

Other urls found in this thread:


what is this?

Thanks for the new wallpaper


Damn, I have not seen this one yet


i don't get it

m8 it's from last year

72037346 get


checked your check

You don't get to bring dubs

They are not my dubs



(translators note: Bane means "big guy")

Smee looking bad ass

CIA teams up with Bane?

*Hidden* *Scene*


Post the real one you faggot

Look at just the thumbnail

wait a second...
your Oceaneyefonzi???




But this is real user


>"If I post it again, will you get mad?"
>"It would be extremely upsetting."
>"It's an old meme."
>"Four years."


Oh shit



>someone wasted time drawing this


Holy shit where'd you get this photo

This is ultra platinum rare user! Thanks for the share.

Rectangle head stripper legs sea eye ayy?

The meme archives.



Somebody get this hothead outta here!

>how to take a screenshot tab
Come on user

im wet looking at fonzie?

is baneposting a top 5 comfy meme?

pls respond

small big guy


No matter how rough my day was, when I come home and see a Baneposting thread I instantly smile and feel better about life

Is it just me seeing vaginal penetration there?

no more big guys are allowed in this thread

Why was Operation Early Bird such a failure?

Baneposting is great because it encompasses the entirety of human existence, from loneliness ("Uh, you don't get to bring friends"), Absolutism ("They are not my friends"), Triumph ("The fire rises!") and despair ("THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING"). Arrogance ('So you got yourself caught, what's the next step in your master plan?") and Doubt ("Bane?"). Noise ([plane noises]) and silence ("Nossink, I said NOSSINK"). Brutal truth ("Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him off of a plane") and nihilistic doubt ("BANE?")

We are all CIA, and we are all Big Guys. There is no good or evil, only Flight Plans.

I'm glad the mods are more relaxed about bane threads.

Do you have the page where it reveals his nickname was "Slade"?



>going to my grandma's funeral
>whisper to my mom "what if the plane crashes?"
>she says it's not going to crash
>"But isnt that the next step in your master plan? Crashing this plane with no survivors?"
>TSA agents swarm from every direction
>mom is blackbagged and swept away
>Agents come to question me
>assume the CIA powerstance (naturally I am wearing a dark jacket, khaki panta, and a blue shirt, as it is my day to day outfit)
>"I'm CIA. You don't get to bring friends."
>they apologize and disperse
>72 hours later mom is released from custody after intensive interrogation
>she's now on the no fly list

what is this
how did i miss this

That took me way too long to get, I might be retarded.

She didn't not fly so good


It would be

at last I truly see

It wasn't.

That one was fake.

Really makes u think


Oh. My. God.

!THAT'S why you shoot a man before you throw him out of a plane!



Is this the deepest scene ever created? Is this the height of kinography?


I honestly consider it to be in my top 5 favorite scenes ever.
Mostly because of the fun we've had with it.

I wonder what this memery is doing to Bane and CIA irl. Do they like, talk on the phone everyday?

checking in

It's so dense, there's so many things going on.


there's so many versions of it that Sup Forums made it's genuinely the best thing to come out of this board imo

I like this version better.

post the james bond one.

>tfw he actually had a parachute in the movie
I never fucking knew about this.

>it's actually in the movie
How the fuck did i not NOTICE THAT


I guess that's why you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane



Otaking is a Baneposter. You magnificent bastard


>how to take a screenshot tab
I'm not sure what you mean.
Also. I don't think it matters...


what the fuck, from the thumbnail you can see the face of CIA, but when you open picture it is all lines????


Best meme

Don't need a baneposting image to get dubs. Check em.

mummy doesn't let you chan?


Yes you do.

Dr. Pavel, I'm MIA.

How the fuck

Anyone recognize this guy? Can't remember his name for the life of me.

still dont get it.

Me too brother. The fire rises.

I've noticed Bane threads don't make it to the archives ever. Could this be the reckoning?

he really looks like Bronson here

