ITT:We find ways to get people abandon islam/christianity

ITT:We find ways to get people abandon islam/christianity.

Carpet bomb it out of them. Mainly the arabs

nah both sides, plus the jews, abrahamic religions should be b&

People are inherently stupid, therefore they will always believe in stupid things, such as a deity.

cant compare the two

My problem is unlike eastern religions,these teach to mock,harass and annoy to death to people that dont share their views.
For e.g. Why dont you believe in jesus?Do you wanna go to hell?

Yeah they are the same
You forgot Judaism

why would you abandon the one true God and creator of the universe? are you fucking stupid?

Oh baron, they're based off the same thing



baron kek

Baron pls
OP is right

Good luck getting anyone to abandon their belief system.

>make a huge group of them (group A) all fuck and make a dozen babies each
>take babies away from them (call them group B), raise them without islam/christianity and to be super critical about it
>make weapons illegal for group A, don't even have to arm group B
>force group A to not have any babies in mean time under penalty of law
>after group B is adult, and in greater numbers, send them back into their home community
>group A is outnumbered and has to either abandon their beliefs (which they won't honestly do, they just won't be vocal about it) or probably die.

Well yeah, monotheistic religions are far more political than anything else. The best example being Islam with half of the Quran being basically a constitution. Thus, the idea of control and dominating non-believers comes in place. When you live in a far region of empire it becomes impossible to control people via political rule, so religion is the next best thing. Garner to the masses and subdue them. Which both Christianity and Islam have been extremely successful at. That's all the two are means through securing power, shame people still buy into this shit.

ok barron,you need a professional

yea totally the same. One blows people up if they don't believe what they want them to and one gives soup to homeless people. Totally the same lol atheism is so totally awesome guise hahahahaha islam and christianity are totally the same. hahaha *adjusts fedora*

The autism in this thread

These people can die for all i care,just dont make me believe in your faggot jesus or invisible faggot allah.
That is all

You retard christians are mass murderers under name of crusades,mocking athiests and other religions because they dont follow the faggot as a religion.
Islam is a mental illness so i cant say anything on that hope they kill themselves off this planet.

You're fucking retarded or baiting

Either way congratulations

kek yeah they are same thing with different fag

Atenism in essence is all the way

I'll go with that one, since "love God and do no harm" seems pretty simple

well makes sense to me

>love God and do no harm

why not just "do no harm". why do you have to bring an imaginary friend to love into it?

should probably change "do no harm" to "do no harm unless you or anyone you know is about to get harmed by somebody else, so strike first and fast and harm them to protect yourself"

that's a religion i can get behind

Made to be that way and stifled for the same reason

We'll kill em when pepe becomes world leader

God is a placeholder, that's not even the important part - it is "do no harm" and if everyone were on that level there'd be no reason for you to deflect the idea with your southern style comedian jab at the idea behind Atenism and I live in Texas on top of that

Love God and do no harm

We just wait and they'll die out in western nations, I mean as long as we don't keep adding Muslims to our populations.

Well believe in my islamic religion of peace or i will kill you,rape your wife and children brutally and kill them after and make your daughters sex slaves because i am peaceful and my god taught me that.

>conveniently ignores the "if everyone were on that level" portion of the post

You don't understand "do no harm", it is more than just physical harm - do try to remember that

the crusades was in response to Muslim aggression. The crusades was a righteous response to literally centuries of muslim rape and pillaging of Europe. You are historically illiterate

Let u compare then shall we:
islam & christianity
>kill non believers
>annoy us in "2017" with why are you not christian/muslim,how will you go to heaven?
>Pedophile clergy
>permission to wage war/kill in name of religion
>An invisible faggot is worshipped
>Both are "peaceful"
>owning slaves is accepted
>force conversations
shall i go on,you faggot?

know you've made your point. Islam and christianity are exactly the same. You are so fucking brilliant and all of your ridiculous comparisons make total sense and you're not reaching at all.

Harm is physical harm. Or are you one of those hippies who believe words can't hurt your fee fees?

The fact reading the bible doesnt even get people to stop believing christianity means you have a very hard fight ahead of you..

Slip them antipsychotic medication, so they don't have religious delusions anymore.

I was told that religion wise, we should go from obedience to responsibility. Thoughts?

I say something psychological
That is a good point as eve was made from a rib kek
Please faggot we have no need of christians here

I say have no religion in first place

I had to buy a pirate suit and colander to wear as a hat for my religion...

I did not say I had one. Are you also against spirituality?

Do nothing. It'll die out soon enough

But I just arrived!

My sister was beated because she is gay by few muslims,so i hope you can understand why i want to wipe them.

Come one, haven't you beaten any nigger? Not even in thought?

So?Niggers eat my welfare money,i dont hate them for existing but for the useless garbage they are.
She was beaten for who she is,and i am sure these heathens pay with our taxes.

There was a time threads wouldn't last 5 min