What is your go to cinema snack? Mine's chimichangas

What is your go to cinema snack? Mine's chimichangas.

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fuck that looks delicious

I usually bring a soft pretzel from home

That looks disgusting.

I like the couscous but the vendor is usually right by the showers so it's always damp

Yeah, if you're some kind of faggoty vegan.

That looks fucking incredible.

A whole rotisserie chicken

Looks pretty good but I can't finish that by myself

how the fuck are you supposed to eat burrito covered in sauce? are americans this stupid

I'm actually Mexican.

>muh vegan strawman

>muh epic bacon

every seat in my theater has fondue apparatus in the arm rest.

It isn't a burrito, it's a chimichanga. It's deep fried and you eat it with a fork and knife.

what the FUCK is that being dipped

I'm sorry to hear that. Please stay on your side of the wall, amigo.

With utensils you fucking savage.

Was the deepfrying-thing an American addition?

Still looks delicious though

You're a big guy

A mucho gigante Mexican faggot.

They're more popular in America than in Mexico, but they are a Mexican invention.

You need to eat a fucking chimichanga during a movie? You fat fuck.

It's called potatoes in my country

Not sure if Deadpool, Pinky Pie or just fat American.

We have them in America but theyre a lot bigger

I buy the deluxe popcorn so I don't have to wait for the light to go green

That shit looks disgusting


There's this really good, authentic Mexican place in my town that I like. They have dollar margaritas on thursdays and all the chips and salsa you can eat. Your pic makes me want to go there.

The first time I got a chimichanga, there was a hair in it. But, I will still probably go back to the same place.

I don't "need" to. I just get irritable from lack of blood sugar if I don't.

Do americans not know what potatoes are?

I'm the type of person to go into a movie theater and be a slob on purpose. I usually get an extra large popcorn, large coke, hot dog, slice of pizza, and nachos. This way all this food will last me at least half the movie depending on how fast I eat. But I will crunch and much during a film, over exaggerate my laugh and wear my hat in the theater. I am also reallllly tall (6'6, 360lbs) so I will always get the one seat that is empty when the theater is packed and kind of obstruct the view for whoever is behind me. God I love my freedom.

>implying vegetarian chimichangas aren't also delicious as fuck

are people actually able to eat that entire thing?

Isn't this some american place. It just has mexicans work there as they normally would.


hello brother! the narwhal bacons at midnight!

We have that kind in America, too. They're just skinned in the fondue picture. You've never had potatoes that look like this? It's the kind the put in potato salad.

They're a staple of every mexican resteraunt in the country. It's not even kind of obscure you sheltered dufus.


I usually bring 3 or 4 sloppy joes

I can't decide if I want to eat that, or have sex with it.

>someone ordered this

You're doing god's work user.

>Americans actually go to cinema to eat instead of watching the movie.


We call them Fries here

fish sticks and mashed potatoes, but only if it's properly cooked

>not keeping up your energy to dodge the sniper fire
third worlders will never know the true cinema experience.

You good?

>tfw my cinema unironically sells churros

Thank you. I love to just stuff my face until I get looks of disgust from everyone around me. I like to leave crumbs and garbage all over the movie theater floor. I am god.

pic related, it's what i had last night.

always great having a good dinner while watching food kino like goodfellas

Why would you ironically sell tasty treats?

...I have no idea what you are talking about and I've seen Deadpool.


you can tell it is fake because of the way the doritos are handled. No restaurant on earth would use tongs to place the chips or cut the bag open like she does.
It simply wastes too much time.

Food service guy here

Are you manlet?

>thought it went for 20 secs
>man that so little
>30secs in: what she doing?
>1min in: what's in the pot
>1:15 in: cardiac orgasm
>1:47 in: myocardial infarction
>1:54 in: ded

To lure children.

They made prison seem comfy as fuck.


You really need to learn how to cook.
What possessed you to think this was a decent picture of food?
Save yourself the embarrassment next time and actually ass yourself into reading a decent recipe.

>There are people on Sup Forums who wouldn't devour that in one sitting.

>cinemas mashed potato policy doesn't allow pepper or to mix it with tomato sauce and peas


>cottage cheese?

I'm no cultural cuisine expert but that's some unorthodox dinner you have there.

It's apart of the family tradition

>cottage cheese

i am pretty sure thats feta


That buy two packs for a free cinema ticket is back. Suicide squad by diabetes here i come.

>tfw dumping a box or rasinettes and malted milk balls into your popcorn

and most importantly

Cottage cheese is more like a liquid. Those are blocks of hard cheese.

I thought it was butter

I'm no cheese experts m8 I'll leave you guys to conclude on what it is

It looks like puke.