He's really fucking doing it. Who else is pumped?

He's really fucking doing it. Who else is pumped?

Other urls found in this thread:


The wall has to be the most retarded idea ever. Do you really think it's gonna stop the spicks? They're just gonna get better at digging tunnels and don't tell me that they're gonna pay for it too. Beaners can't even afford shampoo, how the fuck are they gonna pay for a 2000 mile wall?

>inb4 lib cuck

me :3
The wall isn't the only thing he is doing.

>Beaners can't even afford shampoo, how the fuck are they gonna pay for a 2000 mile wall?
He is going to tax remittances and shit, user.

>federal resources
I though Mexico was gonna pay for it?

They are going to pay for it.

>>federal resources
>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources>federal resources

I was for the wall.

We're going to pay for it now?



Mexico won't pay for the goddam wall. You idiots were conned by a coastal liberal elitist.

Good thing I got the day off, I'm going to go protest.

They are still going to pay for it, user.
Just because they spend money on it first doesn't mean they aren't going to make mexico pay.


Hell yeah I'm pumped

I don't mind paying for the wall. As long as it gets up is all I'm concerned with.


No your not. And more importantly no one cares.

Oh yeah? I'll just pick up a new Ferrari with my own money. And you're going to pay for it. Believe me!

Am I the only one who got a little hard from reading that?

This. Ever heard of rope for climbing?

Did you even read the picture?

they are planning on reducing aid money going into mexico to use on the wall, so technically mexico is paying for it

Fuck yeah, its about time

What the fuck did you expect? TransCanada is totally going to only use US steel and not export it's shit to china too right? Ya dangus's got played. Get your asses ready for all that foreign cock you'll be taking for the next four years.

No they are not. He already said you and i are paying for it and mexico will reamberse us later which is a crock of shit.

American beaner here, build wall on the northern border of the US also pls, dont want them muslims and Canadacucks here.

kek, no, we're just paying them less

not the same thing moron, it's still the American tax payer who pays for it

>Ya dangus's got played.
>implying I voted for Trump

That's a plan I can stand behind! Fuck Yes! It's happening

I don't mind paying for it. Take my taxes and build a wall. It will offset the amount of money we have to pay for them in prison.

all in all you americucks are just another dick in the wall

Are you paid shills or actually retarded? Read the thread.

Yes! Raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it!

>building the whole wall on wednesday

He said it himself you fucking retard. Like im gonna believe you idiots on here.

A wall isn't going to do shit, and I doubt trump could get it done within his term.

The great wall of dipshit is impossible. It'll make the big dig look like putting up a few traffic cones. I think after this hits 10 billion, with absolutely no plan to pay for it, republicans will get wise. But maybe not. We'll see.

What are your sources? I'd like to know.

Read these:

yet we are paying no more than before the wall.. will we really notice it? no, but im sure mexico will

Tax breaks to keep jobs makes no fucking sense.

It just leads to higher taxes for those working the jobs. Making that money going to the "saved" jobs worthless to anyone but the rich.

>Easiest fix for the economy is getting rid of all tax breaks for large companies. And free college to allow people to get decent jobs rather than minimum wage robot work.

Imagine the outrage that will follow.
Trump will be hated around the world.
I can't wait for the millions of mental breakdowns.
I will cum buckets if that happens.

Lol why would canadians want to illegally immigrate to the US?

8. it's going to be worse than you think.

Do you know what happens when you tax the rich too much? They cut down on jobs and benefits that their companies provide to keep their profit margin up.

>falling for the college meme

>free college
Yeah, cause paying for every adult to get bullshit degrees wouldn't be far worse than wall. Are you some kind of special stupid?

Yeah im sure it will work out that. You really have that much faith in the system?


If you want socialism why don't you move, champ?

Fuck no, if we put up a wall then the liberal faggots will have a harder time fleeing to Canada.

>free college
>creating an ocean of edgy whiners with degrees
>internships becomes burger flipping for a dollar an hour more

We can install one-way cuck doors for them to crawl through.

How precisely does anyone think that Trump is going to force Mexico to pay half a trillion dollars on a wall they don't want and don't stand to benefit from?

>Are you paid shills or actually retarded?
I'm a paid shill, obviously.

Are you going to keep replying to this thread acting like you are a different person?
It's been posted more than once.

Shitposting aside, educated individuals have statistically high pay and consequently, pay more in taxes.

In other words, a more educated country means a better one.

You really think college really costs 50K? More like schools make boatloads hand over fist. It should be a meritocracy just like everything else. If you suck at it you get booted and someone smarter than you succeeds past you.

>half a trillion dollars
Oy vey one trillion shekels? Where are we going to get two trillion shekels?

this forever

>Criminal aliens

Oh I read it. What I'm asking is how exactly you think that this is going to work out. It's easy enough to write it down on paper and hypothesize about the response, another altogether in reality.

ok. so statistically a worthless subhuman with a degree will most likely get a high paying job. educated, therefore better

A quick reverse image of that and nothing shows up. That "plan" is about as bullshit as the wall itself.

>You really think college really costs 50K?
I don't remember saying it did. It's like you're just trying to put words in my mouth like a faggot who can't properly construct an argument.
>If you suck at it you get booted and someone smarter than you succeeds past you.
If you're poor and you don't want to put in the effort than someone better will come along and succeeds past you. Get gud loser.

Are you telling me breaking laws and entering the united states of America is not a crime?
I think he also might be referring to the ones with criminal records but I'm not completely sure. Criminals either way.
Exactly like it's written down?
We'll see. I mean, is it not going to work like that? What is going to stop him? The democratic majority in the house and senate?

Why build a door when we can build a trebuchet?

because it's a PDF

>entering the united states of America *illegally

Would you rather have an idiocracy? I could see why you'd favor it, given your responses thus far.

The hilarious part:

Trump contracted an Israeli company to design the wall. AND build the wall.

if i give you 10 bucks a day, and you owe me 50 bucks but refuse to give them back, i can just cut what i give you on a daily basis until i get back my 50 bucks(or even more i can add interest to that to give you incentive to give me the money willingly)

america supports many countries financialy and they are take a big portion of the market(especially mexico with which they share a border so transportation is cheapest) so they can also hurt trade which will impact the weaker mexico alot more than america

See, what he needs to do is build a giant electric fence that's been reinforced and dips down into the ground about 5 - 10 feet.

Or a wall that dips down 5 - 10 feet with self shooting guns.

Even better idea.
I sure hope Trump makes the second wall his priority for his next term.

>Most undocumented illegal immigrants came to America via plane
>Planes can fly over walls
>This makes it harder for them to come, work, and leave, so instead they stay
>We're already in debt, the next 5 generations will be paying for this pointless expense
>Good luck building this wall through towns, villages, and houses.
>I guess wildlife can go fuck it's self

Ah yes. I didn't realize stifling trade markets and swamping other countries economies has ~totally~ worked out well in the past.

I thought Trump was all for free market trade? Yet here he is, trying to strong arm someone already.

I just found it funny that they used the word "alien", nothing else. TBH, I don't give a shit about either north america or mexico.

Also, checked.


i would. nothing wrong with a student having an understanding what their education costs, by actually coming up with the money themselves. idiocracy, if you seriously want to believe thats what it should be called, would be fair

Ah I see. My bad. Although this isn't a whole lot better. It's just an outline of his plan while he was on the campaign trail. There is nothing truly official about it.

>free market trade
They're free to go elsewhere and trade.


You implied it. College costs an exorbitant amount because it is a for profit model. If it were a service provided by the state it would be subsidized. It wouldn't be as cutting edge but it would still be a higher guaranteed baseline.
>If you wanted to go to college you shouldn't have been born into a poor family

Do you have any idea how heavy a 20m tall wall would be? It already will dip a few meters underground.

Doesn't matter though. You can dig deeper than you can build upwards, and planes exist. This wall is as pointless as aircraft carriers.

Oh yeah, i forgot no one benifits from a college degree, and shit public education combined with unnafordable post secondary didn't create a nation full of ignorant peasants who think illegal immigrants and terrorists are the source of all there problems and that some elderly huckster hitler wannabe will fix everything by building a wall and pissing of the world.

Free college might be a long shot, but at least it would be a real attempt at fixing a broken system, rather than regressing to xenophobic policies.

You do realise there is already a fence stretching the entire border right? going though towns and villages etc
This wall is just a larger strong defence
Also please provide a source for most undocumented illegal immigrants come via planes... I'd love to read this, however I know for a fact it aint true.

>nothing wrong with a student having an understanding what their education costs, by actually coming up with the money themselves

So your issue with free education is you think students will take their education for granted since they aren't personally accountable for it, in the event that they drop out or fail a semester?

Then yes, that is a problem. But there are solutions to that you know.

That doesn't even make sense. Blocking or taxing trade between countries has historically been a terrible decision that benefits nobody.

not true at all.

this is awesome

Israel designs/constructs

America pays for it

wall = prison for murkans

>You do realise there is already a fence stretching the entire border right? going though towns and villages etc

My bad, it's about 40% of them that overstay their visa in such a manner. Go ahead and look it up.

Well, time to avoid paying taxes because I sure as hell ain't paying for that wall.

There is no way, NO FUCKING WAY, this plan will generate the revenue needed to pay for that wall. It's going to come out of our taxes, mark my words.



Fucking. This. This perfectly explains how retarded this is.

We are not paying for the wall, at least not directly, the Mexican goverment already signed some shit that says that nobody can sign that type of deal, niggas here in Mexico are not paying for that shit, its money that the corrupt politicians are going to lose, of course they arent going to agree to that

Go back to Sup Forums where opinions considered facts

>I thought Trump was all for free market trade?
I can't find it but in the last day I watched him say "but we don't have free trade, do we?" or something along those lines.
He is playing by the rules of the current system, user.

>You implied it
Nah, you just have to frame your argument because it can't even hold up under its own weight. It's a pathetic tactic that isn't fooling anyone.
>If it were a service provided by the state it would be subsidized.
So basically we should all pay out a shit ton more in taxes for a secondary public school system that will inevitably be just as bad as the public school systems that get shit on by superior private schools? No thanks.

Going to college isn't a right. If you aren't willing to put in the work to get scholarships, take on work to pay for bills, etc. then you don't deserve it. So basically, you are a crybaby loser who wants everyone else to pay for your useless degrees. Go fuck yourself.

Yeh. He's also gonna DEREGULATE markets, and add TAXES TO IMPORTS.

Do you MAGA retards not realize what that means? Remember trickle down? No company is going to move MFG home to avoid taxes. They pass that shit on and blame the president. See: Obamacare.

Gonna be real good for the economy to pay $300 more for cell phones and exponentially more for cars.

it's weird, because illegals contribute billions to the US economy

and republicans have made tons of money off of illegals (so have dems)

I wonder if they'll tolerate this fuckery

Honestly I highly doubt the wall is going to happen. Trump has flip-flopped on it so much. And general estimates of the cost of the wall are absolutely crazy. I do not think congress will allow it.

>which is a crock of shit.
Like everything else that wrinkly boulder of a politician in a trench coat says

you're trying to communicate with, and educate retards.