Who are the Sup Forums patrician Youtube personalities?

Who are the Sup Forums patrician Youtube personalities?

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What is up with his new costume?

I unironically like this guy especially after he did a "really that good" about independence day. He's annoying about how much he hates the x-files but other than that the video was very convincing and I've always loved that movie.

Independence Day is a shit movie made by a shit director, the X-Files is one of the best tv series ever made, that guy can go fuck himself.

>Who are the Sup Forums patrician Youtube personalities?

The only right answer is Latza.

Unironically Wizard from RLM has patrician taste.

Independence Day is disaster/alien kino. I don't know what your problem is.

iDubbbz is gold.

feel free to die

Sub humans render unto the blob


>most people don't know what's best for them
I think he means "most people don't agree with what i think is best for them"

>Black Nerd Review of Ghostbusters and Rant about Internet rage over Ghostbusters reboot with all women.
No that is not why people hate this movie... they hate it for the fart jokes, bad writing and acting. Not the women

Are you kidding? His Independence Day analysis was fucking shit and was more about his globalist view than what made the movie good.

Confused Matthew did a better analysis video which sums his fucking rambling bullshit easily
>movie shows alien invasion in a realistic way
>everyone has a different view on the situation
>shit gets real
>military fights back
>can't beat the aliens
>try again with nukes
>it doesn't work
>try again with the main protagonist with the help of the world fighting
>it works
>Fuck Yeah

But to Bob, he has to see why it's good to him rather than why the movie is great. Which is simply that the movie is a great popcorn flick because shit happens even if the characters are archetypes.

That analysis video was honestly is fucking worst because it told you nothing about the movie or what made it good.

Nostalgia Critic
Screen Junkies
Cinema Sins

>I unironically like this guy
He's a washed-up talentless loser who's spent the last couple of years making an ass of himself in a desperate bid to stay relevant. He's the worst kind of idiot, the kind who believes he's a genius.

I really wish I could find this damn video because I really liked it more than fucking moviebob's shit analysis.

Easiest answer I've ever had to answer.



|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


>there's no such thing as a blue-collar worker who's also a nice person

holy shit bob

>1 of 1
Welp, fuck this board.

What is his accent?

Leon Thomas
Rob Ager

Thats it!

This is fucking hilarious, holy shit Bob

What is with Blob's accent and why does he lay it on super thick in some videos and then it's completely missing in others?

He wants everyone to think he's a badass despite being a lonely sad man who was bullied severely and he thinks a cartoony Boston accent will do the job

>the new Ghostbusters comes frustratingly close to being maybe the best possible version of its own bad idea: The cast is good, their chemistry is great, the new setup is interesting, the vast majority of the jokes land, and (most importantly of all) the main characters are compelling, interesting, well-conceived, and we enjoy spending time with them.

there's no market beyond talking about ghostbusters or independence day in awful nerd nitpicking shit way, so there really aren't actual critics on youtube

Filthy Frank.



Ever since he got booted from the escapist this guy has been such a sad cow; moving from site to site with basically zero audience.

At least you had the sense to call it "Sup Forums patrician", OP.

Actually I think its just the opposite. He hides his natural accent, trying to sound more educated, and not like some townie. But when his jimmies get rustled, the accent comes out.

Not just his videos his opinions are pretty stellar, he should do commentaries

Mundane Matt isn't bad.
Midnight's Edge digs up some interesting Behind the Scenes info on movies.

My problem is you.

Masshole. He's from Boston.

Jeremy Jahns

It's straight outta /r9k/. A NEET god ranting about the WageCuckies.
He was probably speaking with some blue-collar normal guy that was weirded out from his advance autism. Now he hates them all and must kill them.


>all these retards
Who the fuck are these LOLSORANDOMXD losers? These are the true patrician artists of youtube
1. Tonetta
2. Surveillance Camera Man
3. Ikema781
4. Masaokis

He would be if he´s movie taste wasn´t so shit

hello entry level redditor


Pic unrelated, right?

This guy is a massive cuck.

Kill yourself subhuman redditor scum

He's no different if not worse than those "conservabros", as a person who is forced by circumstances of life to hard physical labour, it kind of waddles my walters a little to have a fat manchild telling me how people don't know what's best for them, because clearly being a 40 year old man who spends his days in his bedroom dressed as super mario bro and judging other people on social networks is what's best for him.

>calling someone a redditor

Hello, redditor!

>Surveillance Camera Man
Most quality entertainment I've seen in a while.

Irate Gamer



