USAFE F16 Pilot ama

USAFE F16 Pilot ama.

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Post cock hanging out of uniform pls

I'm not currently in uniform, will a civilian pic do?

Sure, that will do. I really do love a nicely dressed cock though :)

FAA controller here, when does a flight breakup typically happen

USAF F15 Avionics puke here, don't ama bc I'm arready drunk sir

Air Force pilot also. You have a cooler job than me

How long does it take for the APU to spin the turbine up to the stop?

Why is the F-16 the coolest aircraft ever invented?


When two flights have had enough of listening to each other's bullshit, of course. Been there, amirite? amirite?

You're a fucking faggot

Oh good!
Who needs avionics anyway?


Engine manufacturer and thrust?

Genius deduction

Because it's from the 1970s, like cool & the gang.

And nigga, it doesn't get any cooler than that.

wikipedia that shit

P&W and who fucking cares

It really doesn't. F-16 is my favorite aircraft since a child.

You guys are always drunk.

Well at least you're not as bad as comnav

Because it's better than the 22 and the 35, faggot

Are the electronics in it starting to get old in your opinion?

Why are pilots such douche nozzles? How many balls do you think have been rubbed all over your headset and flight controls?

Nigga they been old

I'll be starting basic feb 14th what should i not do?

Mmmost of them.

Most of the balls.

Not kill yourself

How do you wade through all the bullshit and actually become a pilot?

Still, nothing will touch it as long as it has aim 120s

USN MH-60R avionics faggot here. drunk too. I work day shift and got home about 30 minutes ago. Day shift begins at 0400.

Didnt get your banana today?

good tip

Not arguing with you, 1970s cold war America is still better than present day anywhere else on this shit planet

Avoid standing out.
Become a bed or shoe aligner.

Ouch. That is a shit shift, my mx brother. I never regret punching that DD214 ticket.

OP Here, the F16 is the coolest aircraft ever invented because it is the workhorse fighter of the greatest airforce in the entire world.

The United States Airforce,

Starting to?
Manigga, these things were born old and they'll die old.

Our motto is "No new holes!". These ancient things have been upgraded so many damn times over the last half a century, drill one more mounting hole and the whole wreck might just fall apart right out of the sky. Everything about them is old.

Not to ah, diminish anyone's confidence in their aircraft of course. Pilots, your planes are totally airworthy. Uhhh... Promise!

My dad flew F16s. Over 1000 hours.

What's your favorite base youv'e been stationed at?

USN again. DD214 is mine right after this last cruise. After that its fair winds and following seas.

thanks user

Very confidence inspiring, thanks user.
Keep up the excellence. ...or whatever it is you call that.

My favorite deployment was in 1999 as part of operation Allied Force, based at Armendola (LIBA), I love Europe.

I think I need to be a pilot.

We were based at Soesterberg Air Base in the Netherlands for 1.5 years. that was cool. dad was part of a pilot exchange program.

And we were stationed for 2.5 years at Torejon in Madrid. But we gave that base back to Spain i think.

But my favorite base ever was Homestead, FL. Pre Hurricane Andrew destruction.

I miss the 80s.

So why don't you then?

Do you prefer A-G or A-A combat?


well, I'd have to learn how to fly first. And I'm not that wealthy

Because it's the closest thing we have to a plane as pretty as the Su-27 or Su-35.

Those things are teh fucking sex.

But an F16 is a close second. Mebbe tied w/ B2.

F22 & F35 are turds in a punch bowl.



Where's that dick, queer

Bruh, A-A combat is virtually non-existent anymore. Even then, A-A isn't an amazing dogfight. Shit can get wrecked before the pilot can even make a visual.


Why are you such a bad liar?

>ask me anything
>answers nothing

It isn't.

This is:

That's way before my time, was that in the 80s?

I'm not lying to you, what would be the point?

That's not a plane, thats an insane death machine conjured by a madman in a ghoulish nightmare.

Ever been to Eglin AFB?

Ya'll better recognize!

Yes but is fast though no?
And what more us there to life, really?

even they couldn't get enough of this plane

Never had the pleasure.

Oh shit yes.
That's the one. I nearly gazzed in my shorts here.

Get there, went through EOD school there. Best post ever

When trump orders you to bomb the sanctuary cities, will you comply?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

OP here,the blackbird was a classic, but the systems inside the bird are/were obsolete.. infact a lot of our technology is terribly outdated.

Was this meant to be a joke originally or was the person serial?

That's not a plane, it's a space ship, and it has only 1 task that it's good at.

Why are most pilots white?

Implying the chairforce has cocks

I think OP of this was serious, then it got turned into a copypasta

First he'dhave to convince the JCoS, and good luck with that.

OP here, no comment..
Draw your own conclusion.

Incorrect. F-15E is the correct answer. F-16 cannot compete. Nor land with one wing.

It was 1991-1992

We were:

Seymour Johnson AFB, Homestead AFB, Torejon AFB, Hill AFB, Barksdale AFB (he was IG team while there), Langley AFB, Soesteberg AB, and Nellis AFB

Dad graduated fighter weapons school in summer of 87

If you work a desk job in the military and talk shit about the Air Force, congratulations, you're a cuck.

You are wrong my friend, I have flown this bird for close to 20 years and although I agree the F-15 has some sexy features you can not beat the reliability and carachter of the falcon.

any pilot here has seen an actual UFO?

inb4 ayy lmao...

That's assuming a lot.

The original was from an actual navy seal, but was meant as a semi joke. He was aware of how outrageous it sounds

woa, now i don't believe you. No F-16 driver calls it a falcon.

Its the Viper.

top kek

I hear ya, first gulf war.. my family was USAF @ ETAR while I was growing up, best time of my life.

thats kind of badass

You got me.

You're a child.

it's ok if you don't speak the language

It's a fact.


Hello kind sir, in the article you pointed out it actually talks about how people actually associated with it call it a Viper.

Whats your opinion on the F-14? My cousin fly's one for the RCAF

But not it's official name, and a name that is used by it's pilots. Are you daft?

Shit easy, you'll be hungry and tired, just blend in the middle in everything you do.
Don't ask questions just blindly follow.
Afsc? (Job)

EVERY F-16 pilot calls it a Viper.

Its not the official name. I've been around F16 squadrons my whole life. We all call it the Viper.

>I've been around F16 squadrons my whole life. >We all call it the Viper.

Disqualified from speaking.

Dodge chow runner like the fucking plague. Unless you like marching in front of TIs by yourself to report your flight while they pick apart everything wrong with you.

TIs usually pick either someone whọ claims prior public speaking experience (my mistake) or someone who seems to be too shy.

I didn't have much of an issue after the first werk, but most everybother chow runner I've heard of hated it because it draws almost ad much attention ad being dorm chief, but with less glory for getting it right.

Otherwise, keep your head down and follow orders. Don't get disheartened for messing up, part of the mind game is that it is impossible to get anything right in the first few weeks. My TI literally marked down a random thing on my first blues inspection saying he had never seen someone get it right on the first try, but that he can't give me a perfect score. Literally looked at it for several minutes before he determined that one of my insignias was just slightly over the line... fml

I guess there's no convincing a troll.
Nice try on the greentext.

I hate autocorrect on smartphones.