Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

i was born with 2 legs, should i support leg pride too? or arm pride?

Pride is for personal accomplishments only.

Acting like you're worth a shit just because you were born lumped into a group with some people who were/are better than you is something niggers do.

Doesn't support white pride.
Finishes by calling blacks niggers

everyone calls each other a nigger here and most of us are white.

Doesn't make it not racist.

saying a word hardly makes anyone racist

Anyone who can be offended by a generalization deserves it, don't care what group they're in.

??? Nobody said it wasn't racist, faggot

And being racist doesn't mean you automatically support white pride

I'm not a racist faggot, that's why. Go emulate Der Fuher and suck start a gun.

because you suck.
fuck you, nazi scum!

Respect my privileges, nigger faggots.

because soros is paying way too good, nwo ftw, reptile masterrace reporting in

This again?
1 I'm not a nigger who needs to scrape events or do years of research to find something I can be proud of as a whitie.
2 I'm not a nigger who needs other members of his ethnicity to do something worthy to be proud of because he, himself never did anything he can be proud of, most likely because he's incapable.
3 I'm not a nigger to be so insecure about my ethnicity that I need to group up with other insecure niggers to feel secure.
4 this shit as well as nazis is associated with sucking hitler's dick. As much as I'm all about hating niggers and being proud of my whiteness, I'm already sick and tired of people thinking I'm fingering my ass while looking at hitler's pic just because I'm racist, or because I don't feel ashamed for being white. Hitler was a loser, the german nazism was a shit and a fail, everyone who thinks that or he is an example to be followed is a whore and a faggot with no imagination to come up with something better, more efficient and stable while remaining racist and self esteemed.

I've never heard of any meaningful or productive event the WPWW has organised, therefore I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to be proud of if I've became a member/supporter.



Pride is a sin. Sinning is for niggers and gingers

Because I don't want to be beat up.

I did not choose my color, nor did I earn it.
Why should I be proud of something that was not my own accomplishment?

you arent that smart are you?

> being human
> imagining that being proud of that is a thing

You all disgust me.

OP is a faggot
gas the kikes
fuck niggers

t. fingol masterrace

But I am.