>still chasing pussy
what a fucking loser

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Yeah, he'd be jealous of us spending all day inside shitposting alone.

lovin this new hot meme

Is this on a set somewhere?

He doesn't chase it, it lines up for based Leo

oh look it's the meme where after you're 40 youre not suppose to try and get pussy

the only thing that would be bad about the situation in that picture is if he's small, then he doesn't need that many women because he's incapable of pleasing them

should he be chasing dick instead?

I think that'd be too fucking weird. Inviting/pseudo-paying a bunch of hot chicks to hang out with you? How is this seen as baller?


Me on the left.


Yeah I'd hate to be rich, loved by everyone and have all the coke I want

>le I do le coke meme xD
overdose you faggot

All the girls btw are 5/10 at best.

He literally looks like a fucking lion on the serengeti.

Gotta love Sup Forums crossboarding puritans.
>inb4 /pol boogeymen
Some other kind of newfag then.

I bet upper-right is an 8 or a 9 dressed up in the right clothes and makeup

I pity him


how's that losing?

>leo goes to beach
>conveniently photo'ed with up and comer model
>model gets buzz
>leo moves on to another one

that is his life he literally pays papparazzi to propel models' careers

>this thread
>for the nine billionth time

Jesus Christ.

Leo is turning into a mudslime

It's happening

What they're talking about Sup Forums? It seems that only Leo is talking shit and the bitches are only listening and laughing occasionally.

how does one get a job like this?

It's men's liberation.

call me a cuck but having him fuck my gf would be my greatest honour

>Did any of you see my new movie?
>(changes tampon)

I bet it kind of sucks desu. The sex is probably the only good part.

I myself would allow this as well

30 years later

>leonardo dicaprio dies in his home alone at the age of 70
>doesn't trend on twitter
>no one knows who the fuck he is

what a manchild he needs to man up and wed a real woman she was a free spirit in her youth but she wants to settle down now so she can divorce and rob him of his wealth and possessions i mean come ooon it's 2016!!!!!

>chasing pussy

That's the look of a man who went alone and is fed up with being nice to them when he just wants to get his tan on but they want the vitamin D

was gonna say if you don't have to get up because it's within arm's reach it's not chasing

>Leo is 41
>Nina Agdal is 24

what a fucking creepy loser, that's borderline pedophilia

>l live in le Sup Forumsestine and I think that since I can't have fun, then no one should either

le faggot

>george is 55
>amal is 37

what a fucking creepy loser, that's borderline pedophilia

it really isnt you fucking mong

You can tell he's just sick of her, he knows why she's there. She looks like an overgrown leach.

I have to partly agree. At his age he should have had a few kids already. It's like he is stuck in immature 21 year old body. He should be more like Christian Bale.

wtf it's literally 1 milisecond and it looks like he's smiling.

same shit is going to happen to you, the only difference is that you never got to fuck any models

That's a polite signal that he's half listening while she thinks she's being fun

No, it isn't

Minimum age for George not to be a pedophile: (55 / 2) + 7
= 34.5

Min. age for Leo not to be a pedophile:
(41 / 2) + 7
= 27.5

Being in the middle of the ocean with a bitch staring at you with that grin while sharks swim around you both because of she's menstruating. That would be hell.

I'm honestly glad I don't have a life like his.

>implying her being eaten right in front of you wouldn't be great exposure

hi redit

>4.5 billion
>still chasing satellites

does anyone else kind of feel bad for these sluts? I mean i realize theyre all do
golddigging sociopaths. but they all fucking hate each other and are basically playing a real life version of the bachelor. just sitting around stripping away any dignity for the sliver of hope that maybe leo will take you in and give you a bunch of money and a mansion to live in. it's depressing.

So if you're 12 that means you're a pedophile unless you fuck someone who is older.
Thanks for the math, Leddit

What a stalker............ Jupiter please killyourself.

It would be terrible to be a female in general.

>net worth 200 million

how great are billionaires lives comparatively. i can't even imagine

nah, dude has a literal harem

Never feel bad for the sluts.

Every slut has at least one decent guy somewhere that she is not with so she can slut her self out.
They all deliberately choose to be just one of many in a harem, instead of having a healthy one for one relationship.

yep, such a patethic life.

ask notch. hes still an autistic neet

I meant pathetic for the girls, not for leo

t. Sup Forums neckbeard

So real talk why does no other actor do this? Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Clooney, Fassbender not a single one of them are taking this route. They definitely know it's an unhappy existence

>Unhappy existence

How do you know this? Seriously? The only bad thing I can think of is the reputation that proceeds you

Wow. He probably still thinks it's cool to have them compete to see who can make him cum the most, then reward her by joining him again next week with the new batch of models. what a fag. might as well end his embarrassment of a life now,

Leo just want Kate to be his Mommy.

Poor Leo........... that's sad.

Pitt likes getting pegged by a dominant woman
Fassbender has jungle fever
I'm sure Clooney fucked as much as Leo, but probably is a bit more discreet about it.
Bradley Cooper probably just jerks off to his own reflection in the mirror

Different people like different things. If I was in Leo's position, I wouldn't have that many hoes around me all the time. That shit would get tiring real quick.

fucking kill yourself


yeah right. That dude is a fucking pussy magnet, you jealous shitnugget

Fucking hell 1000 years of islamic dark ages?

Rhianna said that he's the best she's had, and she's a self-confessed size queen

Any sex that doesn't end with a beating is "the best she's had"

Eugh, that was copypasta. I counldn't be bothered to replace CE with AD.


>believing in BC/AD
Fuckign American. Its BCE and CE.

It's funny because it's true.

how insignificant must the girls feel? they're literally there just to be fucked once and then some other slut takes their place. Females truly have no self respect.

how come hollywood actresses never use men like this?

>be me
>the leo
>Academy Award Winner
>no biggy
>wake up, face first in beach sand
>everything fuzzy, hung over
>spent the past month getting high and drunk with dozens of supermodels
>they beg to have my children, to serve me
>a servant walks out in the sand, serving me coffee and an omelet on a silver platter
>ugh, what am I doing wrong? Most guys are past this silly faze of life by now.
>take sip. Giles has made another excellent brew. take mental note to give him a raise and a sports car.
>How do anons do it? Sitting there in that exquisite solitude, masters of their domains, no one bothering them for sex or money or to star in another Hollywood hit? Some of us are just cursed I guess.
>I'll have to schedule some more time for brooding in my study after the orgy
>today's Saturday, so it's daddy-daughter themed
>brush myself off and trudge back to my third mansion
>Oh to have the simple life, to want, to crave, to be invisible to everyone. the impossible dream.

OP is actually Leo



who would be the closest female to resemble Leo's lifestyle? like having her on the beach surrounded by gorgeous model men that you know run a train on her easily? closest females that come to mind would be roseanne barr
rosie odonnell
amy schumer

Yeah he should get married, look how great it turned out for Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Brendan Fraser.

>ignoring the obvious example of Taylor Swift

baka famalamlam

Yeah, he's a loser for not getting JUSTed by some gold-digging harlot.

i was really hoping to read rooney mara for some reason
she's dating already famous people, leo's shacking up with nobodies. Maybe they're models but they aren't famous already

I mean, that is some 10/10 pussy to his left. Is it a little sad that he's still alone? Idk, is he happy?

if Leo could have a harem of famous actresses he would, but since they have other shit to do than stand in line and bend over for him, he has literally whos do it instead. Taylor on the other hand can have famous people run a train on her, so she does.

might just be gender differences, nobody cares if a male celeb has sex with nobodies, but taylor cant go have sex with nobodies. Imagine Taylor getting pregnant by some nobody, she'd be so embarrassed.

Lol faggot.

how do you manage a harem. it's gotta be expensive and time consuming

Modern harem manages itself.

His old girlfriend was more lewd.

100k is chump change to leo
>time consuming
leo does not go around chasing girls, its the other way around. if someone in his harem feels like theyre being neglected, trust me, leo aint stopping them from leaving. they are very easily replaceable

Leo doesn't manage it. He goes somewhere, hot women follow, period. If he wants to replace his entire harem, he can within minutes.

It's that simple.

Britney Spears did exactly that. Twice. And then married a nobody. And after her first marriage to the nobody got annulled due to pressure from her family, she married another nobody. And after he divorced her and she had to pay him off, she still said "thank you for the babies".

But then again, Britney is retarded, and Taytay seems at least average intelligence

me on the bottom right

are you dead?

But he can't impregnate any of them without risking half of his money?

Tbqh ive had a few times in my life where i was juggling 5 or 6 girls at a time, and pussy becomes boring real quick and all you want is a gf to cuddle with and love you. Of course as soon as that happens i get restless for strange poos again. Honestly i think men would be happier if we just cut our fucking nuts off

why the fuck would he want to impregnate any of them?

they better be on birth control if they want to be near leo

he went to india to get that treatment where you become infertile for 10 years or something and it's easily reversible

explain lmao

If I was as rich as him I would try to make 100 kids to 100 different young women.

that's why you will never be rich