Drinking time Sup Forums

Drinking time Sup Forums

What are you guys liquorizing today? Pic related for me, cheapest whiskey i can find and ginger ale.

Pretty good, pretty cheap gets you smashed what more could youwant right? I've also got a bottle of strong cider waiting for me if this day gets any worse.

Side question, when do I actually become an alcoholic?

Just finished my last exam yesterday and i plan on being drunk for the next few days, but unfortunatley all my friends seem to be busy.

A lot of the time when I'm drinking they seem to be busy; strange.

Really? Even no one on Sup Forums wants to drink with me?

Come on guys I need a laugh, post ben garrison pictures or something at least

I'm on some heavy pain meds from an infection that was removed, or I'd be raising a glass with you, OP. If you like blended scotches, though, try to find a bottle of Grants. It's my favorite blended scotch and a 750 is like 12 bucks.

Or if you're really in dire straits, you can get Benchmark bourbon for less.

When you're pregaming on a 12 pack and still outdrinking your friends at the bar, you know you're an alcoholic.

It's not a good thing. I've been there.

>blended scotch and ginger ale

Go be 15 years old somewhere else.

What does the relation between the amount consumed in comparison to friends have to do with an alcohol addiction. You become an alcoholic when u can no longer have fun or function without it. There are many, many kinds of drinkers and they share one thing in common and that thing is alcoholism

Im not in the states I'm in the UK and I this is the cheapest I can find apart from literal supermarket brand which i just can't bring myself to buy. Think it cost me like £14 which is what? 20 dollars?

What pain meds are you on by the way?

See, that sounds like something i could do, maybe not quite to that extent but I'm ALWAYS the drunkest one there. Its something of a joke in my friend group that im an alco.

Also where you a drink everyday guy or a bender for a few days then of the sauce for a bit guy?

I'm poor, this is cheap. Any recommendations?

If you give me money for drink, im drink with you

You don't mix whiskey, tf is wrong with you?

It just goes down too easy bud, picrelated

I'm more of a drink to get fucked kinda guy not drink for the taste

But half cheap whiskey half ginger ale tastes damn good

You got paypal? I can spare you £10

Are you mixing cheap ass whiskey with even cheaper ass ginger ale? Ask yourself why noone wants to drink with you, you teenage slut.

Yes, got [email protected]

Where ice? You dont put ice?

ginger ale by schweppes is not cheap. actually its "premium" ginger ale

Alright sorry what should i be drinking to be cool? I missed that lecture in douchebag university

Vodka with juice?

Ideally i would have ice and a slice of lime but that requires walking to the shop and also there is no room in the freezer so im making do

Drinking myself at thome, because i'm depressed as shit.

20 yo/ kissless virgin with no friends or life, social anxiety also included ..

greets from germany ..

I've found that personally, drinking whiskey straight has gotten me more fucked up and pretty much eliminated hangovers in the morning. Only downside is your liquor disappears quicker. I'll usually down a bottle in a sitting.

Juice? What juice? Orange juice?

Good too have you Germanbro, jim beam honey is good shit, how much that cost you over there?

Also I don't know if it will work for you but it helped me, try and get a job where you are forced to interact with people. It really sucks at first but helps with your social skills

I like with apple, but dont mix

I mean, at least use beer instead of ginger ale. We could drink together, then.


Have fun in hell

Believe it or not, where I live it is vry hard to come across ginger beer in bulk for some reason

Sucks because I love that shit

Now were talking. How is that? Id love to try it

>how much that cost you over there?

It costs max. 13,99€ ( 15,03 USD) :)

> try and get a job where you are forced to interact with people.

Well, i have a trainee as an office management clerk, but there are no people at my age, and i also have no social circle.

>tfw you are only 20 and trying to drink you to death.

Drink from 15 yo, lol

Believe it or not I've never gotten a hangover even from drinking everclear. Every couple months I'll drink at least half of one of these bottles in a night.

Christmas was fun. Buddy told me to put it in eggnog and I did, surprisingly enough it didn't taste that bad at all with eggnog half and half.

I say this when I usually sip it through a straw because I'm retarded. Don't listen to me.

> Recovering from pill addiction. Have taken too many a few times. I feel ya

Didn't mean to greentext

gin tonic
with really expensive gin and very cheap tonic

check your liver and your blood.

Damn why does my country have to be so expensive for drink when we are all alcoholics

That would be minimum of £15 over here, and i mean on sale at christmas or something

Just try and talk to as many people as possible, I know thats shit advice but I know fuck all so its the best i got bud

We dont have eggnog here, I always here about it but have no idea what it is

If your gonna use a good gin, I'd use a good tonic

I'd recommend fever tree tonic if you can get it

This is what the eggnog mix looked like. Looks pretty nasty. I think I had kahlua and butterscotch schnapps in there too now that I think about it.

>We dont have eggnog here, I always here about it but have no idea what it is

19 average joe
Family issues been drinking almost daily since i was 14

Looks like оладушки

My mother drinking since i was born, lol

Feels bad

You keep in contact with her?? My mom was an alcoholic but not really bad until I was already like 16 or so. I don't talk to my mom nearly at all

So, but i m drinking since 15, and all is normal

think i started drinking when i was 14 too

Drinking got a lot less fun when it wasnt illegal anymore

You should try and talk to here more, my mother is my favourite person in my life

I live with her from born since 16 yo

Do u get wasted often?

I never drank for fun, I drank to escape family issues because i was a pussy, now i drink to escape college stress because im still the same pussy.

Unfortunately mine is a piece of shit lowlife who takes advantage of anyone willing to be kind enough to give her a helping hand. She's been pretty unstable over the last few years. Lives in a different state now, halfway across the country.

I dont drink anymore, I am done with that pathetic, destructive life.

Yes, i wasted 2 times by police, after this I drinking only in house

If you're gonna mix it, then you did the right thing buying cheap. I buy something similar (it actually comes in a plastic bottle) when I make Whisky Sours.

It's what... 5:45 now. I'll probably go to the offy in an hour or so and pick something up.

Good lad, I'm guessing your from the UK then? Never seen whiskey in a plastic bottle.

Cause its cheap and gets me drunk and combine this with weed.
Been doing this for seven years daily.
I am trying to quit, without any help.
But sometimes i think i should get some as its running my life

It's from Morrisons. It's really cheap. About £7 for a 75cl bottle. Tastes like shit, and gives me a sore throat if I drink it neat. But I mix it with Sour Mix so it's just for the 40%. Or more like 35% cos it's cheap shit.

wrong pic
to drunk

Guys, I usually drink a bottle of wine when I want to drink but I'm thinking about moving on to whiskey to save money and to get drunk on less.

So... I've been thinking of Evan Williams the basic shit. What do you guys think.



you fucking faggot. truly amateur hour in here. here is my yesterday.

Sup Forums&under

Go with label

Cheap whiskey is awful. It's only good for mixing.

You should really be looking at the bottom end of the single malts, or mid range blends if you're going to drink it on its own.

There's nothing that I recommend in that range that everyone is gonna hate on cos they're shit.

But I quite like Chivas Regal for a good blend. But you're still talking £20 a bottle here in the UK.

Yeah, I never get wasted since I always drink in my apartment.

I dont want to spend a lot. i'mthinking evan williams and soda will do.

You can drink the flavored evan williams straight on the rocks

No morrisons in Northern Ireland unfortunatlely

I'd hardly say unfortunately. It really is rotten whisky.

I would suck your cock dry for a bottle...

if you look like a twink then i would give your a bottle.

and more!

About to start on this

Shakes are starting to set in, not bad enough to actually walk down to the liquor store yet. I'll need to before 5:30ish tonight to stop the sweats before they start.

Drink about a 750ml a day, sometimes 1.5l if I can't sleep. Don't get to the point where your body depends on it to counteract all the extra "GO!" chemicals your body is producing because you're retarding your system daily.

Honestly just waiting to die.

How old are you now, and how long have you been drinking?