What are some entry level anime movies?

What are some entry level anime movies?

Akira, ghost in a shell, spirited away?

Ive only seen akira and really liked it, the other 2 i always hear about. any other like this? please dont post obscure nerd shit

Other urls found in this thread:


Jin-Roh: the wolf brigade


FYI the mods here have lost their marbles and will delete this thread pretty soon. Of course they'll let all the garbage threads stay up like "what did he mean by this" and "is this kino."

But yeah Akira, GitS, anything Ghibli, Patlabor, Jin-Roh, Makoto Shinkai's movies (e.g. 5 Centimeter per Second), Mamoru Hosoda's movies (e.g. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time), Redline, Sword of the Stranger, Memories, Satoshi Kon's movies (e.g. Perfect Blue).

Actually we could just say that almost any anime movie not tied to a franchise is "entry level." They don't usually require any high power level.

Miyazaki films:
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Based upon Masamune Shirow stories:
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell TV series

Those are my recommendations. There's so much out there that it's hard to know where to point somebody.

Ninja Scroll

>Satoshi Kon
fuck yeah, satoshi kon!

This is tricky because there are like four different ones out there. The original from the '80s is pretty good, and the first CG one is pretty good; but the other two are a bit "meh".

W.I.N.G.S. of Honneamise
Castle of Cagliostro
Millennium Actress
Demon City Shinjuku
Macross Plus OVA

If you are looking for bland shit everyone has seen, just use Google you huge faggot

>But I want to watch anime but pretend it's cool if my mates ask because I'm an insecure little child

Princess Mononoke
My Neighbor Totoro

>Castle of Cagliostro
Arguably the best of the Lupin III catalogue.

Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Shell
Neo Tokyo
Roujin Z

he sure does love his matever

Iria OVA
They were Eleven
Blood: The Last Vampire
And when you're done watching all the films recommended ITT, watch Project A-ko

Yeah, but with an automatic he could have landed two trackers, though

It must have been really tedious work to paint all those cels by hand and then do all the multiplane shots.

If you could give some kind of direction as to your tastes that would help.

>Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Excellent science-fiction police-thriller. Great characterization and mystery.
>Wings of Honneamise
Slow burning existential science-fiction, very thoughtful and mature. Like 'Contact' but not retarded.
>Porco Rosso
Great adventure movie set in Italy between World Wars. All biplanes and old-timey manliness.

Pretty sure the 'Wings' in Honneamise is just 'wings.' It doesn't stand for anything.

>Project A-ko
Holy Fuck, that first A-ko movie is great! The following films less good.

>he could have landed two trackers, though
Well played, user.

you are correct, I was just remembering the DVD case

>Porco Rosso
Another overlooked Miyazaki film. I quite liked it.

>Demon City Shinjuku
i always get this one mixed up with urotsukidoji, DO NOT mix them up if there are kids around

>Project A-ko
Not bad but true patricians know to watch Cream Lemon.

animation is incredibly tedious in general

It's a meme at this point but watch Evangelion. It's not always great but it's an experience worth having.

Can anybody recommend me some kino anime?

All the movies listed in this thread.

First Project A-ko is definitely the best.
Better to watch it after binging on Animu as it's a perfect spoof of typical anime tropes.

>Belladonna of Sadness
Kino incarnate, just one google image search should convince you
>Wings of Honneamise
The epic that Nolan set out to create and failed miserably with when he made Interstellar
>Cream Lemon
A 52 episode series which easily contains some of the greatest pornography I've ever seen in my life. The episodes range from quaint little nothings to small self-contained Bergman flicks.
Misanthropic cyberpunk body-horror masterpiece
>Video Girl Ai
A pretty but stupid and sentimental piece of shit that's played so straight and sincere that it physically hurts
>Twilight Q
Two stylish and moody as hell short mystery pieces that were intended to kickstart a much longer running series. First part, 'A Knot in Time' is in my opinion one of the most underappreciated pieces of anime ever made.

Off the top of my head that does it.


A former Japanese girlfriend watched this with me and she found it mostly bizarre, but she did enjoy that the fighter pilots were given twangy accents to sound like Southerners or Cowboys. It always amazed me how little she understood when watching anime; I mean, she was from the island, but she couldn't grasp cultural artifacts like A-ko.

labyrinth labyrinthos

B-ko a cute!

My favorite part is when A-ko uses the missiles as stepping stones.


5:20 if anyone wants to see.

tokikake, perfect blue, even cowboy bebop the movie

Can anyone here recommend me an anime or a manga about samurai, but when they were still a military force fighting in huge battles. I am not talking about ronin stuff like rurouni kenshin and samurai champloo.

Grave of the Fireflies

Does anybody remember Madox-01?

Can anyone recommend an anime about cute little girls?

Never been in to anime really, yet I've watched welcome to the N.H.K, which really triggered me.

I want more of that triggering, I want cute little girls, but I also want the animation to not be total garbage.

Kid finds the mech in a box or something?
Think i have the dvd

You mean like high school students?

Only if you wanna feel

>Not total garbage animation
Pick one.

Anime has the best hand-drawn animation you'll find.

redline is great, maybe not the best for a starter but damn those visuals are fantastic

Yeah, that could work.

What I liked about welcome to the N.H.K was the fact that it was literally shitting all over its audience, but it made you emotionally invested enough to see past that, as the protagonist is literally 90% of all weebs.

I want to feel something again, it's been too long.

mind game + your favourite substance
actually, you can just look up escape from the whale and be done with it, if you are in a hurry

sword of the stranger

not a series, mostly small fights 1v1s until the end but the ending is great. can be pretty slow at times but it might be what you're looking for. just give it a chance and make it to the ending


Weebs are walking monuments to cringe. NHK's protagonist is just mentally ill. Weebs also don't exist in Japan.

If you're looking for something similiar to NHK then Watamote is probably your next stop but there aren't that many shows like it.

Not necessarily like it, although I did like the depressing aspect.

I just want something that could trigger and emotional response, preferably with a cute girl or two as well.

I'll check that out.

There's tons of shows that meet that criteria. Like Air, Kanon and Clannad.

Legend of the Galatic Heroes

Aka Japanese War and Peace

The Big O

It's got good art and style.
The actual animation is lazy.

aka borefest

There's that meme again.

It has nothing to do with laziness. Animation production has limitations on time, money and staff and you can't have everything. Not even Disney's supposedly perfect features had everything.

Anime chooses to focus on quality over quantity, so while they could have a lot more animation than they do now they would have to reduce quality. That said, people exaggerate the limitedness of the animation to a fantastical degree. Probably because they've watched hardly any anime and just repeat what they've heard.

This is apparently not lazy:


But this is lazy:


Makes sense.

Paprika is really good. Basically a more light hearted, colourful version of Inception.

If you're going to do this you can at least do it right. Go back to the 70s, when everything was objectively superior. Pic related and Aim for the Ace! are my two personal favourites but there's plenty of great stuff.

>Triggered weeb
Wew lad

If you want to deny frames are dropped, sequences get repeated, "standing perfectly still except repeated hair cycle and mouth" happens or fight sequences from films get traced, fine. Live in denial.

the miyazaki one where the little girl is the mc and saves the day

What you did there see I it.


I wasn't triggered and I'm not a weeb.

>If you want to deny frames are dropped
You mean it's not 24 FPS? Well no shit. That would be impossible.

>sequences get repeated
Very rarely.

>"standing perfectly still except repeated hair cycle and mouth"
What about it?

>fight sequences from films get traced
I've never heard of that happening. Rotoscoping is rare in anime.

And what's your point anyway? That anime isn't the absolute human pinnacle of hand-drawn animation with no compromises whatsoever? Nobody claimed that it was.

>Triggering intesifies.
It's barely half of Western FPS. Which isn't always a compromise for better quality. You cherry pick.

>Very rarely
Odd way to type all the time

>Fight sequences traced
>never heard of it
Try google sometime, maybe start with a liitle known flick... Cattle Wrancher Jazz-SubGenre I think.

I'm saying the animation, is lazy.
Which on at least one point, you agree happens.
I'm not insulting your fucking cartoons by being honest about the way the animation cuts corners.

>Triggering intesifies.
No it doesn't.

>It's barely half of Western FPS.
Anime doesn't have a constant framerate. It varies.

>Which isn't always a compromise for better quality.
I'm talking about the general principle of it. Anime could look like Family Guy and get blazing fast framerates, but then it would also look like shit.

>You cherry pick.
What do you think I'm cherry picking exactly?

>Odd way to type all the time
I said very rarely because I meant very rarely.

>Try google sometime
So you can't name any examples, then?

>I'm saying the animation, is lazy.
I'm saying that's a meme, because that's exactly what it is. It, again, has nothing to do with "laziness." If anime animators wanted to be lazy then why would they have such extravagantly detailed and complex character designs that are always shaded? Why would they bother with things like three-dimensional camera movement and foreshortening? Why go through the trouble of, say, drawing an MG-42 as it appears in real life instead of just making up something that looks vaguely like a machine gun? And so on.

>Which on at least one point, you agree happens.
What are you talking about?

>I'm not insulting your fucking cartoons by being honest about the way the animation cuts corners.
Nobody said anime doesn't "cut corners." Do you live in some fantasy world where Western animation makes zero compromises? Even Disney made them.

Porco Rosso is both accessible to western audiences and extremely good.

I literally named an example asspained asspie. If you're too enraged to even read my responses, why should I bother typing them?


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


>I literally named an example asspained asspie.
Named what? "Cattle Wrancher"? That doesn't return anything on Google and I've never heard of it.

>If you're too enraged to even read my responses
You are projecting.

Man you're a huge tool. We get it, you don't like anime and will resort to making shit up because it feels like you're losing face

>ghost in a shell
start with those desu

>Miyazaki films
>no porco rosso

Not even him, but dude...
Dude, Cattle Wrancher Jazz Sub Genre
Are you retarded?
Even Normie's know that anime.
Did you somehow miss the fucking pun?

Cowboy Bebop? Ok, what did it rotoscope?

Perhaps it's because you keep writing wrancher and that's not a fucking word, you illiterate troglodyte.

Cowboy Bebop is inferior to Outlaw Star anyway.

Every fight with Spike. Its not "rotoscoped" either. They just trace Bruce Lee fights.

Starship Troopers

Tracing means rotoscoping.

So even if they did copy fights from Bruce Lee movies, what's that supposed to prove?

Incidentally, American animation has used rotoscoping a lot. Disney even recycled it.


No, rotoscoping is a specific technique where live action has animation applied over it.

I think he was saying animation was lazy, and by tracing a fight frame for frame rather than choreographing their own is lazy.

I literally don't give a fuck about your autistic argument either way, you not getting the pun just amused me.

>tracing a fight frame for frame
I.e. rotoscoping it.

Even if Bebop did copy some fights from Bruce Lee, it doesn't mean anything.

Perhaps it's because you keep writing wrancher and that's not a fucking word, you illiterate troglodyte.

See a Scanner Darkly. That's rotoscoping.

I dunno, to me it seems kinda lazy and at least implies a level of cutting corners that the other guy implies. I dunno man, if its really such a personal matter to you, I guess you won't be willing to see it from another perspective.

Yeah, this is spam.

I know what rotoscoping is.

>I dunno, to me it seems kinda lazy and at least implies a level of cutting corners that the other guy implies.
It's a single series out of thousands, and even if they copy the choreography of a fight they still have to animate it, which may be a lot of work depending on what kind of fight it is. Storyboarding something is the easy part; actually animating it is where things get difficult.

>Tracing a fight is difficult
I'm not sure I agree, in comparison to creating it from scratch. I'm guessing it happens more than you realise if you didn't know about it happening in Cowboy Bebop. Or you just filter out any and all ideas you perceive as criticism to anime.

They didn't rotoscope them.

>I'm guessing it happens more than you realise if you didn't know about it happening in Cowboy Bebop
Or maybe, as people so often do, you're extrapolating too much from too little. "This one anime copied a fight from a movie, so it must be normal in anime."

Cowboy Bebop is very strongly influenced by kung fu movies and I think Spike's fighting style was based on Jeet Kune Do. So it's not like they just randomly copied something because they couldn't be bothered to make their own choreography.

>Or you just filter out any and all ideas you perceive as criticism to anime.
I've already soundly refuted this criticism.

Dude, I'd really suggest you google the topic. It was traced frame for frame, call it rotoscoping if you want, even though that's wrong.

It wasn't based on Jeet Kun Do, it was copied from Bruce Lee, performing the style frame for frame. Considering you seem to have only just learned this happened in this thread and are already acting like an expert, I'm forced to conclude you have some perceived personal stake in this.

>I've refuted this statement
Good for you?
I'm not sure I agree with that based on the limited interaction I've had with you.

Rotoscoping means tracing footage frame by frame. So you're saying it was rotoscoping but also that it was not rotoscoping. Which is it?

>It wasn't based on Jeet Kun Do, it was copied from Bruce Lee, performing the style frame for frame.
I said Spike's fighting style is based on Jeet Kune Do. I was not talking about any specific scenes. My point was that they did not just randomly go "fuck it, let's just look up some martial arts movie and copy something." His fighting style is Jeet Kune Do and the series is influenced by kung fu movies. It wasn't a random decision.

>Considering you seem to have only just learned this happened in this thread and are already acting like an expert, I'm forced to conclude you have some perceived personal stake in this.
What are you talking about?

>I'm not sure I agree with that based on the limited interaction I've had with you.
Why do you not agree?

Also, nobody has actually posted any of the scenes that they say were taken from Bruce Lee movies. How many are there? To what extent do they copy?

I really can't be bothered with your autism pal, the other dude had the right idea. The more you type, the more you seem like an asspie who's regularly on here screaming how much he isn't a weeb, yet proving it more and more with every post. In fact, on re reading I'm certain of it.

Here's a bit of polite advice. You aren't winning arguments. Your autism just exhausts people.

>anyone who says things I don't like is autistic

>The more you type, the more you seem like an asspie who's regularly on here screaming how much he isn't a weeb, yet proving it more and more with every post. In fact, on re reading I'm certain of it.
The only reason I tell people I'm not a weeb is because they claim I am one. And they're never able to explain why.

>Here's a bit of polite advice. You aren't winning arguments.
I just did.

infantile cartoon shit has two fucking boards and this isn't one of them

We aren't talking about cartoons, and anime is also television and film.

Your autism just exhausts people.

>My japanese cartoons aren't cartoons
n1ce 0n3

I have no autism and you're just making excuses for running out of arguments.

Anime and cartoons are two different, unrelated things.

You're literally one of the most autistic people on here.

You literally have no arguments to back that up. You're just trying to change the subject since you lost the argument.

I literally came back to this thread after a shower and it all went to shit because of your autism. I have no stake in whatever bullshit you're peddling today, but your shit ruins countless anime threads. Please, do us all a favour and become a tripfag so we can at least choose to filter you. Its not as though we can't recognise you anyways, this just gives us the option to allow threads to continue without your crap.