Why do Africans have kids that they know they can't take care of?

Why do Africans have kids that they know they can't take care of?


Animals just have sex, they dont think of anything else

Cuz even ugly niggers get pussy while you don't and get jelly on an internet board.

You are obese.

In poorer african cultures, it is usually so that the kids take care of their parents when they turn old and frail. So in order to assure their own well being the parents have as many kids as possible so that at least one or two will survive the harsh living conditions and be able to care for them.

condoms feel weird

Why do trailer trash obese fucks have kids they can't take care of?

Same thing, lack of education.

cause they try and use snickers wrappers as condoms

pope says itz sinfull to use condoms
So they just multiply

Struck a chord I see.

Niggers be niggers.

We pay the money today still to "shuck and jive" but we call it rap.

Niggers have great voices and strong backs, but are not good doctors or lawyers.

Basically, niggers are a quasi-humanoid. Similar, but a lessor form of life.

Ask a nigger why 80% of black men will be arrested at least once in their lifetime while with every other race it's under 50%. They will blame "the system" on it and criticize. The very same system that pays for their welfare, food stamps, project housing, etc.

Niggers = shit

Op here, funny thing is that wasn't even me. I guess we both just happen to think you're a bit of a cockhead.

Nice dub dubs though

Trailer trash doesn't provide for their kids properly and they either get taken by the government or they just grow up to be trailer trash

Africans don't provide for their children and they die a slow excruciating death brought on by malnutrition, parasites from drinking stagnant puddle water and/or dehydration

It's not that they want to have kids. It's that the only thing fun for the guys to do is fuck. Well... rape. The women don't have a say.

>muh rape culture

It could be helped if the christfags would allow birth control in these impoverished nations, but they say it is a sin against god. So thousands of children starve to death daily because of religious believes.

Because animals instinctively breed with no thought of what happens afterward.

That would explain some but I doubt every starving child in africa was born from rape

and then they want you to donate $1000000 to help save the starving kids but they take that $ and buy Cadillacs and condos in the Caribbean

they are dumb bro

I will challenge that claim and raise it: all starving kids born in the middle east also cum from rape.

because they are all low life forms who can only eat shit and breed

Hey, if i had 100k i'd sink it into long term investments and quit my job to go back to college and become a more useful member of society.

no education, no birth control, no condoms, no decent government. ofcourse this isn't a problem in all of sub sahara africa.

in america, its because the government will.

>Middle Eastern men making anything other than a goat cum

I live in south Africa and meet many niggers that are in there 20s with multiple children. They live in a shack and drive a bmw.. There kids are starving or forced to eat the most vile food like porrage for every meal of the day.. They are savages that belong in shackles as slaves. Doing whatever there master demands. That is the only way blacks and whites can live together. They are a broken from of humans that are unwilling to evolve or join the human rat race. Many of them will decline a good job to stand on streets and beg for money because they enjoy the freedom and despise the white man who tries to help them live a sophisticated life.. Around here they are in charge of many big corperate companies.. They are running them straight into the ground because there tiny brains can't fathom how to build an empire. They only understand how to provide for themselves.

>Niggers gonna nig.

evolve to learn when to use 'their.'

Yeah but at least they know they'll be taken care of if they drop the ball.

Africans know that they don't have the resources to take care of them and they know that they'll starve to death but they have 6 anyway.

Because they get raped and don't have access to abortions.

There's some nice digits itt, congrats fellas.

basically this

Not even trying to be edgy, but they just don't have the intelligence or foresight to realize that it is a bad idea

Niggers is why

Cause contraception is evil white man plot to exterminate them. Same reason so many have aids