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Heroin puts you to sleep so how would that work?

Wow. Accurate.

Except for Heat Legend.

His joker is more of a 'gourmand' type. Heroin is not his drug, he would pop prescription drugs of various sorts. This would mean opiates, and amphetamines, and so on. He's a clown, that's /funnier/ than abusing illegal drugs.

Leto's joker seems like it'll be the funniest just based on the embarrassment of seeing a genuinely stupid, 98 IQ man doing his impersonation of a Twisted Evil Genius

Just look at that face, is he mocking the concept or does he really think that's what passes for craven and sinister?

meth isn't edgy enough.

Romero is more like caffeine

>meth isn't edgy enough.

He does have a meth-y aesthetic to him; that hair, those tattoos, etc.

Although his aesthetic is pretty dated. It's very early 00s nu-metal methhead.

And also, meth is easily the worst drug commonly used. Probably the worst, period, for the permanent damage it does to the psyche. You can come out of heroin and become a decent person again. Meth eats away your soul.

Heroine confirmed shit-tier
shit kills you young


Worse than ALCOHOL?

I want to see a DMT joker.

Go to bed, Joe. You have a podcast to record in the morning.

>first lex luthor
>now this shitty joker
Is Superman the only proper villain in the DCEU?

Can we all agree that leto is the most damaged joker?

Already have one.

No way.

Nicholson. He was not the Joker when he was a teenager.

Leto is the most melodramatic Joker. And he was definitely the Joker when he was a teenager.


societal progression?

I've never done drugs either :/


>You can come out of heroin and become a decent person again.


I know these are going by decade (although meth was a pretty 90s drug, next to Ecstasy),

but what drug was Mark Hamill's Joker?

Or, I should say, what drug is the definitive Joker?

I did. I'm okay.

I have a good friend coming out of it finally and he's becoming decent again too.

Oh god, I played that flash game when I was little, what was it called?

>but what drug was Mark Hamill's Joker?
>Or, I should say, what drug is the definitive Joker?

Nitrous Oxide?


Pico's School

enjoy your massive relapse


>Nitrous Oxide?
that or blood clots in the brain

It's been 6 years now. Not going to happen.

I'm an unusually willful person though, the odds don't apply to me ever.

Mark Hamill's Joker is on as many drugs as B:TAS Batman.



As a former drug addict who has been clean for 5+ years, I can safely say that this is the most retarded comparison I've ever seen. The Jokester has nothing to do with drugs. He's an agent of chaos, pure and simple. He's probably never been on drugs in his life.

I imagine the mind of the joker is 100times more fucked up than being on any drug

More like

Caffeine | Cocaine
Heroine | Basil

Heat OD'd on painkillers moron



I'm glad people take over the shitty spelling of shitty 9gag images

>he signed it "Caesar Romero"


>not smoking some dank Jeanne d'Arc

Was keking at this the whole time.

Is Jack Nicholson a stranger to coke?

iunno man, I've seen a lot of shoehorned female leads and I feel pretty fucked up

i'm gonna say

craven means cowardly
