Medieval army sets up in a series of complex formations

>medieval army sets up in a series of complex formations
>moment of silence

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Dumb frogposter

Name 5 kino 6 cinemas 3 films 7 movie and 12 flicks where this happen

I've played Total War, I know that shit DOES NOT work

>archers fire once or twice
>never seen again

>catapult shots explode
>barrels of tar explode

>medieval army
>set up a series of complex barricades
>enemy just ganks me with dragons

ernest travels in time

>swords slice through chainmail

>autist thinks he understands how things work

>sieging a city
>majority of your forces are on boats
>have about 50 foot soldiers
>just stroll ashore to have a chat with the besieged city's rulers

what did they mean by this

>both sides fight to the death on an open field

what the fuck. in real life there was much more retreating or running away from low morale

>cavalry charges against cavalry
>archers fire once or twice, never join the melee when they could easily flank
>main character cuts down 10 extras with a sword
>main character survives getting trampled
>wall of bodies magically appear


>medieval warfare
>almost nobody dies from disease

>medieval war film
>main character dies from dysentery

does on easiest quite a lot of the time

>in real life there was much more retreating or running away from low morale

Yeah that would make a really great movie user.

>almost nobody dies from disease

Yeah that would make a really great movie user.

great post user.

Thanks. I was a little hesitant because I thought it would be too smart for the general audience but I decided to go for it anyway.

Trust your instincts my friend. Assuage those lingering doubts knowing now with all certainty that we believe in you

>form a phalanx
>medium infantry jumps over the phalanx and charges

Im not gonna google that word

>robin hood with russel crowe was rather realistic with its depicition of the middle ages
>fags accustomed to Wilkinson and venus gillete models were appalled

It's the bottom part of your dick

>medieval age movie
>there are many people older than 30, sometimes as old as 80.


It's the pretentious ancient Greek word for a shieldwall.

Faggots like to use it to try and look smart.

Average life expectency was only 30 because of high infant and child mortality. If you reached adulthood, you stood a reasonable chance of living into your sixties, plus a sixty year old in the medieval period would look older than most do first worlders do today since life was harder.

This is why people should learn when and where it's appropriate to use mean average and when they should use median or mode.

>movie about ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt
>every one has an English accent

>mfw the original script was a thriller with Russel Crowe playing the Sheriff of Nottingham trying to hunt down serial killer Robin Hood
>mfw the studio thought it would be bad to make Robin Hood into a villain

dumb frogposters

Infant mortality is not accounted for in average life expectancy. Most would be expected to die around that age. Some would live longer, some less.


>medieval fantasy
>warlord dies from picking at his bandage

>Infant mortality is not accounted for in average life expectancy

Yes it is, average life expectancy usually refers to average life expectancy at birth.



>pull sword out of leather scabbard

>calvary charge in "v" shape
> bannerman survives and somehow keeps pushing through rows of bad guys


>sword is on someones back
>camera cuts away

>Roman period piece
>only that word is in Latin, the rest is in English

What's this from?
I love watching movies with Roman tactics, even fake ones

What accent would have?

>Momma mia, Emperor Casear, it's-a da Germans. They're-a attacking now!

You're kidding, right?

Or are you just an idiot.

I wonder.

>great post user.

Yeah that would make a really great movie user.

dumb frogposter

I'm all for realism and historical accuracy but you're focusing on the wrong things.

>armor is really heavy
>armor is paper thin

Dark Souls.webm

>main character leads the charge

froghead stop