Hey Sup Forums should i have Ramen or mac n' cheese for dinner?

Hey Sup Forums should i have Ramen or mac n' cheese for dinner?


I had ground turkey and bacon bacon tacos with lettuce sharp, cheddar, guacamole, and habanero sauce. Get on my level op.

this isn't actually that bad. i really like mac and cheese with hot sauce more though.

whats bacon bacon?
is that the bacon of bacon?

bacon bacon is best

I wanted to make sure that you didn't think it was turkey bacon so yes, I used the bacon of bacons.


you should make ramen :)

Alright, OP here, i'm actually gonna have both. Thank you for your participation :)

ate it just before thread

make mac and cheese and mix in bacon bacon!

i take it you like pepsi

Nah. Just for decoration

ramen with a slice of cheese on top

make ramen
pour in toilet
make mac and cheese with bacon mixed in
eat only bacon
pour mac and cheese into ramen toilet
shit on it and wait for parents to come home

Have you ever had that before?

instructions unclear, dick stuck inside parents

Oh you must have skipped the step where you drink a mason jar of saved fap juice. Easy mistake.

Mac n cheese flavored ramen. It's a thing sadly enough.

just make mac and cheese but instead of milk use ramen flavor packet and a half cup of water!

Aged for just how long exactly?

that doesn't sound half bad actually.