What's the lowest advanced race in the Star Trek universe?

What's the lowest advanced race in the Star Trek universe?

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Space Jews.

The one who's name I can't remember who cons other races into giving them their technology. The Enterprise encountered a ship they built out of stolen parts that sent a fake distress signal to lure the federation into a trap so they can steal more parts.

Space Mexicans.

The Bajorans are all assholes.

Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

Klingons were surely the most badly written race.
That is post-TOS Klingons.

You smart, we need more smart to make our ship go

How the fuck did klingons ever achieve warp

This may be canonically true, they're technically warp capable but they bought the tech rather than inventing it themselves.

They're not so bad in DS9


Klingon scientists are warriors too.

>I will CONQUER this equation! There will be no remainder! The laws of physics will bow before our honor!

>member of a proud warrior race
>chief of security
>gets his ass handed to him every other episode

>And if that doesn't work, you could always fall back on your law degree.

Lawyer was the best Klingon caste


delete this

Picard speaking klingon reminds me of a suburban white boy trying to talk like hes from the hood


Picard speaking Klingon reminds me that there's supposed to be a universal translator and he shouldn't be able to do that

Only a few inches high, including box.

Klingons as a race and a society is a fucking stupid concept.
Borg turned to joke thanks to VOY.
Romulans were severely underused.
Cardies were pretty good I guess, but also had some unrealistic bullshit traits.
Ferengi = comic relief.
Founders - I don't really know what to say here.
Bajorans = annoying as fuck, but completely plausible. An average Federation race dominated by religion.


Stole it from a foolish visitor to their planet.

They like conquering space.

This is truth.

If there is a Universal Translator in his combadge, it has to essentially read his mind to provide real-time translations of what he's saying. That's how they can say specific alien words, like Daimon or Imzadi. Otherwise it would just come out as Pirate Captain or Butt-buddy.

Do Klingons loot? I don't recall it being mentioned but I suppose it would make sense as they don't appear to have replicators

I always thought the Federation gave it to them, that's why they have the Prime Directive to not get involved with Pre-Warp civilisation.

Apparently the Dindus managed to become space faring themselves.

>Ferengi = comic relief.

They were meant to be the new evil species for TNG, but weren't imposing enough to be taken seriously. So they came up with Cardassians.

Klingons are older space faring civilization than humans.

The backstory in Enterprise is that the Klingons were gradually becoming more and more militaristic until they became the one-dimensional warrior race we saw in the TNG era. So it's easy to imagine they were once a regular economically diverse society until a trend towards full retardation took hold.
Before that the backstory in the EU material was that their planet was that their planet was relatively primitive when the Hurq invaded and after the Klingons fought them off they back-engineered the technology they left behind.

Fucking kek'd twice, nope make that 3 times

the fucking computer in star trek works in seriously mysterious ways

no they warant

kazons definitely

Don't forget the Tholians who are space spiders and their only weapon system on their ships is an energy web deployment system...

Then there are the Undine (species 8472) which are shape shifting 3 legged monsters even the Borg are afraid of, from a dimension that is entirely filled with fluid.

The Bajorans.

Gas the Ferengi, intergalactic race war now

Technically the Pakled, basically they did a single episode of TNG that directly answers this question. It's hard to believe they're all that retarded though, you see them sometimes doing normal shit.

Arguably the best answer, while somewhat smarter than the Pakled it's not by much and they're so culturally vicious, warlike and generally allahu akbar fucked up that they ruin everything they touch. Steal new technology? It blows up and kills everyone. Capture a starfleet officer? He escapes. Have a spy aboard voyager and it goes so well you steal the whole ship? She gets pregnant with your freakbaby and betrays you. They stole all of their shit from their former enslavers and basically don't know how to advance, or even that they should advance. They will almost certainly be wiped out by another race or be assimilated.

Relevant, they bought warp drive from another race, also their economy as much as they worship it develops 10 times slower than Earth's "did". They don't love money nearly much as they are stupid enough to still love money.

Honorable mention to the Zakdorn for not actually being good at anything but making everyone believe they are.

> Worf's grandfather looses the case
> Worf's parents killed off like redshirts
> Worf raised by humans to be their punching bag anytime an alien beams onto the bridge

Picrd roll


>klingons had space ships before humans
>mature at a much faster rate
>can also live for 150 years which is almost twice our lifespan
>they are also bigger, badder and faster too

Are humans the most cucked race in Star Trek?

They have equal tech to that of the Federation

can a human male satisfy a klongin female?

Bajorans for sure.


According to VOY, they can.

Was going to ask this myself

They seem too stupid and aggressive to engineer and build a car.

but in star trek humans are displayed as the only race with any potential

So are Bajorans.

Romulans and Borg were they best villans by far

I never really thought about that, they don't have warp drive (space sailsboats that happened to fly into magic warp slipstreams don't count) so if the Cardies didn't drag them kicking and screaming into the civilised world, they'd just be murdering each other over muh prophets on their own and The Federation wouldn't be allowed to talk to them.

Humans can live to be 150 in Star Trek too, and they're smarter than Klingons

>Capable of anything except Jihad

They touched on this in Enterprise; there was an old Klingon lawyer who talked to Archer about how the warrior caste basically came to dominate society over the last couple of generations and Klingons went from space Japan to space mongols.

It was at least done better than the other ways the show fiddled with the canon.

That they almost certainly traded for, given that they took twice as long as humans to go from stone age to warp-capable.

I just wonder what a Klingon warship factory would be like. It seems like the scientists and engineers would always be murdering each other over nothing and they wouldn't be able to get anything done.

They probably just use slave labor and/or outsourcing, plus there are probably still plenty of Klingons who just mutter "yeah whatever" when they're taunted about being fags and get back to work.

they really did become flanderised, they started off as conquerors, went on to become more Samurai like but went full Barbarian.

You do really question how they get anything done but at least enterprise used the change to tell a story.

Kazon were so useless the Borg couldn't be bothered to assimilate them.

how would they do the Bajorans if it was done today?

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

>I just wonder what a Klingon warship factory would be like. It seems like the scientists and engineers would always be murdering each other
This guy was just joking, Klingon scientists are normal people. Probably. Well, not really, but not quite as murderous as warrior caste Klingons.

The only one I recall was the one in Suspicions (aka the one where Beverly investigates a murder because nobody believes her, not even Sherlock Data), and she was a bit more docile than most Klingons, but not a lot.

I'd like to see the Bajorans as being similar to the Jedi wanna-be snackbars from S3.

Didn't Quark end up marrying one that was pretty sane, too?

It's well known that humans are THE most well-hung humanoid species in the galaxy.

Grilka is easily the second most attractive Klingon, but she was pretty vicious

So other humanoid species are basically gorillas?

I like to think so, yes.

>You never see the parts of Star Trek where alien women describe how much they like the BHC (big human cock)

* Space """Capitalist"""
But for real, how did no one on the show notice that shit? It's all a hilarious fuck-up of epic proportions.

>Undine (species 8472) which are shape shifting
Actually pretty sure they were just very bio-tech oriented. Their shape-shifting was shown as gene therapy injections in that VOY episode where they were trying to study human thought, by recreating starfleet HQ.

Now, the shapeshifters species that Odo in DS9 were the real terrorism allegory monster of the week who could legitimately transform themselves at-will into anything.

The Cardies invaded them. Klingons btfo and stole their shit.

Humans are also the first race to setup an interspecies Federation that btfo everyone else.

duh the cardies are basically colonial empires from the age of sail i.e. England, Spain

DS9 marked the change from Roddenberry's utopian fantasy to (((Berman's))) profit and propaganda vehicle

Kira Nerys is the noble savage, simultaneously benefitting from modernity but better than the creators of modernity because of muh spirituality. It's a narrative that is pushed everywhere today.

The Kazon were like Space Pikeys. None of the technology was theirs, they were constantly killing each other, and they would murder you just to get your space vending machine. cullah was pretty based though, mainly because his actor is an irl carry Lord and a swordsman.

Edward Said get off my board pls.

That's why I liked Worf coming back on DS9. That show actually allowed him to be badass from time to time

Who is the most attractive Klingon?

I had to look him up and that aint me

the weak should fear the strong, the prime directive is for pussies

I unironically like this guy

He was raised by belarused botanists.

I would cuck Tom Paris

>tfw no klingon sugar daddy

>fish people who are so biologically ill suited for space travel they go catatonic and have to gorge themselves when they awaken.
>were given an opportunity to audition to join the Federation, and the two dignitaries who arrived to represent them turned out to be a pair of would-be suicide bombers. So Antedean security is so shit two fish jihadis were either able to take out the real ambassadors and go in their place, or were able to pass the vetting process and be there legitimately.

Kruge was good looking for a Klingon


What if it turned out that Riker was a virgin who talked a really big game?



>Nobody said the Durass sisters

>You will never have a busty Klingon woman bouncing up and down on your cock

Why live.

even the borg refused to assimilate them

I'm already scared of sex with normal humans, I don't need a scary aylium to complicate matters even further.

what's to be scared of? fuck virgins or wrap it up

I'm sure I saw a few of those on Enterprise.


Notice that while the Federation was still using TOS Movie-era ships like the Excelsior class during the dominion war, the bulk of their fleet is much newer classes. Meanwhile in DS9 the Klingon fleet is almost entirely TOS-era Cruisers, TOS movie era warbirds, with a very few modern ships serving as capital ships.

>But for real, how did no one on the show notice that shit?

They noticed, but they didn't give a fuck.
The 80's was a different time, user.

>duh the cardies are basically colonial empires from the age of sail i.e. England, Spain

No. Cardies are 1984 totalitarians.

Check out DS9 they are old world colonizers for sure