Rebels of the Caribbean

oh god what the fuck

take your autism medication buddy

idk op its only been posted like 20 times

>I have no clue how perspective and atmospherical retroflexion works the movie poster

Thats a big moon


I know, I'm just late

>literally have not even watched a trailer for TFA


They're taking something familiar and mixing it with a new setting to create curiosity. I seriously doubt anyone involved in the making of this poster or anyone looking at it (outside autists) cares that the perspective etc are wrong. It's just supposed to convey the story and tone of the movie.

You made the right decision.

12 years a rogue: dead mans chest

>Thats a big moon
>le that's no moon
There's your (You), fuckwit

>Stromtoopers place is on fire.
>Rebels are running into them.
>They are "playing with fire"
We made it? We achieved Spacekino?

Yo this the new disney movie with the hawaiins brah?

>watch story revelation or whatever the fuck trailer put out today
>director talks about doing something new and taking chances
>its the same goddamn story again

How about they make a star wars movie about something going on in some other part of the galaxy? There must have been other wars and conflicts. Why the fuck do we have to keep going back to the well for the same goddamn thing?

Looks like Virmire.

Bad poster.
It doesn't convey anything other than "Death Star"
The beach looks cheap, the photoshopping of the characters looks like garbage.

2/10 - they know you'll eat it up

>that fucking thing again
why is the deathstar in it again? I already said the same for TFA. can't they come up with something new???

for you

What is the point of this movie again?

We already know how this whole thing ends.

>Leia says many Bothans died getting the deathstar plans
>decades later a movie about stealing deathstar plans
>its a random english girl, an asian and black guy getting them

A big reason Empire stands out among the starwars films isnt the "dark" tone of the film, its the fact that its a real story. Its not the black and white "storm the castle, beat the wizard" story the others are.

the 2nd woman says that in rotj, not 4
first deathstar

cmon it's horrible enough already

I'm hype

Where's the trailer?
It was supposed to be out today

CIA and bobba fett spinoff when?

I'm ready for Blacka Fett.

anyone got the edit where the stormtroopers are removed?


That was the second Death Star, friend.

considering how much that movie poster would have cost THEY COULD ATLEAST NOT HAVE STORM TROOPERS WALKING ON FUCKING WATER AND LOOKING LIKE SOME SHIT-TIER PHOTOSHOP PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vietnam space theme
>"It Ain't me..."