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The fuck is this shit?

>Critics riding this movie's dick so hard before it even comes out
>Writer/Director has literally been accused of rape


Combined with Imperium they're really ramping up the white guilt.

>BLM boon antics
>Diversity is good
>Girl powah!
>SJW reviewers shilling for obvious bad movies like GBs
>White guilt films
>This guarantees a Trump victory

legit though it was Eric Andre on the poster for a second. That's a movie I'd go see.


It's been a century and a half and these people are still bitching, holy fuck just get over it already.

His nose is so goddamn big

Noses that size are the epitome of attractiveness. If you disagree you're racist.

When it played at Sundance, they literally had a standing ovation BEFORE THE MOVIE STARTED.

I preferred the original

If this and Ghostbusters bombs does it confirm everyone is a sexist racist?

>on $10 million budget
>when it'll be nominated for 10 oscars
better luck next time cracker

They do realize that rebellion was an orgy of rape and death with no greater cause, right?

doing such a brave thing as making this film deserves our respect

Everyone is though

>Hey goy, guess which movie wins best picture this year

that looks like a modern 50 star flag
in turner's day the flag had 24 stars
can't even get the simplest thing right.

oscar =\= boxoffice moniez

There are a lot of pretentious drama shit that won an oscar and is only known by like 4 faggots that drink wine while they fuck each other.

Hopefully the general public rejects this movie so the Oscars don't bother to nominate it

I can't wait for Armond to rip its asshole open

>They do realize that rebellion was an orgy of rape and death with no greater cause, right?
isn't that true of all of black history?

>Critics riding this movie's dick so hard before it even comes out
Except this is not true. Yes, they praise the movie, but they don't called it a masterpiece. Currently it has 7.6/10 average rating on RT.

12 Years a Slave has 9/10.

Except there was no rape. Why are you making this up?

Lol, you know this movie will win every oscar right? After the shitfest of black people crying. This movie could be (and probably will be) complete shit but will have a perfect 100 on RT.

lulz liberals are so pathetic.

So is there like a quota for the amount of movies about slavery and the civil rights movement every year?

They said the same thing about 12 Years of a Slave and it only won 3.

The Best Picture nominees weren't even good that year, I mean American Hustle and Gravity got fucking nominated and those films were seriously mediocre. DBC should have won but whatever.

Best Supporting Actress was fully deserved and nobody gives a fuck about Best Adapted Screenplay.

There aren't many movies about that.

why does he look so niggish? it borders on lewd.

What a lazy faggot, couldn't think up an original name for their low rent blaxploitation shlock

Do they show the axing of infants in this movie?

but America is just as racist now as it was back then. ask any BLM member

first posts, best posts

I'm Italian and I don't understand why blacks cry so much when we arrived in the US in the early 10' and managed to achieve more than them in 150 years of being free.
We don't even get movies showing how mistreated we actually were when we arrived at Ellis Island, all movies with Italians in them show us as mobsters, thieves or worse.

It's intentional. He's saying that this is the real truth about the birth of America. It's a country founded on suffering and pain.

As are all nations

Who is *they* exactly?
Some have called it a masterpiece, some have not.
They are riding it's dick by constantly promoting it. Every time a new piece of promo material is released for it... it is on the cover of every website.

>it only won 3
I agree with what you're saying, it wasn't such a great year, but those three were some of the more notable awards they give


Don't you know, user?
All victims deserve to be heard.
Unless the rapist is someone people want to like.

>indiscriminately murdered a bunch of people, including women and children , without a greater goal in mind
>resulted in slave owners being even more strict with slaves, making their lives worse

>Every time a new piece of promo material is released for it... it is on the cover of every website
Probably because it's a big film with some chances at the Oscar race.

Most Nations are like that, Great Britain has a centuries long history of rape and pillaging and after that wars upon wars.
France was born out of Franks stomping everyone else in the area and don't get me started on Turkey.

Is this movie going to be accurate, will we get to see a few nignogs ape out while their brothas and sistas in bondage just watch on like simple children , slave revolts were never successful for long.

It's still not slavery. Even the life of Russian serfs was a bit better than that.

>still pushing the 'colonialism was bad' meme

Really raped all those countries with superior western systems of government and democracy

well it is a pretty big deal due to the current situation in the U.S., getting great reviews at Sundance and being the most expensive purchase ever at Sundance. And the director being a first time feature film director, while also starring in and writing the film.

Where did I talk about colonialism?
Great Britain was born out of saxons and britons raping each other and then killing each other, that's what I implied.
Besides, colonialism is a grey area considering that before improving their infrastructures and "democracy" you make sure to own all their means of production, land and freedom.

It works in places like Africa because blacks don't know better, but it is a tragedy in places like India and China and there's a reason those people fought for their freedom en masse.

>"hey jim we need a movie for white liberals in the suburbs"
>"How about Haiti? Africans that successfully rebelled."
>"Nah, these guys only know about America. They'll just assume the Haitians were black americans anyway. Just make something up."

say no more senpai


I don't even know the story but I'm going to dismiss it based on that alone. Everyone gets accused of rape these days.

>It works in places like Africa
It really doesn't.

Considering the shitshow that country has become, it's better to ignore it.
>beautiful island called "pearl of the caribbean"
>blacks succeed in revolt
>turns into hell on earth with voodoo, cannibalism and armed gangs outnumbering police 10 to 1
Which is basically the story of all black governed countries.

Pure 100% Kino

It stopped because US made GB into their little bitch with WWII, and in turn all other EU countries that had colonies.
Which is funny considering the economic and cultural imperialism the USA employ.

I would watch a hatian revolution movie a la beasts of no nation desu


Best Picture was not deserved but I think out of all the nominees its second only to Dallas Buyers Club. Nyong'o earned Best Supporting Actress 100% and I can't judge Best Adapted Screenplay because I didn't read any of the source material and I doubt anybody on Sup Forums did either but that award matters little to the public eye. Had it won everything like The Return of King like people were saying it would then yes, people should be fucking pissed but it didn't. 3 is a respectable number but not overblown like shitposters on Sup Forums want it to be.

>Return of the King holds the record for largest sweep and is tied for most Oscars won by a single film
This is the real tragedy here.


To be fair, every movie at Sundance receives an applause. Doesn't mean anything since the audience are white liberals

It's the weakest of the trilogy.

>end of the movie, rebel slaves being punished
>slave owner swinging whip
>whip about to hit nog's skin
>cut to modern day, instead of whip crack you hear a gun shot
>modern day blm nig hits the ground
>ebul white cop standing with smoking gun

>It's Kramer.

Blacks didn't really get to experience true American life until the 1970s, and whenever they tried to be economically self sufficient on their own before that, white people literally came in and shut their shit down. E.g. Black Wall Street.


>just make something up


Is Spartacus Italian guilt?

Unless you condone slavery there's nothing for you to feel 'guilty' about.