Itt things you wish you could say to your SO or your crush

Itt things you wish you could say to your SO or your crush.

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I wish I saw the signs back then, but now it's too late and I'm stuck with a bitch that might actually kill herself if I left her.

You're going to love middle school.


You fucking whore, I hate you.

I hope you birth beautiful children only to witness them get terminal brain cancers at age 1.

If I untie you, do you promise not to tell

I wish we made love more often and you didn't get so negative when you drink. I wish it didn't feel like we were roommates.

OP here. Just leave her. It's not your fault if she kills herself.

You are going to get served with divorce papers bitch

But that would just ruin the surprise

Calzone, you don't get out much do you

>stuck with a bitch
She might kill herself if you stay. For fucks sake, listen to yourself.

I want to hate fuck you right now you bitch.

I fucking wish


stromboli master race faggot

You need to communicate.


I need to find these, that looks tasty as fuck.

Nah fam

Nigga please


kill yourselves.


I'll try. it's never easy with them. I always get shot down or accused of wanting sex or they'll just dismiss it as they're just a cold person. But they're not. They've been really warm and loving to me at times. It's just never consistent.



Sometimes people are more receptive when they're in "warm and loving" moods. If all you do is hint that you want to fuck every now and then, whoever it is won't take it very seriously because it comes off like a passing fancy. But a legitimate "lets sit down and talk this out" situation forces them to acknowledge their role in the issue you're having and **most** times the person will work with you to solve it.

Sometimes not. But chances are probably. Hopefully.

no no no, what the fuck is that?

"You really need to cut the coke but I love you when you're coked up."

I feel she might take it the wrong way and up the dose

>cut the coke
>i like you on coke
pick one.

She gets wild when she does it and we mostly just fuck when we're high.

However, she can't control herself when she freaks out and lost her last job because of it.

>the joke ------->

if she's not banging it, this situation can be...handled.

if she's banging it, game over m8

If you only fuck when you're high, and you only like her when shes high, then you don't like her. You like the drugs effect on her. You're in love with a drug, and that makes you just as irresponsible as she is.
t. a 16 year old

>lacking basic reading comprehension

Not unexpected from you but I said I love her when she's high and we mostly fuck when get we high. Not that we only get high and fuck and that I love her only because of the coke.


when all else fails, "reading comprehension kek xD MODS MODS REEE".

this is basically the only thing you said, and then you backed it up with "mostly JUST fuck when we're high but she also lost her job because of it too".

Either you're fucking her at her place of work, or shes not just fucking when shes high. You can't have it both ways. Try that on for reading comprehension, you immature faggot. Either she cuts back on the coke and fixes her life, or she doesn't and continues to fuck a cokehead loser like you who just wants to keep doing the drug thats ruining her life.

>implying they even come close to this masterpiece

>no protein
found the trap

Or she might kill you first if you stay. Save a life, leave her.

Sorry rose.


I want to strangle you until you stop breathing and lay lifeless in front of me. Then I want to slowly cut your body, slicing you ever so gently into pieces.