American cuisine

american cuisine
>lets appropriate italian cuisine and put it on a stick

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If it's good there is no problem with the stick.

whats wrong with american cuisine

Have fun with your greasy 3rd world hands nigger.

straya here, no niggers

Greeks invented pizza, mate
>nice bait

wtf is THAT?

What is this? Is it a fail.? Or it should be like this?


cant tell if moron or bait

no fucking way. they deepfry butter and put sugar on it?? no fucking way, cant be true

>he literally went out of his way to save a picture of pizza slices on the stick after searching for it in a search engine

Greeks invented buttfucking adolescent boys, not pizza you fucking motard.

>>he literally went out of his way to save a picture of pizza slices on the stick after searching for it in a search engine
what do you do with your life?

Common myth. They were actually buttfucked BY little boys.


>>>he literally went out of his way to save a picture of pizza slices on the stick after searching for it in a search engine
>what do you do with your life?

>Posting on Sup Forums


"Cuisine" - You uncultured swine.

how tf do you write it?

i threw up, fucking disgusting. have a salad

>literally the same word

>cultural appropriation
>Literally suburban white people bitching about other white people

That's not even italian pizza. That's americanized pizza.

thats coz black people have no culture

Is that with regular semen, or double semen?

Pizza is Chinese

>But muh drums and hip hop

nah they have a culture.

It's much easier to say that black culture is the problem... instead of black people.

Lets just go with that.

don´t be so harsh on our fat friends from overseas.
you cannot expect a country that existed for only about 500 years to have any type of culture.

thinks he's any better.

This is true. Black people that adopt white culture are, in my experience, perfectly fine.

Black people that embrace black culture are trash without exception. White people that embrace black culture are trash without exception. Asians and Hispanics that embrace black culture are trash without exception.

So it's probably the culture.

you missed the point like your father's missed all of your ballet recitals.


My question is why don't more people know that you can just paste any image source link directly in your upload instead of actually saving images?

I haven't saved an image in years. I just use the temporary file my browser creates upon seeing an image.

cause greentext is a measure of value in the realworld.
grow up

>Everything I do online must relate to real world skills
You must be a terribly dull person to be around.

social skills boi.
but i won't blame you, probably never heard of those.

Cuisine is by definition appropriation and mixing, in its most abstract and concrete sense

>he can't even green text
This is basic shit user, how stupid do you think I am?

So since everything YOU do relates to your social skills, that means you go around in real life being a little bitch like you are now?

because I just do it for a hobby, I feel bad for you if you're like this in real life.



nahh, just like winding up little faggots like you for shit's and giggles

Fried mothafuckin butter

Kill yourself

Sure.. sure

We have a culture - it's of independence, freedom, kicking ass, and not giving a shit about other cultures.
Almost like modern day Vikings without the mead and not quite as much rape.

The best cuisine

why not just grow out your beard so u can call urself muslim so when u go back to arabia the families of ur ancestors can see thru ur feeble lies

mhhh your butthurt makes me hard faggot.

Modern pizza isn't Italian. Which part don't you understand?

͏>posting disgusting southern/carnival food
The majority of Americans agree these are not to be eaten, but I have never seen or even heard of pizza on a stick ever. My guess is that it is just some obscure monstrosity someone came up with.

im sure you just tossed one?

explain faggot, proof/history instead of saying "kek, italian, yeah sure haha".

Not sure why you think I'm butthurt but probably has to do with your shitty social skills.

come on sweetcheek's, don't stop now!

240 years

But I'm not stopping anything. I'm still going.

>faggots talking shit about others countries because they need reasons to love their own shithole.

Muh country gratest. cuz food this and that.

honestly anyone feeling pride and patriotism for its country is a fucking retard cuck.

Uh, considering "the culture" is open nihilism it is genuinely racist against whites that anyone takes black culture seriously. I can't believe anyone televises or publishes any of it, it's all completely unrepentant nihilism, materialism and calls for racial and gender terror.

If I need a reminder that liberals are full of shit all I have to do is throw on nigger music and listen to the actual lyrics where the guy outright says he doesn't care if he dies tomorrow and the only thing there is to do with his life is party, steal and terrorize whites.

Given the people performing and producing the music couldn't possibly live this way and still do anything it's uh...well I'm sorry, but it's the fucking jews. A black man may have shot my father but I'm going to take it out on a jew.

true, people from america shouldn't be allowed to cook

but would you really know? come on, show me that tight ass of yours.
show me how hurt it is.
i'll even lift up your skirt for ya.

I've tried deep fried butter. Because why the fuck not?

It's... not great. It's fine I suppose, because the crispy batter absorbs a lot of the butter, and what you're really eating is butter soaked deep fried breading, but getting a mouth full of melted butter is less than spectacular.

How'd you know I was wearing a skirt?

the tomato is an asian fruit my nigga, italians didn't invent pizza. they invented flat bread with cheese and basil. its not the same fucking thing as what op posted

common butthurt faggot trait

fucking fried butter?

>thinking mozzarella is just cheese
never seen one

I was asking about me not you.

Genuine italian pizza is a little different.

And he's probably referring to the whole greek pizza thing.

Yup cause why the fuck not?

user is partially right though, the whole point of fried butter is to be completely ridiculous. It is the thing they serve at amusement parks or carnivals as a kind of joke food next to all the other fried goods. I have no doubt that some lardasses actually like that shit though. I personally find it gross.

That looks pretty tasty. 10/10 would eat.

Since op is a faggot.
>pizza in Italy sucks assholes
>hands don't get greasy from eating the pizza
Not american and this seems like an alright idea

genuine italian pizza is equal to niggerbread

It's watery and just straight up disgusting in general.

same fucking idea. if this is original italian pizza and you put more meat and butter on it, that doesn;t make it american.
Learn history, dullard.

Tomato is a south american fruit mah nigga

love it when they fight back, so cute

>Whole leaves
Put some meat on that shit nigga, leaves are for herbivores, vegans and trees

>pizza in Italy sucks
if you eat Abdul's pizza
also never got greasy hands from eating pizza you're just unable to eat

You're both pretty girls, now let's go back to shitting on Americans and they're disgusting(glorious) greasy cheesy food.

america>europe>south america

I have never seen anyone actually eat one of these monstrosities, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some of my cunt friends or acquaintances eating one.

>Genuine italian pizza is a little different.
>And he's probably referring to the whole greek pizza thing.

Shit looks like pizza with leaves on it lmao u fucking kidding me

pizza was invented by romanians you dumb fuck

Bitch I know I'm pretty.


And at least it's not Chicago Deep Dish. That shit's backwards.

Bread, a thin layer of sauce, cheese. That's how it should be. Not bread, cheese, and then an ocean of sauce.

you should try mozzarella di bufala though

Who's ready for some next level za?


Anyone who likes deep dish only likes it because that is what they grew up with or "muh state/city pride" and wont admit they are wrong when confronted with superior alternatives.

why didnt he like that?

tomatoes are from south america, dumbass

So who invented tomato?


Originally from asia though, they migrated when the land masses were connected via alaska

thats murica, steal everything like food, culture, science, music and call their own. then on the end they blame China for copying stuff...

If we're going back that far, we might as well say that all fruits are actually just really complicated algae.