Cmon now guys

Cmon now guys

"No matter what happens, I'll always be there for you."

I need your help. I have a really swollen penis and I don't know how to fix it. What should I do?

Wanna make $20 dollars?

So close

I've been having dreams about you lately, and I want to make them a reality

send nudes

I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out and do it. I'm in love with you and I want to have children with you.

I love you

Can I cum on your feet

send nudes hoe

My tumescent member weeps for you

i know this isn't like me but hear me out, you've been such an awesome friend, i know this is weird af but I think about your sexy body at night and maybe we could actually do something naught?

wanna play a game of roblox with me? I have this nice roblox strip club tycoon game where you get hos that make hot peepee milk come out of me.

im horny babe, wanna fuck

does this count as dubs with the double 99 before the 2 or no?

Have you ever gone for a shit, and pulled it back up inside you?




Roll for this

WINRAR WINRAR chicken dinrar


D88bl8 88ght!

can I eat your toenail clippings?


>yes hello I ordered an OP delivery and it still hasn't come in yet

Leftists: Why wouldn't you want an investigation into possible Russian hacking? Every American should welcome the chance to ensure that our elections are fair and uncompromised.


Lol! The Liberals keep on shooting themselves in the foot! No wonder they lost solidly blue states like Pennsylvania.


I can't believe the stupid Democrats are falling for this
1) media claims trumps presidency is illegitimate and that the election was hacked
2) Accepting the media premise that elections can be manipulated, Trump claims that fraudulent votes were placed.
3) media now demanding Trump investigate (so they can prove him wrong)
4) investigation will lead to complete review of the electoral process and operations in the United States
5) Americans watching this debate will demand accountability for our election process and drive support for a national holiday and for various other identification methods. (IDs)

Go back to pol you fuck and kys afterwards, simple peope are enjoying simple things here.

Follow up question, Can i see dem titties gurl??

The voting in the states are democratic, the voting in the nation are not. You learn this in 6th grade. People in Europe learn this in 9th grade when discussing other forms of democracy.
And no, the "OMG conservatives will say" comments are not helpful. It's like an unironic "haters will say it's photoshopped" comment on an obviously photoshopped image. You know that you are wrong, yet you act smug and try to put others down. =

I would like to go on a natural born killers like rampage with you. I dream of killing people with you an then making out next to the corpses with you day and night.

Did you know I pay niggers to tounge my anus?

What a waste of dubbs

now this is gonna be interesting

send this


That's the feeling you get when you have my cock deep inside you, wanna feel?

can somebody photoshop a plump juicy asshole right in the middle so I can send it to my friend. will post results with time stamp if it's done. (he's a chill guy so he prob won't give af but still I looked at this picture and saw potential)

What's the meaning of life?


"The U.S. has been teetering on the brink of becoming a flawed democracy for several years, and even if there had been no presidential election in 2016, its score would have slipped below 8.00" So in other words, thanks Obama


Nudes, please.

Tits or gtfo



by the way this puts the US on par with such barbaric nations as France and Japan

post pic of girl faggot

Roll for this

Who cares? The culture is dead. Society is dead. Tradition is dead. Long live tinder, STDs, double standards, and lying. Long live lazy slutty women. Long live unequal equality. Long live hooking up "dating." Long live lying about your behavior. Long live expecting things from others you won't give them. Long live expecting others to care, when your entire culture is about taking away anything meaningful they ever had or could have. Long live removing all the drivers of society, then wondering why it no longer moves forward. Long live putting the cart before the horse. Long live studs, bulls, and male slave eunuchs. Long live unequal equality. Girl power.
There is no more future for some of us, so why should we care about yours? We are not your slaves. You do not own us. Women will fix everything. They said they would. And they never lie.


You fucking dipshit

If somebody does this, add some poop coming out so OP can send it

US never has been a full democracy. Trump won completely fairly based on our system that has been in place for 200 years. People can cry and hashtag about it or they can advocate for change and show up to vote next time.



This. So much this.

The US always been described to me as a Democratic Republic. "Democratic" being an adjective, a describing word, for what we actually HAVE - a Republic.
It is not a Democracy because we do not DIRECTLY elect our leaders, WE vote for REPRESENTATIVES that vote FOR us. This system is a Republic, by definition. These representatives are "supposed" to vote the way we told them to vote by electing them, but are NOT REQUIRED to do so.
While there are aspects of both systems in our iteration of "freedom," it's FAR from a real Democracy and much closer to a Republic. But people that are blindly proud of what we "have" in this country like to (incorrectly) say "Of course we live in a Democracy, I can go vote for whoever I want for President." Sure, you can. But we've seen twice now how the popular vote can be overridden by the electoral college. This is your vote not counting.
What's HILARIOUS to me is I was arguing earlier this year with HILLARY supporters that we should abolish the electoral college, NOW THEY'RE ON MY SIDE because she lost to trump because of it. It's deeply disturbing - the level of corruption on BOTH sides - and how willing people are to use it to their advantage while they can. And it's all thanks to Citizens United and money being allowed to influence politics.
But I digress...

You ever read Nietzsche?

Wanna do something tomorrow?

This is her

Can I tongue your asshole next time you have a turtle head poking out?

This has so many replies yet no dubs.


best lookin generic white girl ive ever seen. Get over here and lets me spank yo bare ass with a belt




Please just get dubs man....

I would go to sleep but I can't, want to do something this week? I miss you face

Roll this

I was raped by my dad as a child and even now I get erect just thinking about it. Would you please dress up and pretend to him whilst you fuck me with a strap on?

Roll for this.

Everybody is rolling for this god dammit



He he

Seriously, you can't just pretend that the word's meaning suddenly changed, and it's not funny in the first place. It's immature obnoxious bullshit left over from Sup Forums
When a ton of the "OP is a faggot" pics and gifs are guys being effeminate, or implying sucking on a penis, you can't pretend it doesn't mean gay anymore. And no, Louis CK and South Park are not moral compasses to whether or not it is ok to say, and saying "Well not all gay people are faggots!" doesn't magically make it ok either


I was raped by my dad as a child and even now I get erect just thinking about it.

Would you please dress up and pretend to be my dad whilst you fuck me with a strap on?

Say our friendship is meaningless to me



Don't get me wrong, better to support only straight gays than none, but it basically boils down to "I'm OK with you existing as long as I never get the slightest clue you're gay", and when they do so much as point out a hot guy, OMG WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING FLAMBOYANT STOP SHOVING YOUR BELIEFS IN MY FACE

When I poop, I like to imagine it's a throbbing cock fucking me in the ass.


op left didn't he

This post is snake bitten.



kek this


Wanna see my cock?

Alright bitch, I'm sorry I had to say that, see I have issues in my life, everyday my underwear gets wedged up my ass by this guy named Hassaam assaad and he just makes me upset and it makes me say random stuff, I was also diagnosed with crushing anal depression and was force fed dead white rice oh god the white rice it has no flavor to savor like that pussy bae

One dubs coming right up!

This is OP I'm still waiting for dubs you useless fucks

Dubs get
