Budget $144 million

>Budget $144 million
>Box office $17.2 million

really makes you think

is this true?

You can see the managements mind process with this film so clearly.

They knew China would ban it so it had to be a massive audience pull in the western territories. Their mindset was that men would go see it no matter what (like with star wars) and that if they made it a feminist movie, all the women would go see it too and that would double the audience. They even put a "hunk" in it for added lure to women.

In the end not only did they turn off all the men from seeing it but the women didn't go either.

This is an utter fail, mainly from the PR after the fact. I hope the director never works on anything other than tiny budget movies again.

it's cool how pushing box office numbers to dazzle audiences with big numbers was a way for hollywood studios to further market their movies & generate buzz, and now every educated Kinohead follows this pattern like they are some market insiders tapping into meaningful data

>another ghostbusters thread by a redditor pretending to be Sup Forums
No this really makes you think

>mainly from the PR after the fact

Nah, the emails have shown it was a failure from conception. This is hopefully the end of Amy Pascal. She's literally shit the bed by forcing a feminist agenda instead of trying to make good movies with women in them.

I mean does it really deserve to bomb that much? Just the movie on its own ignoring the advertising campaign of insulting everyone.

Seems like a fairly inoffensive movie.

>Seems like a fairly inoffensive movie.

Then who cares if it bombs or not

How is it not meaningful data when determining success.

Daily reminder the dumb bitch actually bought the rights to a Zoe Quinn and Gamergate movie lel after thinking gurllllll powerrrr ghostbusters would be successful

So why aren't the international figures out on Box Office Mojo?

That is what I am saying.

Assuming they haven't had this weird hate campaign would anyone really care this much about Ghostbusters?

I'm out of touch with the gaming world.. what exactly happened? Just the beats.

Why are nigresses built like line backers?

because box office matters a lot less than people like to believe

Reminder that this is the final battle against feminism.

>mfw they said it has an "infinite series potential"
>they want it to be their MCU

>girl cheats on guy
>guy writes a long post about girl cheating on him with 5 guys
>one of them happens to be a "game journalist" or something like that
>she got a positive review of them or something like that
>people blow it out of proportion because they hated the journalism for a while now and they finally had proof for shenanigans
>sort of gets spun into this gender battle
>Adam Baldwin calls it Gamergate

more of a defensive forward honestly.

>Movie is a product
>Product fails to break even
How's that not relevant?

>Being this elitist about your "fringe" weeb message board.
Really makes you think

well gaming journalism was and still is shit

For one day...

>17 x 3 = 51million weekend gross

51 million at the BO is great by any standards. Baby men forever anally devastated

That is a good question.

Did Sony amalgamate the numbers?

To cushion the power of the bull.

As a gamer (don't tell Sup Forums) I stopped caring about games journalism a long time before this whole shit went down.
Not saying "both sides are equally wrong" or something like that but it got embarrassing from all sides pretty fast.

>I mean does it really deserve to bomb that much?

Kind of a loaded question. Because people would have to see it in order for it to be successful.

There have been other really great movies this year that bombed at the box office, they didn't deserve to bomb, but thats the nature of cinema these days.

The question should be, "Does the movie deserve so much hate?" No, it's just a movie and after a month no one will care.

But, from another perspective. IMO, they didn't try and make a good movie they specifically made a movie with all women to make a SJW feminist statement. (leaked emails corroborate this sentiment)

So fuck them and their agenda. They should've just made a true sequel to GB.

some pink haired slut fucked around with a swarthy INTJ nerd who unleashed his katana of revenge by recruiting half of internet's sadbrains to work as his vice cops. then for some reason the conservative think tank behind america's war on iraq got involved to defend gamers from feminism

>Profits don't matter to a business

This is possibly the most fucking clueless post I've ever read on Sup Forums. That is seriously saying something. Studios don't spend almost $300 million and not expect box office returns.

>they didn't try and make a good movie they specifically made a movie with all women to make a SJW feminist statement
Did they or was that just how the movie was marketed?

That's not how projections work.

The movie is a mess. A big fat mess. It's embarrassing for Sony.

>As a gamer

Kill yourself you piece of anti art shit

So basically a remake of The Accused.

nope. to the studios, box office and merchandising are all that matters. they produce movies for profit first and foremost.

> 51-144= -93

No really, where are the international numbers?

Pretty much. Problem with the industry, from their POV, is that they simply cannot understand the creative process and put it into tangible metrics. Basically, they cannot pinpoint exactly why movie A did so well so they can copy it in the future. Failed box office figures are merely a consequence of this.

So can someone tell me why Sony thought antagonizing GB fans was a good marketing tactic?

Did they really think appealing to the SJW mindset would bring in enough new viewers to offset the loss from traditional GB fans?

do you understand that there are places and markets outside of film theater where you can sell your product, especially now, and most of the films profit comes from there?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

People found out the gaming industry was corrupt, reviews were getting paid for, devs and reviewers colloborating with each other etc.

Got angry and people started calling them out on their shit

MSM rallied the wagons to protect the corruption and started running editorals on the evil of gamers

Anita Sarkeesian saw a way to make quick bucks by calling Gamers sexist and ran a kickstarter

Sup Forums started boycotting places like Kotaku

Brianna Wu and other feminists waddled in after seeing an opportunity to get some attention and joined in calling gamers sexist nerds, manchildren etc. etc.

Zoe Quinn drama happens, basically shilled for good reviews for her game

Media and feminists blow it up and conviently managed to get another case of clear corruption in the industry overlooked with 'AHH BLOO HOOOOOO WOMEN ARE BEING BULLIED IN GAMING', hijack the whole original premise for their war on men bullshit gets called gamergate, gamers classed as ISIS tier terrorists.

Feminists all get millions in Paetron donations for crying they are being bullied out of gaming

Short game wise: GGer's lost due to the nonstop media demonisation

Long game wise: The Gamergaters won

>Gawker got taken out
>Media trust is at an all time low even with normies
>People are aware now more than ever that reviews are worthless and bought for
>People are sick of feminists waddling into every subject and turning into about them
>Half of Wikipedias admins got banned for the bias in the Gamergate article
>SJW sites had to close down
>Most reviewers now have to be honest in disclosure that they are getting paid to shill aka. Pewdiepie recently etc.

because marketing, man. problem is hollywood is still run by old jews who don't get it. internet pretty much freed your average movie going from the media control studios previously held.

mfw this is feminisms waterloo

>browsing shit message boards because youre autistic and then spamming good ones
really makes you think

She has nice tits

>Sup Forums
>good message board

summerfag detected

You mean the shitty toys selling to no children or man children?
Do you mean the shitty vidya?
Do you mean the shitty merch no one wants?
Do you mean the DVD and BluRay that no one wants?

>interstellar budget was $165 million
literally kek movie made for money laundering kek

>from neonazi to sidecut

eh, would bang

>some fucking random no name on twitter
yeah no

Aside from merchandising, which won't be significant for Ghostbusters, box office gross is still well and truly where the most significant portion of a film's profits come from.

DVD isn't the crutch for underperforming films it once was, streaming services purchase films on rights in bulk, rental entities have never been in such little quantity and no high budget film is going to recoup major losses off the back of a dismal box office.

Explain to me the outside markets where "especially now, and most of the films profit comes from."

Nah, I'm all for au naturale jugs but those are clearly sagging bags of sand.

>he defends reddit
redditor detected


gawker got murked because ten years ago they "exposed" the billionaire peter thiel as a faggot (which made it really hard for him to make business in saudi arabia where they don't like faggots). so he funded hulk's case, and won. but he would've won anyways because he has more money, and you can bankrupt your enemy in court

this strife inside american oligarchy is somehow epic win for gamers

>mfw a redditor calls other summerfags
top kek desu famalam kill yourself anytime

Zoe made a shitty depression quest game and fucked reviewers to get favorable scores. IIRC it was just funny at first, and then sparked this huge shitstorm about how game journalists are corrupt and don't know shit about games
after a while it solely became about poking socjus types for laughs, and shitty people hiding behind minorities in GG to make themselves look good

Yes, the emails proved Feig and Pascal strong armed Reitman out of any creative control or input who wanted a mixed cast and to be a proper sequel.

Feig and Pascal called for an all women cast with women scientists to be the leads.

Then they scrapped everything from Reitman.

In theory Thiel could have used his money to drag the case out forever to slowly bleed Gawker but it ended up just not mattering. The reduction in ad revenues meant Gawker couldn't afford the good lawyers that would tell them not to act like sarcastic twats and make child porn jokes in court.

here's a one general graph

Do you have anything more recent? 2007 was a very, very different time in terms of media consumption.

remember this!!

>The most recent entry is from 2007
>Studio stopped sharing the revenue percentages in 2008
>Even then theatrical box office as a percentage of revenue was the highest it has been in almost 20 years

You are legitimately retarded. Kill yourself, faggot.

Should've taken some male advice on how to bring in the punters.

I'd've preferred to watch this.

....Or this

Sup Forums would hate this movie no matter what. They're literally convinced that the only reason the film got good reviews is because bribery.

People think it's pushing an agenda. Why they don't just ignore it I don't know.

Because we've seen it and want to prevent others from suffering the same fate.

It was terrible, right? I haven't seen it and don't want to, but I want to know.

>20(any year)
>Hogan having money


Hogan blew all his money and got divorced and lost even more dude

You don't fucking do Loan Mart commercials if you have money in the bank brother

>[citation needed]
This is how you know Sup Forums is full of retards
They always do this shit
Stating shit without the source

Most of us know what box office mojo is, lurk more redditor.

Stay stupid knuckle dragger

Watch the angry Joe spoiler review.
I know I know, its enraged Enrique. But I've seen it. Everything he says is everything I could type. It really is so bad, so painfully stupid, so utterly devoid of charm.

Was it a review or a rant
Did he say anything good about it?

Women don't watch movies on their own unless its romantic comedies and even in that case most of the sales come from couples.

Most other succesful movies are men liking them and then women wanting to fit into the trend. Making a non romantic comedy geared towards women is always a guaranteed blunder.

They probably should have shown Chris Hemsworth shirtless and wet in the commercials to pull in the women

Put it this way, he gave it a two out of ten.

It was a rant with a critical edge, the spoiler free is a better review, but if you really want to know how bad it was, you need the spoiler review. It tells ypou everything you need.

I think the only positive he had to say was that there were two laughs in the film and the visuals were in parts OK.

Is it true that the white fatchick was originally cast for the motion capture of the Stay Puff Marshmellow Woman? :p

Pedobeard and Other Joe gave it a 3

>In this thing for 300 million dollary doos
>Feig said himself they need 500+ mil world wide at least
>China shuts the door
>Sony keeps downgrading their domestic box office projections as the weekend went on

Lmaoing @ sony right now.

True, they did. So if you account for Joes fanboyism maybe the three is the fairer score.

Out of 5 or 10?

It was out of 10

Out of ten.
They all really hated it. Now granted they seemed to hate it more because they wanted GB3. But at the end of the day, their criticisms of this film stand regardless of the original. Its not bad because the original exists, its just bad.

That's because it opened against fucking nothing. Next week there's Star Trek and after that a new Bourne movie. GB will be lucky if they can make their own money back in that time.

Shame on men for destroying the Ghostbusters franchise just because they hate women.

Sup Forums and twitter were having lulz over an indie game developer cum dumpster fucking one of their "favorite" game journalists for a website that was giving her a suspiciously large amount of press. Said website responded to the accusations of conflicting interests by declaring war on the gaming community, in collaboration with a bunch of other websites. What followed was a year of drama, shitflinging and witch hunts, which ultimately ended when the culture war shifted to a larger playing field.

Also, Hulk Hogan made the website at the center of the controversy his bitch when they posted a sex tape of him that was recorded without his consent, and refused a court order to take it down. He successfully sued them for $100 million and now they're going out of business. Karma hit them like a freight train of pain.

The fault falls squarely on Sony's shoulders.

Even if China was in play, the idea a Ghostbusters film needs to do well beyond 500 million worldwide to break even is atrocious.

>He successfully sued them for $100 million and now they're going out of business. Karma hit them like a freight train of pain.
IGN bought Kotaku.

17.2 million in a DAY, a 50ish million dollar opening weekend.

Wont be a major success, but will likely turn a profit.

Because they are so godawful they don't want to publish them. Honestly it'll make a fraction internationally then what its going to make domestically and its going to do bad domestically. Only fat american tumblr fucks are going to watch, everyone else is just disgusted by this whole movie.

You think it's gonna make 500 million?

Which is more or less a death sentence for the website. They are basically just auditioning their "talent" to see who is worth moving over to IGN, and who goes to the unemployment line. Kotaku's readership and ad revenue have plummeted over the last 2 years, and their name is mostly associated with sensationalist moral panic click bait.

You know what else had a 50 million dollar opening? Green Lantern.

Thats not how the box office works.
There is 0% chance Sony turns a profit on GB's at this point.

IGN's standards aren't exactly high. I guarantee you shitlord Klepek will still have a job. We've lost, that's the sad truth of the matter.

Green Lantern didn't have a movie you fucking dingus.

You know what, I actually enjoyed GL more than this. No fooling. And I hated GL with a passion. It made my blood boil and my soul die.

GB16 was worse. It was so crushing I couldn't even be angry.

Heh, good one my man! :D