So, after all that shit you were talking about Hillary for using a private server for e-mails...

So, after all that shit you were talking about Hillary for using a private server for e-mails, it turns out Trump's doing the exact same shit. Tell me, if Hillary was a crook for doing THAT, isn't your 'president' a crook for doing the same thing? Impeach this hypocrite.

Other urls found in this thread:

Agreed, this guy is a fucking moron

Its fake news. LOL how is this actually still happening.

Fake as fuck. Just hope the autistic on Sup Forums actually click the link and see how fake the article is

Kek. nice source, faggot.

More Fake news and Sup Forums is getting hooked got damn i agree with this guy

8 years.

>th-they're saying mean but true things about Trump!
>I'm just going to say it's fake without further investigating

No wonder it was so easy for you dumbfucks to be manipulated into voting for him.

>it will be a magnificent wall
>Mexico will pay for it
>we will ally with Russia and crush ISIS
>illegal immigrants will be deported
>lower taxes
>we will win on trade
>our transportation system and infrastructure will be second to none
>the media will be held accountable to lies by opening up our libel laws
>our enemies and allies will respect us
>dow hit 20k for the first time today, an all time high
>sanctuary cities will be a thing of the past
We truly live in exciting times Sup Forums

lmao I'm a white supremacist and think Trump is a retard, nice try though

>claims fake news
>but story's being reported on right-wing outlets

stings to realize that when this tweenage ignoramus becomes an adult, his vote will count the same as mine

Just kill yourself already. The guy is doing a better job than we even hoped for.

Hes president he can do that.

>hahaha f-fake n-news am I r-right?

image saved

There's a difference between having an email that you need to get rid of because you had it before you got into office, and keeping that email secret and sending classified information on it.

Go easy on them guys, I'd be salty to if I voted for the nasty woman and lost

>>dow hit 20k for the first time today, an all time high

yeah DOW hits an "all time high" like every other week. just saying.

awww do you need to be in your safe space?

>white supremacist
>legit a neo-nazi
>calls someone a retard
Kettle called, you're black too.

Be happy user, your tears will sustain us for generations

>said it was no big deal when hillary was doing it
>now calls for Trump to get impeached
>derps all around

but its literally the highest its been

thats like saying, oh you have a fever of 105? haha i got sick once too no big deal

Did you just call me a nigger?

You fucking racist!

Too late, m8. He can do whatever the fuck he wants and you won't be able to do SHIT to stop that. I don't even know what to do with all the salt. Please help.

haha the entire front page of that website is anti trump shit. This is how he won in the first place.


Yeah it's fascinating

With the lowest estimates of how much this wall will cost you could pay for the delivery of every baby born in America for the next 4 years.

You Americans are fucking idiots.

Trump is Hillary on steroids.

Assange said as much. Which is why he's going after trump now.

Trump (took soros' guys, private email server, pay-to-play, took goldman sach's guys etc)

But I don't care. We knew he'd do all of that, and worse.

I still support him:

1. I'll be getting massive tax cuts (so will the entire upper-middle class)
2. he'll destroy the red state welfare filth
3. he'll destroy the GOP.

6 months. Max.

>it will be a wall
>america,not mexico is paying for it
>crushing ISIS wont make a difference because america will just go on to the next group of radical islamists to support
>illegal immigrants will be deported but come back to america anyway when they climb over trump's wall
>donald trump will fail as hard on trade as he did keeping companys in america
>our enemies will still hate us,our allys will still think of america as a joke
>dow hit 20k thanks to the fed pumping money into it because you dont see the real economy

we truly live in exciting times,ones that show how stupid america really is

These estimates are by his enemies. You are a gullible retard.

y'all got played.


America was already great, faggots.

From what I can tell they're not using it to send security intel and they haven't been hacked.

Trump is a teenager having protected sex and Hillary's a slut that got HIV.

Samefagging his own fake news

What are Trump's estimates then?

it's everywhere, faggot.

Here's the story in Forbes

Hey guys who hack celebs phones for nudes, here's a better target.

How is that even fucking relevant to anything, not building a lot of shit could pay for baby deliveries

>Can't see the irony

it could also pay for your sex change you fucking queerpo

Its fucking hilarious watching trumptards twist themselves into knots trying to justify trump doing the same things as hillary. You fought so hard against her, and you still got the exact same pile o' shit

Since when do you need a safe space to celebrate dominance? Do you need a rope? Some bleach perhaps?

Was going to post this. Somebody hack his Twitter already and create lulz for profit.

Wait!, any news that hurts your baby T Rump is all fake news now?.
Tell it to your other hero Puten.

the GOP won't touch him

and you know it.

also the American public is retarded. they elected gw twice. they'll elect trump again.

It's high because investors are betting on deregulation. The problem is that the bump was already factored in a while ago, and the one's who are buying right now are going to get dumped on eventually. The market can only sustain a certain a certain amount of growth in a short period, and a market correction will happen as those who bought months ago will inevitably sell creating a small correction back down to lower prices.

Is immigration that bad??

>i-i-it's just the ebil jewish liberal conspiracy!

Trump: 200 executive orders so far.

Reagan signed 381 his entire 8 years. Obama signed 182 in his 8 years.

>White Americans complaining about immigration

LOL the entire Hillary email controversy was blown way out of proportion similar to what may happen with these emails. Republicans launched a massive witch hunt as soon as they saw an opportunity. Expect nothing but the same from Democrats. It's only fair after all.

Oh shit I misspelled Putin, E before i except Before asshole. sorry

It's good to see that Trump isn't doing the same things his predecessors did.

It's not bad when he does it you stupid cuck shill jewboy.

Trump abusing power.

Massive surprise.

democrats have 0 power.

not even to 'launch investigations'.

the GOP and Trump have started The Great Assrape of Murka.


Yeah except that the democrats don't have the power to launch or sustain a similar witch hunt and the cia isn't likely to "announce" shit.
The guy who felt he was obligated to announce that the investigation into hillary was back open because there were new email that might involve her testified before congress and refused to say if there were any investigations into trump ongoing because it would against policy to comment on an ongoing investigation and that's suddenly important when it's not hillary.


Trump hasn't "abused" power at all.

Trump's followed the law and the Constitution.

You stupid cuckold shills will be whining and crying the entire 8 years.


Didn't the rePubs make a giant stink about Obama back in the day (6 months ago) abusing his power for just that?
RePub-Retard no difference.



who was it that said "i have a pen and a phone"

would be nice if the people who complain about trump's executive order use cared when obama was doing it

It's gonna be a fun 8 years

Who cares about that power-abusing nigger.

"when the president does it, it's NOT illegal"

How is "The guy who felt he was obligated to announce" not "commenting on an ongoing investigation"? And it turned out to be nothing because Hillary was never involved in anything other than politics.

Still killed her chances, along with interference with an enemy government. Comey is a fucking traitor and was rewarded as such.

There's an old cartoon with people in an airplane, flames out the window. One guy on the other side of the aisle is gloating, "We still have OUR wing!"

That's conservatives. You have fucked yourselves along with the citizens that actually care about American principles, and you can't even recognize it.

they've got 20 days to transfer them to the gov't system - I don't see the issue. Hillary never transferred anything till she was caught years past that 20 day deadline..

traitor? comey's been a known republican his entire life.

trump's setting precedences that the liberals will love

and you can't whine about this shit when dems do it next time.

they're all just alternative facts anyway.

i'm excited for Trump's "Massive investigation into voter fraud".

negative press = fake news
rumor from some golf buddy = reliable source/people say/i'm hearing ___

>"i have a pen and a phone"
I think it was Weiner, only it was a penis and a phone.
Trump just has his twitter and his unsecured phone

I hope all this liberal whining continues for the next 8 years... it's highly amusing

u mad, liberal cuck jew?

Impeach the lying bitch!!!

>Massive investigation into voter fraud
Top of the list:
>Tiffany Trump
Registered in NY & PA.


that jew from Goldman Sachs, Mnuchin, is registered to vote in 2 states (and he did vote in states KEK)

Trump for JAIL 2017

So if i get elected... someone will be like "he has an active yahoo account"

Doesn't mean im actually using it... maybe RNC email is for pornsites.

Thanks to correcting the record

you're a russian pedophile

you will never be elected to any office, in any country.

not even slovenia.

It wasn't the fact that she HAD a private email server. It's that she had a private email server, which was unregulated, and was using it for government business which should have been secured by government services. And THEN she destroyed the evidence. Trump has probably had a private email for longer than most politicians, but as long he knows which email to use in which situation, it wont be an issue.

The whole plane deserves to crash. Donald Trump is what you shitheads deserve.

It depends on what the public reaction is to this. If Republicans ignore the general public wanting a full investigation then it would be very hard to hide the appearance of a conspiracy to hide wrong doing. That's Nixon level shit, and the people won't stand for it again. Democrats will not let up on calls for an investigation and may even hold filibusters to force the Republicans hands. Depending on the committee investigating it, Democrats could could have more influence than you think.

You libtard faggots are so retarded. Private email server = having an actual server under your control = illegal. Private email like gmail is not the same and not illegal. Get over it faggots, you lost DEAL WITH IT

So his own cabinet and senior advisors committed what Trump would consider "voter fraud"? Kek.

"lock her up" for the use of her private server at home, while Trump is tweeting, as President, on an unsecured Android, actively (against IC's wishes.) Bannon and Conway are also using private emails. 'fuck outta here!

Neither did Obama, except you guys railed on him over everything.

Filibusters were neutered years ago after being used extensively (by both sides) during the civil rights era.

Not to mention they're only valid in the Senate, not the House.

It is a server Trumptard.


>and the people won't stand for it again
lol nice rosy view of the world kid but most of these guys are in safe seats and will only be free to gerrymander shit more now that they're in power.

Dems can't get anything done with the filibuster, just prevent things from being done and if they do it too much then they'll just get blamed for nothing getting done.

No investigation will ever be started so there will never be any concrete evidence and anything less will be written off as more liberal msm fake news.

Then I guess the entire Democrat caucus will have to break the rules. What's Paul Ryan going to do? Kick every single Democrat out and punish an entire party? Call the police? Call Trump? Kek. They can still get their point across.

Your a moron.

>So, after all that shit you were talking about Hillary for using a private server for e-mails,

They don't care. And it won't matter. None of those issues ever mattered.

Libcucks need to wrap their heads around that.

>Hates Shillary for being corrupt
Votes most corrupt person they could find

>Hillary gave away our Uranium
Votes for Pro-Putin candidate

>m-muh facts
Thanks for Correcting The Record, shill.

Thanks for the double standards m8. Way to show how squeaky clean the party is.

