Batman v Superman is still being talked about today

>Batman v Superman is still being talked about today
>Civil War is forgotten as the generic flick it is

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Like every other Marvel movie. Who hangs out with their friends to watch Thor 2? Nobody.

BvS UE is great and easily better than just about any Marvel movie I M H O T B Q H F A M.

batman vs superman is literally a meme movie.
it's been joked about so much on Sup Forums that I can't associate it with anything else than memes. just like drive or the opening of the dark knight rises



>still being talked about today because BVS sucks

awful cast and that Hack Snyder


Why wouldn't it be when you have low IQ teens with no cinematic knowledge spamming it?

It's probably because Civil War didn't need to be released on home video like two weeks after it stopped showing in theaters so it could try and redeem itself with a director's-cut edition

>DCuks still mad about 27% on Rotten Tomatoes
>DCuks have to shitspam DC threads 24/7 so they can say people are still talking about the awful movie that was BvS





>just like drive



Reminder that the "BvS" is bad" meme is having a slow and painful death.

>its a meme
Extremely bloated. Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced. And that is just the first hour, there is still two more hours left.

The shear number of pointless subplots are simply staggering. Plot holes? You mean mystery elements. The fact that someone read the script and decided it was worthy of spending over 250 million to bring it to the screen boggles my mind. This is what happens when you take five different scripts that have no sense of correlation. Did editing and streamlining the story not cross anyone's mind.

The production is big on making terrible decisions and this is clearly evident in the casting. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther is laughably bad giving his rejected Social Network performance as twitching Mark Zuckerberg. Gal Gadot is by far the biggest miscast. Most people complained when she cast due to her poor physicality and zero resemblance to Wonder Woman. Those points are fine, but the biggest drawback is that she's frankly not a good actress. She has the emotional range of a potato. Her big reveal in costume is complete with a 'cool' guitar rift like it's some Robert Rodriguez film. During action scene she is replaced by her cgi double which obviously looks bigger and muscular in comparison to Gal Gadot's actual physical appearance. I just couldn't help by have a good chuckle at that.

The biggest misstep in the entire production is the appointment of Zack Snyder as director. It seem like he just walked of the set of making Watchmen and nobody seemed to tell him that he wasn't contracted to direct a lackluster patchwork Watchmen sequel. An opening scene that features Jeffrey Dean Morgan being killed with a slo-mo shot of a shell casing exiting a gun; the government against masked vigilantes, a powerful god-like superhuman figure; a man that dresses in a black costume and fights crime with gadgets coming out of retirement; the death of a famous hero; not one, but three funeral scenes. How is this not recycling elements of Watchmen.

Zack Snyder has the inability to direct scenes where no action takes place and he can't mask it with stylish cgi backgrounds like he did in 300. Simply put when there's no explosions it dull and boring. Simple character interactions prove to be a struggle for a director who still gets his philosophy for his movies from teenage web forums. Religious references that completely lack subtlety and elegance doesn't make you movie 'intellectual'.

Other grievances include: a scene and a plot point that revolves around urine; Lex Luther's so called evil plan; Knightmare; a hyped fight that just ends up being a normal fistfight; and actual teaser trailers for future movies in the franchise.

>Suffice to say, there was always more depth and subtext to the “Martha” moment than the complaints are willing to admit or recognize, and those complaints are still too simplistic and shallow a perception of what is, in fact, a complicated convergence of character arcs and narratives. It confuses and shocks Batman, and then the revelation of what’s really being said shifts his perceptions to the point he now sees himself clearly for the first time in years. A singular moment, a revelation that turns a character’s understanding and relationships on their head in a split second, is not a new concept, nor is this the first or most extreme example of such a thing in cinema.

>It’s undeniable that there is much more happening in that scene, and in the context of Batman’s character through time, than the memes and jokes recognize — and yes, often the jokes intentionally overstate things for humorous effect, but I’ve seen the exact same points made in supposedly serious, deeper critical analysis of the film. So I remain perplexed by the stubborn refusal to consider and acknowledge that complexity. I bring that up only because I notice even a lot of the positive reassessments still point to the “Martha” moment as a major problem in the storytelling when it’s among the finer elements in the film’s characterizations.

Did you watch the UC?

>>I’ll understand and respect the sentiment that this isn’t a film someone enjoys (taste is taste, preference is preference, and reasonable people can disagree), or that it’s not their preferences for how to portray these characters; but any claim that it’s literally a badly made movie and/or that Snyder literally isn’t a good filmmaker is just nonsense.

Bye bye assblasted fanboys and Marveldrones. :^)
The media is reacting positively. Now you won't have anything to support your shit taste aside from your shit taste itself.

Is it weird that the more I think about this movie, the more I like it? I feel mindfucked.

>mfw I always burst out laughing during the elevator scene because I can't keep from thinking about A REAL HUMAN BEAN A REAL HUMAN BEAN A REAL HUMAN BEAN A REAL HUMAN BEAN

You're free to join us in the sun whenever you're ready.

You have the mind of a pleb so it makes sense

BvS is being talked about how shit it is, and they are also bait threads.

it is allways good if you think.

So is "BvS is good".

It is not a meme if there are subhuman plebs that actually believe its good my friend. picture very related


I feel like every other BvS thread I see is a:

>BvS still talked about
>Civil War forgotten

thread. I didn't even know that this OP named his picture "AffleckSmug.jpg" before I looked at it after typing that out.

BvS' legacy is outing Sup Forums posters. It's a litmus test with a near 100% success rate.

>Batman v Superman is still being talked about today

Only on Sup Forums. No one gives a shit about the movie in the real world.


kill yourself my man

but drive and tdk was decent

Because a movie that's astonishingly terrible is more fun to talk about than a movie that just pretty good.

>Superman stopped hating Batman because their mothers have the same name
Defend this.

People still talk about "Howard the Duck" as well... and for similar reasons.

The Holocaust is still being talked about today too.

lol, a 243 page report was released on deflategate and concluded that the balls were deflated by human action. Environmental or game handling factors aside, there is no scientific explanation (temperature, wet/dry surface, "rubbing" during use, etc.) to warrant the significant drop of air pressure after half-time. Pats tried to say it was the colder temperature outside that caused the balls to deflate, but the balls would've had more than enough chance to re-inflate when they were brought inside for testing. Colts' balls were also tested and experienced little to no loss in air pressure while the Pat's dropped by, in some cases, 1.5 psi. More so, balls tested later should read slightly higher pressures given the time spent inside, yet there was significant variability in pressure of the Pats' balls (likely due to varying deflate efforts). If you still don't believe it, the lockerroom/equipment attendants sent joking texts to eachother about deflating the balls - even referring to one another as "the deflater" before the game.

The real question was whether Brady should be held coupable for the actions of these attendants; it's hard to believe, however, that he wouldn't notice the significant deflation or that he wasn't aware or complicit with these actions.

Ben is blinded by his Pats' fandom; the Pats have always had a history or cheating, this time they just got caught. By any rational person's thought - Brady cheated.


I did, on Netflix the other day, and i enjoyed it as the flick it is. Nothing shit about it, cause there was nothing else it needed to be

>tdk was decent
No, tdk was kino. Tdkr however, was trashy maymays

>3 hours long
Really? Christ, no movie should be longer than an hour and a half, two being the absolute limit

just the opening?

I am pretty sure every fucking scene in TDKR has been memed

Can't wait for Justice League, Marvel will be BTFO

We are heading into the sun, DCbros. There is no time for bitter plebs and their jealousy. It's a time to rejoice!

>Batman v Superman is still being talked about today
Honestly, it's only because you faggots won't stop talking about it. Find a new obsession.

Thor 1 was pretty good though.

>they will race behind you. they will stumble. They wil fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun

Welcome to the light user

Exactly. DC movies have meme power. What memes have Marvel movies spawned?

only one

That's because BvS is kino that will age gracefully over time ala Kubrick's work, not made for TV quipfest.


just because the recent bluray release, and the warner shills.

if you think BvS is big, wait until Civil War dvd release on 13/09/2016, and then we'll talk.

Loki and GOTG are memes.

can the rest of you fucks call out pasta when you see it

Marvel movies never created a meme that took over the entire board and lasted longer than a week.


Jesus christ could DCucks be any more butthurt? Did it occur to you that all that talking about Dawn of JUST could be bad?

BvS was shit
>muh pretentious symbolism
>muh piss jar

Civil War was shit
>muh Bucky
>muh quips

We are still using "DANCE OFF BRUH"

the entire movie itself becoming a meme doesn't mean meme powers

it didnt generate any memes, it became a meme. Its not in control of the meme and never was, rather the meme consumed it and turned it into what it is, a meme movie.