Rate muh torrents

rate muh torrents

>more pics incoming




what are you doing user



I supposed you are watching these on a small ass laptop screen?


I can tell that most of these are YIFYs

nah ps4 on my 42 inch, why ? because they are fairly small files ?

MUH YIFY posters please leave

>all these lightweight rips

gtfo pleb

Not a single book in that list, no wonder this sub is this retarded if this is representative of the average /tvirgin



yeah fuck high quality encodes dude 1080p with a single digit bitrate all the way

Jesus and you subject yourself to that out of your own volition?

i bet you're a "muh private trackers secret club" fag right ?

what do you mean by "not a single book" ? there's plenty of films based on books in my torrents unless you're just retarded and can't tell

What the fuck is this shit.

>private trackers

yeah fuck quality my man

>plenty of films based on books

holy shit kill yourself you fucking retard

>Why read a book when I can watch the movie.

Are you not ashamed of yourself?

Literally Plebbit: The Collection


just stop posting this YIFY trash, nobody wants to see your fucking autism

Or maybe he just buys books you fucking retard

wtf are you on about ? we're on Sup Forums and we're talking about films, why would there be books in this folder, claiming superior intelligence back cant grasp the basic subject at hand, back to lit faggot.

please show me how pic related is "bad quality" or how i should subject myself to terrible viewing by watching films with pic related quality ? enjoy your 25gb film downloads, absolute waste of time and space, prove me wrong.

or perhaps he is wondering why someone would buy a book when you can download it for free

>those file sizes
>watching on a 42 inch with a ps4
Why not get something with acceptable quality instead, hard drives are cheap as fuck nowadays.

Right, he's too cheap to buy Dvds yet somehow he developed the intellectual moral to buy books

Its a general torrent list you fucking homo.

Maybe he prefers physical books, I know I do. And they only cost like £3 on Amazon if you buy them used, IO got a hardback Oxford complete collection of Shakespeare for 1p plus £2.80 delivery cost


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


I got it for free and reading it on my fucking phone instead of having to carry around a 1000+ page book.

its actually my folder marked "movies" and not a general torrent folder you absolute fucking assuming retard

>having more than 70gb worth of star wars trash


Then don't say

>Rate my torrents

You intellectually disabled /tvirgin. Those aren't torrents. Instead say

>Rate my movie folder

Is it my fault your lack of reading and passive staring at screen based media has rotted your intellectual faculties?

ITT: snobby downloaders getting BTFO

>snobby downloaders getting BTFO

yeah okay YIFY faggot, keep watching your shit encodes

yawn, give it up mate, twist it any way you want, you know you're wrong and clutching

>>having more than 70gb worth of star wars trash
>avoiding my question and instead trying to insult someone else's taste when he literally posted a reddit tier movie list

shiggy diggy doo
Keep downloading garbage quality flicks my friend

>unacceptable quality

explain how pic related is not "acceptable" ?

Not being able to tell the difference between an active torrent and a seperate movie folder.

How pathetic a creature are you? Do you watch these movies to fill your lack of a love life?

Do you not read because yoou fail to see the significance of college?

YOu are a disgrace user, you belong in this sub, forever and ever and you will never escape.

>tfw gf of 9 years, £110,000 in the bank, own 3 properties, just voted brexit (won) and i'm hungover from being out with my mates last night

keep projecting broseph :)

I watch streams

holy shit lmfao

user stop lying. Reach people don't vote Brexit.

The strongest predictor of voting brexit was lack of education.


>I don't download aXXo
imagine a slightly overweight man tipping a trilby

you're watching 720p flicks with absolute shit bitrate on a 42 inch screen.
Not my fault you'll never know what high quality looks like

uneducated and rich mate, stay mad

>implying you need to go to "college" to get rich

this isn't america mate

You aren't rich user. Saving half your money after 10 years of working at minumum wage will get you that amount.

woah it looks no different

>what is diminishing returns

>3 properties in Edinburgh the second most expensive property market in britain

yeh i am, sorry you didnt read my first post properly :)

>woah it looks no different
You really have never seen a movie that's larger than 3gb have you?

>full movies under 2GB in size
Pleb detected famillia

user you bought houses like most people before they crashed the economy. You know when strippers literally owned multiple houses? You saved a small sum of money and now you pretend to be rich in a country that due to you is on the brink of bankrupcy.

Good luck pretending to be rich cause you don't live in somalia faggot.

Also stop watching so many movies, get a life and get laid.


>literally all owned outright (that means no mortgage btw) and worth around 200,000 each

you are right that i bought them at the crash though, and i'm only 25, life is easy mode and i am handsome as fuck lets post faces and see whos uglier shall we ?


>You know when strippers literally owned multiple houses?

hahahahahaha go back to watching the big short mate

user why are you so insecure and lying trying to prove yourself to an anonymous stranger?

You'd be around 17 or younger if you bought those houses. What is wrong with you user?

Are you also lying about your appearance? Are you in fact... Hideous?!

Yes, how about you post a face? Then I'll post mine

Take that. Living the life, rich, fucking my girl and hanging with my lads. What do you have a basement in your mommies house?

>implying the crash didnt last well after 2008

i bought when i was 20 in 2010 and all prices were rock bottom, you wouldnt know anything about it though because you're just talking out your ass

>implying i'll post first


Good user, that doesn't make you succesful though. Many people bough houses after the crash. You still seem to only make minimum wage while wasting your life on movies and lying.

Also how much will those houses be worth when the pound drops further?

Yes what a sexy mofo you are.

>download rarbg torrent
>everything looks good
>turn out the sound bitrate is like 50kbps instead what it shown there at the torrent site supposed to be 200 kbps

>rent out three properties with a bomb in the bank
>not on minimum wage (dont know why you assume that, probably because you are yourself)
>already explained how my life is far better than yours and you are clearly clueless about property and actually taking situations from "the big short" to back up your theories
lol, bye mate, enjoy the salty

You must be autistic if you think there is a significant difference

Bomb in the bank. user after expenses you will still be making less money than the average college grad. 110000 isnt that much money after all these years, it has to be minimum wage. Unless you shoot all your money on crack and cocaine.

You want to know how much I make and where I work user?

Nah you couldnt take it. You're insecure as it is and trying to prove something to someone you will never meet.

In that case I am autistic

What are you going to do with all these movies?

This is pretty sad actually