Actors with awful lives

actors with awful lives

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>that girl looks straight at his dink

Jesus... I am by no means a fan of this guy... but damn... this legitimately made me shed a tear. How the hell doesn't he kill himself?? This seems awful. I hope he can find an obese, mentally retarded ogre, so that he can be happy like me.

samefag kill yourself op

>5 / 2 / 5 / 1



Not fucking joking. I wish i could walk by him in this pic with my friends and just ask him to go for a walk with us. Drink a few beers. Pick up a few rocks and chuck them in the ocean. Just make him feel human a bit. I think hes one of the few who still is. But hes surrounded by cooz and ass kissers. The bloke just needs some bros. Fucking sad m8

>Leo come back to bed~
>no baby thinkeg of how to save environment

he got to fuck Kate "bush" winslet


forever alone

You talk like an ass kisser

Except it said 4/2/3/1 you lying fuck kill yourself

Ellen and her pupper are adorablz

fuck off faggot

This man is my idol. All hail leo.

>chillin on the beach surrounded by attractive women drinkin beer

how is this bad?

I mean we all knew she was gay but coming out gay ended what little career she had left.

They're ornaments and fleshlights, but he can't interact with them in any meaningful way. He's basically drinking alone. This is the rich and famous version of getting drunk at home and masturbating.

Leo plays in biopic of himself called "The Actor"

Holy shit i'll take their version

you sure you aren't projecting a little bit there bud?

>Using a sling to support weapon for comfort
Definitely not gonna have easy access to that in this configuration either.

You don't actually have a choice, but yes being rich and lonely is obviously better than being poor and lonely.

dogs are the best.

she would be even more attractive to me now, if such thing would be possible

Yeah, that dog is pretty attractive. The one on the left ruins it though.

>we all knew she was gay
since when? just because of those pics with drew barrymore?

Im sure Leo cries himself to sleep every night with a tit and cunt in each hand and uses hundo bills to wipe those tears for the environment he tries to save every single day kek

>Nina is 26
>Leo is 41

Why womans love older mans?

Generally older men have more money.

women love money and older man has money