Why did he do it?

why did he do it?



Why do heaps of rich and famous people kill themselves?

no but seriously, was it because of the church exploding? or because he thought his mother was in the church at the time? or because his waifu was there? or because he felt like the explosion signified he had fucked up in joining with the church?

When it comes to the rich and famous, if it's not a family homicide, it's almost always drugs.

It's a mystery no one can ever know

lol keep posting please you're hilarious and you don't even know it

They actually did a decent job with Tommen. In the books he is literally 6 years old and is completely manipulated.

In the show he's 14-16, and equally manipulated. The difference is that he is able to understand his helplessness in the situation.

He was led to believe that the King was the most important thing in the world, that the heavens and the people needed and wanted one. He was a pawn by three different parties who all wanted him to be King for THEM. He picked two of those sides against his mother, and she took it away from him.

>Man fuck this, Monarchy is dead.


He failed to protect anyone he loved

he was a stupid little git for siding against his own mother

against all canon or evidence who do you unironically think could fix westeros if they were king/queen

like who among the living characters right now should rule?

to me it seems like they are setting up jon to hook up with danaerys and rule since they both have dragon blood

Apparently he was suicidal all along even though never showing any evidence of it.
Apparently this is what normal people do when they're sad.

Fun fact, Jon and Dany are completely disassociated with the smallfolk. The correct answer would be someone like Randall Tarly. Lyanna could also fill the Aegon role, someone raised from birth to properly rule.

Also, Littlefinger would be wonderful for Westeros, his only "negative" trait is that he hates the great houses.

Further proof the show is written episode to episode.

How fantastic would it have been if every shitty Tommen scene had him zoning out while being talked at and looking out windows?

because his pussy is dead and he's madly in love with her

Because Cleganebowl was cancelled

i can't tell if bailish is suspicious to because the actor just looks and sounds naturally sneaky as fuck, or because he's actually meant to be.

The latter. He knew the burning legion was coming for all life on Planetos

Because he never got to band her and now he's going to be a virgin forever.

fucking ded

Ser Pounce is alive.

can't have sex with smirkfu anymore. why live?

he got rango'd

They had sex on their wedding night

I look at scenes like this and think how lazy directors are.

If I was doing this, I'd have a few seconds shot of after he jumps, then a white dove or something that flies back up and toward the sky.vjust to make it kino.

His wife was in there, his new found allies were in there, the realization that he was just a puppet for his psychopathic mother.

get out of here john woo.