What do you like to eat while watching kino? Pic related

What do you like to eat while watching kino? Pic related


Where are the eggs?


often pizza
i eat too much of that shit

Literally right there.

Is that for one person? Why is it in a pizza box?

Me, I like a Might Kids Meal with a 6 piece order of McLegs, a medium fry, and a diet root beer

Is there anything more disgusting than an english breakfast


>when the drive thru girl laughs at you for asking for more Mclegs butter

I look amazing fämälämäzoid

You don't

The shit they take after

I used to think so. Then I went hiking in Scotland. Its the best. The bees knees.

I like bees!

I do fämäläm

>Breakfast box

I don't see any potato chips, or are you a stupid fucking Brit that calls french fries chips?

And they say Americans are fat.


Fuckin NEETs, learn to cook, faggot

there is obviously a difference between french fries and chips. I guess thats a problem you Americans have simplifying everything

I could go for this anytime anywhere tph flam

Just water. Enjoy having diabetes