/got/ general

relationships edition

Azor Cersei

Azor Bran

why did this shit thread bypass my filters
fuck you op

are you triggered?

Serious question, how come Bran didn't just write a book called "The Dao of Jeet Kune Do" and then will himself out of paralysis so he could compete in a Kung Fu tournament?

good point. what was brans fucking problem

Why didn't Jon just sneak into Winterfell through the secret passageways and took it from within?

>inb4 no secret passageways

Maester Lewyn said they exist when he suggested Theon to escape.

Septa Nutella of the Most Devout is blessing this thread, even though it's full of edgy anons.

>No one cared who I was until I put on the hijab

If Jon's King in the North but Sansa's Lady of Winterfell, what happens when Jon gets a wife and kids?

Does he take Karhold or Dreadfort as his seat and makes Starks of Starkhold/Winterfell while Sansa lines becomes Starks of Winterfell aka the original and ancestral seat of the Kings in the North?

They're a generation or two away from civil war, she needs to die.

He restores the Nightfort to be his seat

Why doesn't Bran ever get enough screentime? How is it that they've managed to make him into some glorified tertiary character?

>Reminder that she is now a zombie onahole for a zombie rapist.

Fingers crossed for S7.

Nightfort is owned by the Night's Watch.

And Winterfell is still the ancestral seat. Sansa's kids or grandkids will bitch and say since they own the real seat in the North, the North is theirs and Jon was a bastard usurper with no right.

She needs to die.

He'll resume his command of the watch and be king at the same time. The watch is his Lightbringer and Ygritte was his Nissa Nissa

Don't worry Sansa will marry some southern/western lord and stop pretending to be a Stark at last.

Though I do hope she dies painfully.

>Jonautists are totally normal functioning members of society

First for Tralalalalaleeday

That Southern Lord better be weak as fuck, cause otherwise his kids with Sansa can still claim that the North is theirs by bloodright and that Jon's a fucking usurper

Who is the Uchiha Madara of Game of Thrones?

Night King, cause like Madara it'll turn out he's just the puppet of another even more powerful being.



Also Bran is the "rightful" Lord of Wintefell and he's not going to die anytime soon. Sandra is nothing.

Bran's gonna abdicate and become some maester like dude they consult.

Or die also


post yfw Vale completely absolutely destroyed Ramsey's army.

What if she married Littlefinger? Would her kids take the name Baelish?


arya apparently

He doesn't need to become a maester. He's much more. He would reign over Winterfell for a hundred years, and probably legitimize Jon just to fuck with that useless roastie Sandra Bolton.

Maybe, depends if he keeps Harrenhal and is thus at her level social status wise.

If he does, yeah, her kids would be ... Baelish.

Presumably he founds house snow and the bastards of the north get a new surname

Would any current Snows have to change their names, to something like Frost?

And if I were him I'd drop the Snow and make my own name

Lady Stonesmirk passing through

thats fucking stupid, ramsay simply became known as ramsay bolton

>this is what branfags believe

more of a zombie lover desu

and I'm sure giant septa will love him back some day.

>salsafags are so delusional they actually think that a woman twice married has any right to the holdings of her original house
>they think that her pussy sons (if she even survives to have ones) would be able to claim the name of House Stark

Just as retarded as your waifu.

He's already a legit targaryen since Lyanna and Rhaegar was wed and will be fully and officially recognized as such by Dany, and he'll marry her and become king.

Bran or Sansa will further the Stark line in Winterfell.

>inheritance goes away cause you get married
>claims based on ancestry go away cause you get married

wew lad

>marry a barren chick
>not Dany having him marry someone else to give House Targaryen more meaningful alliances

user please

Dany can't sit the throne when Jon is further ahead of her in succession. The only way for her to sit alone is if Jon's dead and Dany won't murder her beloved brother Rhaegar's son.

Do you think Catelyn has rights for Riverrun as well, lel? women don't inherit a thing as long as there are male heirs. Sansa isn't even a real Stark. Unlike Jon she never learned and followed the Stark traditions and legacy, she despised the North, no one wants her for queen and she'll be a terrible one.

Cat does have a right to riverrun.

She'd be right behind Edmure and his son.

You're retarded m8. Sansa and her kids would have a claim to the North, doesn't matter who she gets married to


>Jon is further ahead of her in succession.

She can with dragons and the biggest army.

She squanders House Targaryen if she marries him. They'd have no kids. If she doesn't die before him, House Targaryen would be dead. He has to marry outside of the family. And him marrying someone for alliances to House Targaryen would work, not like he'll try and raise an army to fight her to get the crown no matter his rights in succession.

>beloved brother Rhaegar's son.

She didn't love Rhaegar, and he didn't love her, inb4 harmless courtesy, a lie, take it out.


>not retarded


It would be hilarious if after all the time she spent saying the throne is hers by rights, she learns and believes Jon's next in line and doesn't care.

Oh, my sweet little queen

I suppose you think Littlefinger is retarded as well?
given that they're basically the same character? oh but Littlefinger has a dick so that makes him a genius and the greatest character of all time, and sansa doesn't so that makes her a camera or a retard.

I dont get it, why is the general still being made?
The season is over, theres like 300 replies from 20 posters to these things usually
and theres nothing left to discuss
fucking stop making this trash

Does she think of margaery to escape in her mind, when Gregor's inside her?

Yeah, because he was legitimized by the king.

Wouldn't it look stupid if Jon legitimized himself? People would whisper that he was stealing Sansa's birthright

They will become torture buddies, that's for sure.

The most hilarious thing will be that after she hyped her dragons so much, they will freeze and go into hibernation once winter takes hold in Westeros.

>same character

Fuck off back to tumblr dumb roastie, Sansa is retarded because she is retarded and she's nothing like Littlefinger, if you think so you're retarded as well.

>and theres nothing left to discuss
there's plenty left to discuss.

if you could GIVE and RECEIVE rimjobs from 2 characters in GoT or asoiaf (1 give, 1 receive) who do you pick?

also worthy of note-

Robb's requirements for his heir is that they:
>Are a Stark
>Knows Winterfell

He also only dismisses Sansa in the case that her husband who is from an enemy House might inherit Winterfell (Tyrion or Ramsay)

And he only dismisses Bran, Rickon and Arya if they're dead (because they weren't, that means they are still legitimate contenders. Except for Rickon in the show).

Jon is only in line if all of Eddard's children die.

People don't care about Sandra or her """""birthright""""" (which she forfeited when she married 2 enemy houses)

People like Jon and follow him, literally crowned him King in the North without him even asking.

>a hound-chicken-poster's opinion on sansa

I'M actually happy you think she's retarded. because you're obviously a pleb with no critical judgment so if you thought sansa was smart tht'd be bad news.

Receive a rimjob from yunkai whore, give one to Sansa after she's shitted out Ramsay's seed and cleaned herself properly

I'm pretty sure that the knights of the vale would, since Sweetrobin sent them to help his cousin

Spoken like a true lebbitard

>was ded
>jon snow brought to life with no consequences whatsoever
How has jon snow changed after he has been resurrected?

weird I'd do this the other way around.
then again yunkai whore was probably assfucked by every sellsword in essos.

he hasn't

the show is non-canon btw

Not that user but they were sent to help her, not crown her.

North did that by itself.

And even Royce got up

Maybe we'll find out later

Even Davos got up. Jon has noble support from Bear Island to the Vale and the Stormlands.

>jon gets resurrected
>everybody treats like it's a run of the mill thing

Thefuck is the little girl saying?

Of course, and it really confuses Gregor when Nutella smiles and calls him her sweet little queen at inappropriate moments.


it only takes one good solid hard anal raping to make a woman love you. Daenerys taught us this, it is known.

It is known

>Everyone doesn't immediately convert to Melly's faith

r'hllor is fucked up though

would you convert to islam if an Imam brought a Saudi Prince back to life?


>it only takes one good solid hard anal raping to make a woman love you
Do you think he will let septa peg him?

Bearloli just made Jon a king, how long until she crowns him with her maidenhead?

3 years?


every character feels tertiary. it's all stretched too thin.

7 seasons is a fail formula

Lewd Nutella, better pray these thoughts away between the rapes

Mountain vs. Viper was the peak of GoTkino

go ahead, prove me wrong, you literally can't

>3 years
Sooner than that. She's clearly wet for him in that scene.

But she hasn't bled yet.

I miss Oberyn and Tywin...

she is so kawaii uguu~

she'll be old by next season, and they can be togethr in the show?

>pureblood northern stark
>looks and acts like a TULLY FUCKING SHIT

lel no

She'll be 11 at best by next season.

She'll have to be patient


So they changed Asha and Robert Arryn's names to avoid confusion, but had two different Lyannas in prominent roles in two consecutive scenes?

Reminder that from a third party view (like the ones the northern lords would have) Jon:
1. Led a charge into the Bolton army while having less men
2. Singlehandedly cut a bloody path through them to reach winterfell
3. Fucked Ramsay up in single combat and then honorably let him live.
4. Won the battle with aid from his allies The Vale, who had so far stayed out of all conflicts
So not only does this make him a masterful warrior and incredibly lucky, the force of his leadership is enough to move lords that didn't want to be moved.

>not the original king in da norf

There's always the mouth and the butt.

Who? You mean Sandra Lannister-Bolton?

So how long until Bran mindrapes Salsa and makes her his new Hodor?

>Being aspergers enough to even make one of these

>t. Snow

That's forbidden love and no way to treat a Lady of 10.


Reminder that from a third party view (like the ones the northern lords would have) Jon:
1. Pulled a leeroy jenkins, almost got himself killed as well as his army destroyed
2.Butchered innocent men who were just doing as their lord bid them
3. Threw Ramsay to the dogs, when a true northerner would have executed him himself
4. Would have lost if not for the Vale
5. Used wildlings and southrons, which the northerners wouldn't like.
all in all, a shit king