Scott's Alien:Covenant

>Scott's Alien:Covenant
>Weaver starring in the Avatar sequels
>Blomkamp has to direct Gone World

How many delays can one movie have? And they're so certain they will make it. Siggi believes she's immortal now.

its not gonna happen

There will be an entire panel on Comic Con about it together with Cameron and the stars of Aliens to celebrate its 30th anniversary. It's gonna be made eventually but ironically Blomkamp's commitment to another movie might be the only serious delay because Scott will finish shooting his movie eventually and Weaver will probably only have a few scenes to make. I hope he drops this project.

Weaver has twice touted Blomkamp's vision in the media in the past few weeks. She wants it to happen.

But weaver died in avatar

I never asked for it.

Cameron wants all dead characters to be back for the sequels because it's sci fi.

Her heart will go on.

I hate Weaver. Why does she have to be in every single Aliens movie? Fucking hell lads

>I hate Weaver
These words are...strange to me

Agreed, that off-putting ass in the first film is legitimately the only bad scene in the original.

I can just feel the caesarians if she ever gave birth.

Sigourney needs the paycheck so she can take a break from talking to the nerds at cons.

Get the fuck out of my Sup Forums.

Nigga gtfo Siggy is best waifu

all the best women in hollywood are the ones who would never ever become stars if they were young now. Sigourney is one such person. Shes far too nice, far to not a vapid cunt to be successful were she alive today

only bad thing is her misguided comments about democrats (pro) and obongo

She's looking great for her age. And Michael Biehn too.
Maybe it won't be that bad. Scott releases Alien Covenant in August of 2017 and then he'll probably move on to other projects for a while (which he has a couple) before another Alien sequel. Weaver will shoot her scenes for Jim Cameron and Blomkamp will direct his movie in like 9 months or however it takes to shoot a movie. People in this industry usually work on many projects at the same time. I think they will start shooting around 2018.

You might as well rub your dick between two twiglets.



Wait she died? Fuck I forgot that even happened in the movie

I forgot half the people in Avatar f.a.m