I feel bad for bill

I feel bad for bill

At the end of the day hes not a bad guy more a tragedy of circumstances.

Nah, he was a crazy asshole who abused his family.

pretty much this he wasn't relatable 2bh

any man can break when it's 100 degrees outside

Hi, reddit.

Only office drones can understand this movie. If you've never been an office drone, fuck off.

Hello yourself, fellow redditor

I get that but im a janitor and i relate to him some myself.

hello 16 year old reddit edgelord


Literally no evidence of this in the movie. The man was just trying his best to follow the American Dream as it was presented to him by society and he was constantly frustrated in this goal by outside factors. He had the best of intentions for his family.

Also, his dog was happy to see him and sad when he was gone. That should tell you everything.

Literally me: The character

Thats how i feel myself tho i dont find all his actions just but to be honest you still feel bad for the guy at the end of it.

Also Robert Duvall is so goofy in it.

Didn't really give him the right to rampage through a town.

Your right as i said he wasnt just he had a choice at the end but i guess bill understood he was wrong and did what he felt was right.

he was a victim of circumstance - lots of shitty circumstances happening back to back. a really bad day

also mentally unhinged and had finally snapped by the time he executes the milsurp store owner

He didn't kill the guy

He killed that Sup Forumstard

The neo Nazi guy kinda had it coming

Why were there so many great tonally inconsistent movies in the 80s and 90s?

Why don't we get them anymore?

>Literally no evidence of this in the movie.
Is there not a home video he watches where he sees himself being abusive to his family?


just his cunt wife, she was being a bitch and making it hard to film his daughter like the dumb cocksleeve she is. he should have shot her with the RPG at the end of the movie.

>I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?

Did any chain fast food restaurant have to have their employees wear hats like this?

that cashier wanted his dick so bad

It wouldn't surprise me if they did

>if a man ever gets mad at his wife, he literally becomes hitler and they should get divorced

>not the bad guy
>that's what Sup Forums and /r9k/ actually believe

Can't make this shit up

What about the cholos who harass him?

I haven't seen this movie, but why would it be included if it's not meant to say something about his character?

>I haven't seen this movie,
right. opinion discarded.

It wasn't an opinion, it was a question. Why would a scene of him yelling at his wife be included if it isn't meant to be indicative of how he treats her?

>not relatable

>not having to suffer the daily commute to work
>not having to work a job where you get dropped like a hot potato
>not getting extorted by foreign shop owners
>not being harassed by beggars
>not being fucked over by fast food restaurants
>not having an asshole bother you over a payphone
>not having a bitch of an ex-wife

Somebody's clearly never worked a day in their life

This and Office Space are the quintessential films for the disenfranchised white-collar worker

that's a very diabetic thing to say

>not getting extorted by foreign shop owners
What does being foreign matter?
>not being fucked over by fast food restaurants
Boo hoo I don't want to follow the rules and couldn't get by greasy breakfast burrito

These are things bitter assholes make into problems in their lives, they aren't root problems at all. Get over it

Are you really doing this right now

The scene with the videptape clearly shows that dude was an asshole who ruined his own marriage. It's a very important scene in the film because it changes the way you view his character.

>not realizing that the constant wearing down day after day of being exposed to these small things can make somebody snap in the most hyperbolized manner

Doing what?

When I've had a bad day I get mad easily too, doesn't make McDonalds or convenience store workers my enemies. Have some sense

nope, you're wrong. he is a bad guy, you can still feel bad for him, but he's a bad guy

>he's never experienced mis-directed rage

Keyword there would be misdirected, you seem to be implying it's ok to act like Douglas does or relate to him comically overblown rage

And no, I have enough self awareness to know why I'm miserable and not project it on to other people

is this movie good
i just bought it last week and might watch it tonight or tomorrow

>he's never surrendered to his base nature and reverted to the primordial self

Because it was indicative of how she was a worthless whore.

yeah pretty decent try it

Not only is there no evidence, there is actually evidence to the contrary.
A police officer actually outright asks the wife if he ever hit her or the kid, to which she says he didn't, it just "felt like he might".

She simply picked up on all of his frustration with the world, and assumed he's going to flip out at them, while the movie makes it clear that nothing is more important to him than his family, and his frustration was never directed at either of them, just at the structure of the world.

It's less of an indication of what he's like, and more of what the wife saw him as.

He was a tense, frustrated man, but it wasn't because of the wife in particular.

Why? Cuz he wasn't nice? Despite helping the guy

What an absurd world you live in.

>This character did nothing wrong.
>Wasn't he an abusive asshole to his family?
>No. There is literally no evidence of that.
>What about the part where he's being an asshole to his wife on film?

No, it makes him an asshole. Holding McDonald's employees at gunpoint and all the customers hostage because he couldn't get the food he wanted makes him an asshole.

What does being foreign matter?

Are you asking why letting someone into your country only for them to extort you is not a problems

t. nigger on welfare

he literally makes her daughter cry and become more angry about that

but yeah, he was "good" according to tv

Its not that it's OK, but everyone who has to deal with society has an innate fantasy of just flipping the fuck out and getting an egg mcmuffin at 10:45. Its not justified, or vindicated, but that doesn't mean it isn't incredibly relatable.

>what the wife saw him as.
Was his wife the video camera? I agree, he didn't hit his wife or kid, and he does love them, but that doesn't mean acting like a fountain of impotent rage at your loved ones isn't still shitty behavior, and honestly, is abusive.

Its meant to be kind of tragic, if he hadn't been so pent up all those years he would probably still have his family. Instead he bottles it up until he finally cracks and leaves a swatch of destruction across LA. He thinks of himself as a hero until he sees that video, he looks in the mirror and doesn't see the good guy looking back. He struggles with himself, and tries to redeem himself by drawing the squirt gun. Like a twisted version of "you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

I saw it as more of him realizing that he didn't fit in society. He was so out of place when he was going around town. This is why he decided to get killed instead of suffering in this world he knew he wouldn't fit in.

He let his circumstances define him to the point where he had no self agency.

Abusive is a bit strong. He was certainly being controlling and overbearing, though.