
This film is called Interstellar. It was directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. Do you have anything to say about this film?

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its shyt

The robot was the only good part. The story was corny and predictable and everyone overacted every single scene.

It was typical Nolan

He jerked off over a movie he likes, in this case 2001, using the opportunity to play around with cool visuals all while completely ignoring things like having a coherent, or good, plot/story.

I liked it
I wish it had ended before the tessaract stuff

Great music.

it was great

It crawled up its own ass after a while but I still enjoyed it.

Pretty good film.

Better than a shitton of the other films released that year

Better than TDKR and BB. Better than Memento

It was fucking great up until the tesseract bullshit.
I can't get over the cheesiness of that concept
>love is the one thing that transcends time and space
>this place works on love, connecting loved ones together (and a random room for some reason lol)

If you didn't cry at that part where Cooper watches footage of his kids having aged like 2 decades while he was gone and they sent him videos, you have no heart

It should be called Intergalactic because they travel between galaxies and not stars.

Yeah, one of the better depictions of advanced general AI in movies.

Highly sentient and capable of perfectly mimicing and interacting with humans, but clearly not sapient and doesn't turn evil or rebellious at any point.

My eyes got all watery to be honest. His acting was so real.

Pretty good, but overrated. Just like all of Nolan's movies. Great music, nice visuals.

actors were good

The only thing I did not like was the long awaited reunion at the end. They hyped it a lot and you are waiting for it the whole movie but then it happens and they just talk for a bit and he leaves. Very disappointing. I wanted hugs, crying and father and daughter moments.

This scene was so exciting.

love never trancended space and time, only Gravity did.

Love was just Cooper's motivation.

I never understood why the astronauts never went crazy and just turned Anne Hathaway's character into nothing more than a cum dumpster after being trapped in a floating coffin for decades.

probably because they arent degenerates like the people who post on Sup Forums

Because they were good humans beings?

because they were the best of us

A subtle 4th wall breaking film.

A film about love in many ways, one of them is Nolan's love for film making and practical effects which are great in the film. A film that is about space and time in the literal and figurative sense.

The 5th dimension room is fantastic.

Great acting by McCough and the weird looking female.

Matt Damon's part sucked dick and was really cliche.

Optimistic film, which is surprising since it's made by Nolan

I never understood why NASA send MC RIDE in space

I still do not understand the whole spend time in X planet means X amount of time has passed here. How much time did it pass when they landed on that water planet? 10 years and they were only there for like 10 minutes?

>STELLAR music

>tfw finding Anne Hathaway not being turned into a sex slave is the most unrealistic part of a science fiction movie

Stop commenting please. Anne is a pure angel too good for this world.

When they saw the wave coming at them on the water planet that scared the shit out of me. Made me super anxious and uncomfortable. More so than any horror movie I've seen, very well done.

at the end love is what was used to get matthew mcconaughey back to his daughter while he was in a temporal anomaly. a emotion is what allows him to navigate through space time...

not a device or some super math he does in his head not even a loose map he had theorized before ending up side stepping the flow of time. no .a fucking emotion

>a emotion is what allows him to navigate through space time...
The film, or bluray has start and end in our space time.
Nolan is a director that has great love for film (legitimate film, the actual film, not digital film making)
He navigates the film by directing, going back, etc. like McCough's character in the 5th dimensional room

its a film about his love for film

Emotions are a powerful thing user.


You predicted that mconaughey would communicate with his daughter through some worm hole thing and then end up just fine on some other planet afterwords?

One of the best theater experiences I've had due to the insane audio. Otherwise it's a very enjoyable film dragged down by inconsistencies and slight cheesiness.

That scene where he jumped into the wormhole was really terrifying.

Yeah, actually. Anyone who has read some basic science fiction would have realized that the ghost was basically Matthew Mcconaughey from the future sending messages through the wormhole and creating some sort of causality loop and that the people who made the wormhole were humans in the future.


kek OK whatever you say.

I never saw the beginning of the film so I guess I don't know how much foreshadowing went into that whole book case thing.That ending was pretty cool when it started but ended up just laughable

guarantee OP is that same kid who does the fast food reviews in loose fitting three piece suits and has a hot mom

It's good.

Bought the special edition on Blu ray for $3 at a flea market.

ReviewBrah has a hot mom? Now I am curious.

Same here

The main theme is fantastic

Other than that it was pretty good, but had a predictable twist. Some of the emotional scenes are amazing, and the focus on love works for the most part

Sounds like a complete copy of Philip Glass' style

They clearly state that its distant future human tech. Love just motivated him to try.

Well, i will check Phillip Glass then

Interstellar is directed by Christopher Nolan who many say is the greatest movie director ever in hollywood due to his revolution in film making seen in the Batman Trilogy which changed how movies are made forever.

The only people who dont like interstellar are plebs who dont understand the depth of the underlying social commentary brought to life through a stunning portrayal from Anne Hathaway who has become one of the greatest actrors in Hollywood after working with CHristopher Nolan.

I always see a meme about anne hathaway shitting in her spacesuit in this movie. Does she really shit herself? Because I'd watch it if she does.

Clocks run slower the closer they are to sources of strong gravitation.

overrated big budget but cheap concepts/story

I'll take Zimmer emulating glass over Zimmer recycling Zimmer like he usually does.

Haven't watched it yet heard liberals hate it.

Any reason why?


Liberals have bad taste in movie. See new Ghostbusters.

very cool film if not for just the settings

Holy God is that twelve year old girl balding?

>Film's kek worthy lmao
>Didn't watch the beginning tho
>Can't have missed anything important lel

This is you.