BvS: It's Happening

Where were you when the world started to embrace Capekino?

>Instead, Snyder’sBatman v Supermanis comics as modern mythology in that entertainment seems secondary to crafting a story that engages questions of the human condition, good and evil, and the exercise of power within the clash of heroes with superhuman abilities.

Other urls found in this thread:

no lie i was going to pass this off as a shitpost but that guy's comment on beautiful lie and false god clicked for me

still you guys need to have way more tact desu

>“The movie is a challenge—sort of like the book is a challenge—to your icons, your morality, how you perceive pop culture, how you perceive mythology, and for that matter, how you perceive God.”
-Zack Snyder, Father of Capekino

>in a few hours you'll be getting a bunch of angry (you)s
shine on

Still a shit movie on a writing, editing, pacing, acting, visual scale. Any child can ask stale philosophical questions, it takes an artist to explore them in a way that is both thought provoking and entertaining

Sup Forums BTFO once again

Kek that's me


If I could have one thing for Christmas it would be Zack Snyder carefully going through all these infographs and laughing at how wrong and misinterpreted they are.

"What virgin wrote these?"


>muh Martha
fuck off

That's nice :3 I'm happy for you, user.

Have a fridge-gif and a big kiss :^* (no homo)

I hope you have a wonderful day! ^_^

Not even memeing, I want to make someone happy.

Oh why thank you

as time goes by we see the evolution of people's opinion on Zack Snyder

>post MoS pre BvS
>what a fucking hack! muh jesus! fuck you snyder!

>BvS-RT scores
>hahaah fucking fire Zack already! piece of shit director!

>post BvS DC fans dissection of the movie
>w-well i-its a boring movie! not fun at all! its got good imagery! no quips! sitll failure at RT!

>post BvS ultimate cut
>at last I have seen the light...thank you based Snyder, thank you ;_;

what have you done Snyder? what have you done?

>How we perceive God

Have a good day user, i also have days where i feel as happy and want to spread joy as much as you. Unfortunately this is not one of those days :(

guess what bitch? teh philosophical inquiry into x isn't meant to (and it doesn't) elevate a work of art so stop being so insecure about these media studies essays. it's just a lense, like approaching films through box office records

Cheer up, user! :3

I'm sure your happy day is just around the corner :3


Could somebody post the b/w cinegrid?


>Everything looks more kino if you make it black and white

Thank you user

Somebody stop this man!

A great many of us have been tactful since the outset.

That's beautiful

So much pottery...

Isn't that a type of drink?

That's a damn good article.

anybody got the fake criterion collection cover? i couldnt save it a few days ago.

You can't whack the Zack, baby.

Did Armond White write this?

This one?

Are they making kino-enlightenment in pill form now?

The main theme of Snyder's "Batman v Superman" on spiritual dematerialism is not eschatological, but a phenomenological ontology. Thus he implies that we have to choose between predialectic construction and deconstructivist neodialectic theory, essentially Heideggerian as seen in the concept of Dasein. The subject is interpolated then into a cinematic dematerialism that includes spirituality as a whole. But if the Kierkegaardian worldview holds, we have to choose between the cultural paradigm of expression and atomism. In Snyder's own "Man of Steel" he has a character says that "the world's too big”. Inherent in this is how the function of Lebenswelt (cinematically translated by Snyder as "world of life") operates in all his films, chiefly in "Sucker Punch" and "300". We see a phenomenological approach to the world showing a cinematic logic that presupposes a strucutral constraint in rootedness, another intentionality central to his filmography and philosophy. Because "metaphysical comfort" is not an object of temporality per se, but rather an aspect of automatic condition, as suggested by Cavell. Hermeneutic interpretations are also apparent in his post-"Watchmen" movies; in fact the interchangeable subjectivities are but another representation of Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". As his academic hero Heidegger succintly noted, "freedom is the ‘abyss’ of Dasein, its groundless or absent ground". This is essentially the thesis operating in Snyder's films.

“Art is intrinsically meaningless,” says Ben Affleck. The primary theme of BvS' analysis of Sontagist camp is a mythopoetical totality. The characteristic theme of the works of Snyder is the common ground between society and language. But the premise of dialectic superheroism holds that the establishment is capable of social comment. The subject is interpolated into a social realism that includes narrativity as a whole.

“Society is unattainable,” says Kal-El. It could be said that Luthor uses the term ‘neomaterial desituationism’ to denote not sublimation, but presublimation. If social realism holds, the works of Snyder are an example
of purposeful superhero movies, also known as "capekino."

In a sense, Marveldrones promote the use of postdeconstructive objectivism to attack capekino. The subject is contextualised into a neomaterial desituationism that includes reality as a reality.

But dialectic superheroism suggests that culture serves to entrench outmoded, elitist perceptions of capeshit. Terrio uses the term ‘neomaterial desituationism’ to denote a self-supporting totality.

No. The author's name is in the article.

Armond praised it too.


i just watched this
>expected gadot to be shitty and annoying
>has just a few min screentime and wasn't THAT bad
>meanwhile fatman killing around and using guns
but the worst part was luthor, holy shit i can't believe what they did to him. i am no a way a luthorfanboy but eisenberg acting like an actual asperger having, prententious kid was hurtful to watch. i don't remember ever watching a worse adaption.





Just kill capeshit already.

>implying this was genuine

He knew you fags would turn it into a meme, why should I believe that this piece of shit changed his life?

Dawn of Justice is Ascended Cape Kino

Calm down Baba, you've got a civil war to worry about now.

>Snyder’s Batman and Superman each embody a manifestation of American self-consciousness in the 21st century. In Batman we see our obsession with fear; an overconfidence in the power of striking fear as a deterrent along with the persistent fear of the threat of the other. In this movie as well as in the comics, Batman’s “cautiousness” borders on paranoid fear as he keeps a contingency plan on Superman and the other members of the Justice League because trust in the goodness of others is a sucker bet. Snyder’s Superman raises the questions of the morality of our worship of unfettered power. Superman’s cultural mythos has always coincided with the belief that such raw power exercised in the pursuit of justice is good. Batman v Superman asks us to consider the Man of Steel as a “weapon of mass destruction” whose intervention, even if benevolent in its intentions, creates destructive after effects.

>The movie closes with concurrent funerals, one for Clark Kent and one for Superman. In the background of Kent’s casket being laid to rest, Bruce Wayne muses on what must die. Raw power is being mourned in a “circus” in DC over an “empty box”. His Amazon compatriot replies that we (America) don’t know any other way to honor him but as a soldier, deified a hero solely by virtue of symbolic proximity to raw force. Soldier and hero are collapsed together in public consciousness. Ironically, this honor comes at the cost of considering him human, potentially courageous or callous.

Holy shit

MCucks literally BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Your forgettable and trashy movies COULD NEVER incite this level of discourse.

MCucks on suicide watch

leave DC to me



>this is what retards actually believe

Sup Forums autists BTFO


>the comment section is full of assblasted plebs

reminds me of Sup Forums

>BvS was not a failure for any of these reasons.
Film goers are smart enough, and savvy enough to love a film that is smart, challenges the audience, and is full of ambiguities. Departed is a good example.
BvS failed because is was simply poorly made, and failed at nearly every essential structure in dramatic story telling.
I actually groaned out loud in the theatre when Batman decided not to kill Superman because he had a mother. This is neither smart or savvy. It is a failed structure. Perhaps a novel could have given us some reason to believe that would be sufficient, but the movie failed to.
That is just one of many structural problems, alongside a massive lack of motivation for the antagonist, insufficient development of Wonder Woman to understand her motivation, and other problems.

Why are people so stupid?

I am horrible at analyzing films and didn't have these "issues"

>Film goers are smart enough, and savvy enough to love a film that is smart, challenges the audience, and is full of ambiguities. Departed is a good example.

>that second comment

>If you have to explain in a forum why one of the most critical scenes in the movie is misunderstood by the majority of movie goers, the film is a failure. If you have to resort to canon and material outside the movie, the film is a failure.

They don't have actual opinions of their own. They only know how to regurgitate what "critics" wrote.

Critics being glorified bloggers, youtube e-celebs, and "comicbook nerds" with no real film knowledge.

>Film goers are smart enough, and savvy enough to love a film that is smart, challenges the audience, and is full of ambiguities

You're wrong.

it was a comment m8

You're right. I wasn't thinking. Please accept my apology.

>If I didn't understand it, it's a failure. If someone explains it to me and it makes sense it's still a failure.