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Sup Forums
How do i stop fapping?

Other urls found in this thread:

get a hobby

Cut off your head

The big one or the little one

(you never stop)

get a fucking life


think of every girl you'd fap to is your mom


Observe &Report.

that'd be hot

not haha! or cum ofc

Well, you don't. Just fap less.

i think you should kill yourself

Chastity. Might as well throw away the key.

stop forcing this meme


By changing the "f" to "t". Go get some

I thought I was the only one trapped in this hell.

It's not that I want to quit for religious or moralic reasons, it's just that I'm tired of the arounds, having to get rid of the sweat and odor, needing to change clothes because I'm disgusted of cumstained pants, etc.

But I just can't keep myself from fapping, even if I manage to go one day without and the urge wears off, after a few days it's just like I never stopped.

Why the fuck can't I beat this rigid fucking useless shit instinct? It's driving me insane I#m a modern human the most advanced thing to exist at the moment and I can't even stop myself from fucking my hand to internet porn.

Your fapping is most likely an adddiction of sorts, you do it when you're bored and have nothing else to do. The best way to stop is to preoccupy yourself with something IE. An addicting game, a building project craft something in real life. Find a new form of entertainment that you don't want to stop doing and take your mind off fapping. If you don't have enough time to fap and have your mind full of other things then your brain will mostly forget about the addiction.

TL;Dr get a fuckin hobby and try something new faggot

don't you think I've tried that
don't you think I've gone that far
it doesn't work
dick win everytime

If you give no effort you get no results. And if that doesn't work chop your yogurt gun off

I'm not gonna detach my dick for this.

get married


Better go the effort route then

mind not strong enoguh
send monsters to level willpower NAO

Is there even glory on cutting of your dick just to see your pics being not even spread around a fucking shithole like Sup Forums? Never in a million of years,never if i had a sexuality confusion i would ever cut off my penis just like that. wtf

Suck cock.
Though you would have a harder time quitting that

It's called delivering
it's the Sup Forums equivalent of honor and glory
althought more like what's normal and not-delivering being a shame

it is not healthy to stop it finally. so go get a girlfriend or fap from time to time.

or do you fap to much like more than once, twice per day in average. then stop fap for a week and see the merits.

your thoughts will be all about sex and what exactly is than the difference to fap all the time.


>delivering that typo of delivery without any purpose

Yeah,cuz honor and glory on Sup Forums makes you the absolute god,you're even more lower scum level of a fucking total loser topkek

I'm not saying it's good you plankton shitlord
also sorry for being german and not being gifted with the perfect understanding of your worthless scum language

thats because your being occupied yourself being cucked by the rapefugess ahahha

im truly sorry that you are part of the worst country in the worldi,i really mean it

>Fap once every 3 days
>Each fap last for about a hour an a half
>Edgying to control dick
>Have a God tier ejaculation sending you straight to heven

I actually believe in my system despite my country being filled more and more by idiots like you.
You're so full of shit you don't even know what it's like here in germany the literally only effect these people have on my life is me sometimes seeing them in 1€ shops and shit.
I'm fed up with all the"racism" or "islamophobia" or whatever it's formally called considering it's against all refugees in general, it's irrational and based on nothing but disbelief in the system. your arguments are and ever have been weak.
There are of course going to be comments on this instantly because everyone in here is a 30 year old fat or superbuff retard who can't handle reality right and seeks company in their retardness.
tl;dr I hate you

another german here. deleted two times the text i wanted to write. dont want to insult anybody else here.

>worst country in the world


>literally words from a cuck

Enjoy your country being taken over by terrorist,and when you gonna cry later cuz a member of your family got killed by one of them,just remember this comment of a random user on the internet telling you the truth

shut the fuck up idiot
you're literal sheep