A cheeto is running our country

A cheeto is running our country

>Meme-ing an oompa loompa into the presidency
US has done it again.

Yeah. I mean, we really did. And im actually proud of it. America is a business, whether people like to hear it or not. And the best thing for a big business is a good CEO.
> 20 years of shit tiered presidents
> in chimes Trump
> profit???

>And the best thing for a big business is a good CEO.
>a CEO
All of my fucking kek.

The emperor has no balls!

This CEO's exit strategy is bankruptcy. You ready for that?


Fucking retard


posting nudes without consent, practically rape, or at least that's what you libtards say.

finally an adult

The fucking irony...

He was whining about the results before they were even in, you fucking idiot. In fact, he's STILL whining about the results because poor widdle babby can't stand the fact that he lost the popular vote.

The fact you think that a country, and more specifically, a government, should be run as a business and not as a method of serving the people, is frightening. Stop spitting in the face of democracy.

wtf are you talking about

Eh, technically they were business bankruptcies. 5 were casinos and 1 was just a hotel. He's never filed personal bankruptcy. His first bankruptcy was a casino and was funded with 1 billion dollars and ended up 3 billion in debt. Gordon Ramsay has had business failures and had to close restaurants but it's no indication on his successfulness or capabilities as a chef.

I used to like Ben Garrison too


He has a tiny wiener

Consider this:
The same self-righteous anger that Trump relied on to get himself elected is what was used to create Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Move to a better country

it's so sad that libfags can't accept that they lost the election.

>Eh, technically they were business bankruptcies
Not user, but he's jacking up spending whilst drastically cutting taxes. You don't need to have a PhD in economics to understand why that's bad.

>jacking up spending whilst drastically cutting taxes

I don't recall Democrats using this weak argument every time someone criticized Obama. Low energy, user... low energy. Time to get some new material.

in case you niggers didnt know, freemasons control the world, including the US. the highest ranking degree in freemasonry is 33.

in numerology, the word Orange = 33

trump is a freemasonic puppet, the world is a stage.

Better a cheeto than a monkey


at least it's not (over)run by muslims, like your country

whether you want to believe or not, it's very different now, now we have the faggot liberation army at every corner, and let's not mention the attention seeking niggers everywhere that are so brain washed that they can't even be considered sentient any more, none the less, preaching for a Clinton shows a fair amount of "intelligence" if you look at the past, right?

when in fact millions of illegals had their vote counted, invalid votes

oops actually regarded niggers as sentient, sorry Sup Forums

when this country is more of a banana republic then democracy , basally the companies and rich control the government for the longest forever

hillary is owned
obama was owned
only trump has the abilty to do what the fuck he wants and not bow to the usual masters


>in fact
Are these real facts, or are they of the "alternative" variety? Think real hard, user.

I am disappointed with what Sup Forums has become ...no rekt threads, praising the left, might as well be red it.

Holy shit is that real?

Liberal troll spotted.


it was a real accident, I don't like niggers.

And it's way better than the turd from before

This is our country nigger

You guys have to keep posting this photo everywhere.

OP is a faggot! Win Win!

probably because they make you feel insecure about how small your penis is.

You know, after the fourth continuous thread of this anti-trump shit I've seen in the catalogue you think that people would come to understand these are trolling/shilling threads most likely developed from online slactivist babies that want to feel like the're sticking it to the ebil alt-right by sludging up these boards.

Don't even try to call me out on paranoia, faggots. I know the culture of the board. I've been here in and off since 05. You are fucking obvious.

either that or you're just a butt hurt little bitch.


No I'm right and you know I'm right.
Does it mean anything that I see it? No, because you're just going to keep peeing into that ocean of piss, thinking all along that you're serving a pointed goal, butnwhats funny is that you have no clue how futile your actions are. I couldn't give two shits other than letting you know how fucking bad you are at this.

and what goal is that? i'm not the op lol. you're still acting like a butt hurt little bitch.

Is this pic for real?

Your lack of capability to generate an excuse other than,"lol u butthurt" is pretty indicative that you know fuck all about the bantz, or you just got pinned like a fuckin bug. I'll bet I was actually right, damn.

>people are still on about this shit
>even Sup Forums is divided as shit about this shit
>nobody's willing to give the cheeto a chance and shit
>they would've much rather had quite possibly one of the most fucking crooked politicians of all time in office because "muh feelz" and shit
>still levying the same "criticisms" at him that lost them the election in the first place
>he's racist
>he's misogynistic
>he's unqualified
>he's said pussy in 2005 we can't have that
>he doubted Hillary's integrity in the election
>shitloads of illegals voted for her
>trump still gets shit for it

You faggots are just scared of having a country that isn't having its collective nuts twisted by your liberal horse shit anymore aren't you?