chance.
it was the best film of the decade.

But user, people need to know about the sexual abuse of minors!

Nevermind that Hollywood has an entire industry devoted to fucking children and the cover up therein.

I bet you didn't even watch any of those

I don't give a shit about children, 'abused' or not 'abused', but fucking Lifetime garbage like Spotlight shouldn't get big awards. It serves only to make them even less relevant and refuse to recognize real artistic merit. Nobody even remembers a film like that already, 6 months later.

This is honestly in the best top 5 movies I've ever seen.

for me Sicario is the only competition


not the guy who posted the grid, but i've seen 2 of those and would definitely rank Louder Than Bombs over Mad Max, even though i saw it this year. Tangerine was an entertaining and hilarious ride but nowhere near Mad Max level.

i agree. Spotlight wasn't that great. i enjoyed the film for the procedural that it was, and Michael Keaton's somewhat sedated performance. i wouldn't have nominated it for top film of the year, though.

Sicario is my numero uno, but Mad Max isn't far.

Any other good 2015 movie? Carol was disappointing.

Fury Road bored me shitless, one of the most over-rated movies ever. Hardy is a boring Max that cant hold a candle to Mel Gibson's version, and Furiosa was annoying as fuck, The Force Awakens was a more fun movie.


Also yeah Sicario was top. I really, really hope Villeneuve gets the production support and writing he needs for Blade Runner.

>literally can't tell what's bait/satire or not anymore on Sup Forums '16
Send help, lads

Whiplash counts to 2014( when it was one of the best films)

Hell no. Fuck no. I don't even know which is the best, but surely wasn't this. Also I thought this was a good movie.

My personal favorite.

I haven't seen Carol, The Assassin, Neon Bull, Cemetery of Splendor, The Look of Silence, Arabian Nights, Hard to be a God, Phoenix and The Lobster, but looks like they seem to be better than Mad Max.

i'd include it in my top 10, which are all interchangeable, i guess. strong action, a simple narrative, and whacky direction is always a good fit. however, it's somewhat intellectually vacant. spectacle and style over substance. not that that took away from my enjoying it.

>fucking bonger sucking Fury Road's dick

I can see where this shit taste is coming from in this thread, now.

Wouldn't The Lobster be 2016? At least in North America...

I've seen 1, 2, 3 , 4, 8 and 9, and none are better than MMFR

we've come so far that max eats double-headed lizards and turns into sir gruntsalot without even for one second matching the charismatic performance mels delivered with his interpretation over 30 years ago

what a wonder also that whereas in road warrior everyone was hunting for gas because it was so rare and precious here this seems to be not an issue. even less so considering that the villain has a party bus in his entourage with a freak who plays a flame-shooting guitar. and all of the characters drive through the desert for days because re-fuiling is of no concern. gasoline seems to exist aplenty. water not so much, therefore the baddie advises not to get addicted to it. like you can go without i

the digital look of the film, combined with its use of CGI, makes it easily the ugliest film in the series maybe even of this year. the plot a plot? is basically non-existent and where it shimmers through (like zoe kravitz nipples through her shirt) it just proves to be ludicrous, in a film that feels like three hours because it's that repetitive. this is man of shit all over again: one action scene that we have to watch over and over and over. they're driving, shooting, explosions, driving, explosions, shooting, driving, shooting, explosions. after 45 minutes I struggled to keep my eyes open and awake due to it's lack of anything interesting
maybe miller should return to making animated films about dancing penguins

Here some better titles:

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Ex Machina
Inside Out
Bridge of Spies

Thanks, now I know it's just bait.
Also, 'lads' is far from the brits' exclusive use.

None better that it. The best of this bunch is Inside Out, btw

>The Assassin
>Cemetery of Splendor
>The Look of Silence
>Hard to be a God

All better than Fury Road

Oh, a /lbg/ babby posting his embryo opinion and the meme image! Adorable.


nice bait

Krampus was

Don't you ever get tired of being contrarian for the sake of feeling like you're different than everyone else?

Oh look, another movie about cis white people

this movie was amazing. stfu

Apples and oranges.

What is second from right, bottom row?

>Avengers: Age of Ultron

welcome to Sup Forums

If you use the word "contrarian," you're literally an idiot. It's an invented concept by idiots with childish sensibilities who are too fragile to deal with criticism of mediocre media that has widespread appeal.

It's a troubling manifestation of millennials' mental weakness. Seriously, the only people who would even entertain any "argument" involving the concept of being "contrarian" are weak, lazy idiots who can't deal with criticism substantively.

If it bothers you that much that people criticize mediocre mass-marketed work designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, like Star Wars, Breaking Bad, GoT, etc., you should find a safe bubble and stay there(Sup Forums). Or kill yourself.

Contrarian faggot

Tom Hardy and Theron were both mediocre to terrible in Fury Road. In fact Hardy has been terrible for a long time desu.

The writing all around is pretty blank. It's not that I don't like simple setups and stories, but when your writing is referential current affair bullshit like *MEN RUINED THE WORLD* it grinds my gears because that is just clearly fishing for Oscar committee votes and upvotes in Twitter and supposes 'substance'.

Nicely shot, every antagonist was good, Nux was the best, great production design and quality, credit where credit is due.

M E D I O C R E film and I don't see what its believers see in them.

dunning kruger effect in full display here.

Steve Jobs desu senpai.

his first post wasnt pasta

Fag's way out

Oranges > Apples
MMFR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Memelight
Me > you

Everything is up to comparison

>no jupiter


Fantastic film, definitely Top 15 of the year

Fury Road was the most over-rated movie since The Fellowshit of the Ring

>the frames of reference of the kind of facebbok kid on Sup Forums nowadays

Do you have Letterboxd?

I bet you masterbate to a mirror

That image is a meme months old

1. The Revenant
2. Mad Max
3. The Hateful 8

They're both movies made in 2015 you fucking retard.

Did you know, dear plebs, America is not the only country making movies?

Amazing, huh?

That is taken into consideration by many people


Its just teens

What? Its just a dumb fun action film that s amazing

Bridge of Spies was so boring

Sure it is, babby

America is the only country that matters you hipster cuck



Spotlight was the best film of the year. And deserved the Oscar

if you like pegging sure

It isn't even top 50 of the year. Fucking banal forgettable flick lmao

Spotlight won best picture based on its subject. I will stand by this until I die.