How do I rape my 18yo roomate?

How do I rape my 18yo roomate?

Has to be stealthy/she cant know it was me.

she deserves it.

>pic related her panties that I borrowed

>she deserves it.
what did she do to deserve it

she raped me

Only if we get to secretly rape you after. Faggot.

she teases me too much with her little pj shorts

You don't, virgin. Just do some other shit to fuck her up that wont mentally scar her for the rest of her life.

Like really, cum in her soup or something or piss in her corn flakes, something that doesn't ruin her entire fucking life.

>Tell her you're going to rape her
>instead commit sudoku on stream

Aww and you're an undesirable neckbeard. You lost the genetic lottery. Just kill yourself, get it over with, you will eventually anyway.

Those panties look yummy. Bet her pussy and ass smell so good

Rape that dirty pussy with a douche. Jesus christ she has some serious discharge.

tldr kys

they do, I have less dirty pairs too she smells and tastes the best when I pull a pair after she leaves for class. She must fap in the morning lots of clear pussy juice

So amazing when you can get them right after they take them off.. I used to get my sisters when they were still warm. Smell so strong it could knock you out

You deserved it.

That is fucking disgusting.
not having a gf makes me forget that humans are disgusting creatures.

Do you ever drink with her alone?

hnggh always wanted a laundry chute

I love dirty girls with dirty pussies and asses

you are cancer.
get off Sup Forums

no she drinks and so do I but not together.

She is shy and has a small circle

gross is your roommate a whale that doesnt bathe? it looks like she got a poopgina

Any ideas on how to secretly impregnate a girl?

the panties are size small



Some how get her to ingest about 4mg of xanax and have like two drinks and you'll be good to go

When we were younger my sister had pretty poor hygiene. She would shower and change panties only like once a week. I could cum from the smell of her panties alone, didn't even have to touch myself.

Slit her throat after you rape her, no one will ever know.

im scared that she will know that I slipped it to her.

Put your dick in her vagina while saying "i'm not your roomate at all"

Trust me, i did it and she say "hey someone who look exaclty the same as you raped me, but i know it's not you because he say so"

just be as slow as possible pulling her clothes down, slobber all over that vienna hero and just jab as quick as you can before she wakes up and can never, ever, ever sleep comfortably again and you can enjoy telling all your neighbors for the next decade that you like raping sleeping women. easy peasy


How about you man up get the girl to like you enough to fuck while you're both drunk.

that's why you have to go out drinking with her

Mfw sudoku*face palms*


Noting better than a cute girl with poor hygiene

That's adorable.


Turns 360 degrees and walks away from the newfag

Two words buddy...

Roofie Colada

Backtoreddit with you

Every time i see a pic of dirty panties i have to jack off

let's wait police you perv

Just have to wait your time untill one day she is asspiss drunk and then fuck her. But hkw about thou uses thou time instead to become hot playboy and seduce her? I mean jesus christ she is only 18. All it takes is a box of chocolates and a few nice words.

Take a pillow cover, do 1 turn of duct tape near the openning and do not tear off yet. Sneak behind her, put the pillow case on her head and do as many turn of duct tape as needed, fast. She wont be able to see much, will be able to breath to a minimum and any effort will make air rare in the pillowcase. Good luck user.

Just fuck her while she sleeps OP, she'll never notice your tiny dick.

>her panties you borrowed

OP borrowed her panties, put a shit stain in them and stretched them out with his fat ass

>calls someone cancer
>is cancer

B-but user-kun.. if you turned 360 degrees you'd still be facing the same way! Baka, desu desu desu.

ohohoh niufag rerereeee

go to a police station and ask for help

he meant on sudoku ok steam

easy. kill her in her sleep, then rape her. shell never know. or maybe marry her, shell go numb to you and will forget you exist.

How do they smell OP?

I wish kitty user would come around again

I love the smell of fresh ones too

get a room faggets

Only if you join us bb



thread died


I'm sure you are a whity


are you ok user?





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Fuck I hate you






Put something in her drink, Faggot.

Like your penis


your a fag Op. KYS.




Not sure if ignorant enough to be newfag or clever enough to be bait. Just to be safe, youre a fagoot

Fuck off normalfag

u r worse that that fagit Indian on snl


> not mentally scarring people for the rest of their life
Who are you, some professor or ethics? Suck this dig and gag, bitch!


Best place to buy online?

Also checked

so new
