Youre on death row

youre on death row.
What would you have for your last meal?
>smoked pork ribs with slaw, beans and corn bread.
Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


A garlic bread

Nothing, i dont wanna shit myself when i die.

a little burnt?


a living puppy and a nine year old's hymen

good lord man.

The flesh of the person I killed

A fat KFC bucket, some ribs and some choccy milk

I would eat a salad, healthy people live longer.

Ice soup

Neverending soup and breadsticks from Olive Garden

>looks like I just beat the system

fuck yeah man...not bad.

Im so damn hungry. I shouldve never started this thread...


A log of Andy sixx's last meal

5lbs of protein powder and 3 gallons of whole milk.



Kek. That god damn shitposting is getting to me.

An entire wheel of bleu cheese. A chocolate smoothie with a box of laxatives mixed in. 10 baluts (pic related), and a cup of pistachios to open one by one and eat slowly while I start to digest. Finish off with a tall glass of ipecac.

A cyanide capsule. Lethal injection is less than lethal now. They changed the drugs. It's all fucked now

You monster


Soggy white bread.


- Scallops wrapped in bacon
- Deep friend halloumi sticks with breadcrumb batter

-perfectly cooked (medium rare but on the rare side) eye filet with a mushroom and pepper sauce.

-green salad with the correct dressing

-chunky chips cooked golden and fluffy on the inside


one of those super rich passionfruit cheesecakes with french vanilla ice cream

all with an endless flow of beer and wine of my choosing.

>lemon juice
>active detergent
>sand with metal powder in it

> Pleb

yea i forgot that one, thanks

Are last meals even really a thing or just urban myth? I can't imagine them even letting you choose what to eat, if they even let you eat. They'll just be like, "fuck you, you're a killer you don't get shit" if anything they'll dangle a piece of whatever prison food they have that day in front of you then laugh and eat it themselves

they are a thing

does that make anything when it's mixed together? inb4 nerve gas

So they spend tax payer money to go shopping outside of the prison for whatever you want and have a chef cook for you? What. The. Fuck.

A big bowl if Pho, buffalo wings, al pastor tacos, snow crab, arbys curly fries, cream cheese wontons, a really good burger, and... a chipotle burrito. And nachos. And a ny strip steak. And a 1.75 of jameson.

A pipe bomb.

Coffee, a chocolate chip scone and a cigarette


wtf is slaw

a lot of money goes into executing someone. more money than would be spent if that person was just in prison for life.

Cole slaw

napalm with a twist.
active detergent and sand go incandescent in addition to the general gooey burning stuff.

At least according to what my soldier friend told me. Like user said, i'm a pleb though so i don't know fo sho, worth a try anyways.


What if we just shot them and then fucked the convulsing body until rigor mortis set in?

Not the guy who said this, but he was right.
The amount of legal shit behind it goes in hundreds of thousands if not millions.

Actually he's right. Death sentence appeals are a real bitch in terms of money, not to mention the higher cost of death row versus general population.

Its like slav but less vodka

Are you me? All incredible choices. Mah nigga. Here is a spaghetti-o pie thing just for you.

top lel dude

Mainly, thinly sliced cabbage in a mayonnaise and vinegar sauce, very lightly sugared. Add for personal flavoring: julienne carrots, celery seed, sweet onion, maybe pepperoncini or jalapeno bits...

Btfo fucking libtard.

I hope I shit myself big time if I ever get executed. Call me petty but giving those faggots a poopy mess to clean up would make me feel a little better about it all.

Trump will fix this.

You sir.

I ate one of these once. It must have been a less developed one because it didn't look QUITE that gruesome, but it was actually rather tasty.

two #9's

a massaman curry with duck + mussels, some onion rings, wildcaught alaskan smoked salmon and cookie dough ice cream

From where?

Fried labias
A pair of freshly baked boobs
Served with a ceasars salad and a few garlic bread

Cluckin Bell, where else you fake ass balla wannabe


Some tendies

How am I a libtard?
This is factual information you inbred cretin.

I forgot to add garlic naan. And some heavy, hoppy beers


4 courses

For an appetizer, I would like a long-grain Acquerello Risotto made with truffle oil and Chateau d’Yquem's Sauvignon Blanc. I'd have them finish it with freshly churned butter, sea salt, and cracked madagascar black pepper.

On second thought. I'm gonna go make myself something to eat.


Literally just seeing "cream cheese wontons" gave me the biggest boner I've ever had.

I would have oats... If brother would give me any.

No veggies? That would make you fat as fuck.

The blood of those who falsely imprisoned me.

But you have no big boy points

I'm sorry friend, but sea salt should be standard.

I have some saved up. No worries.

As a liberal and supporter of the death penalty, it costs way too much because there are so many fucking appeals and roadblocks in the way. The entire system needs to be streamlined for it to be cost-effective and for it to actually be a deterrent to crime.

They let you keep those on death row?
Fuk, you should bribe a guard

>chef/foodiefag detected

MY terms.

>"trying really hard to be edgy" the post

You're about to fucking die! Wtf are you looking out for your health for ya dingus?!

Smoked Baby

Big ass plate of sushi.

That was the joke.

A fat black fuckin' cock.

>my mother's cooking

1 lb. Japanese A5. Medium rare. 1/2 lb. O-toro.
Bottle of aged Cabernet Sauvignon, decanted.
Finish it of with scotch and tea.


5-Spices Pork Belly in a steamed bun like my Chinese girlfriend makes.

Looks and sounds delicious.

i would request that an entire Chinese buffet be prepared, or at least catered from a local joint


It is. juicy succulent pork marinated in 5-spices

Everlasting gobstopper, would never be

Then slam that bitch full of herbs

okay but enough with the cockteasing user, what are the 5 spices?

a bowl of the top prison daddy's hot warm semen and egg rolls


The boiled head of the judge who convicted me.

I'd ask to eat the judge who sentenced me to death. If I don't get it they will need to stop the execution.

gook slamming race traitor

This burger from The Vortex in Atlanta. Its called a double bypass or something. Bacon cheeseburger with 2 grilled cheese as the buns.

Forgot pic.