Threads are 404ing after 20 minutes now

>threads are 404ing after 20 minutes now

It is time for picture related now Hiro

cant wait to shitpost in /film/

there needs to be a pleb exodus desu

It happened already

>other boards have 100+ post per thread
>4 threads have more than that
>the rest have 11-20 posts at most

Worst board on Sup Forums and needs to be delete.

Shill go away you are too obvious. Only united can we defeat the shitposters.

Only if we get

>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit rumors
>Star Wars shit whining
>Ghostbusters whining
>shitty show general
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>"movies women will never udnerstand"
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>"Me on the left"
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>"is it kino?"
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>walking down the street when you see these girls
>sitcom trash
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>"What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?"
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie


>Worst board on Sup Forums
check out Sup Forums or Sup Forums sometime.

at least Sup Forums knows it's shitty.

And it was opened early
And during aussie power hour
And with no moderation

Well most of the threads are shit so it doesn't matter.

I thought threads don't 404 until after a week?

Whats kino?

/film/ now!

It will end the exact same way

Sup Forums and Sup Forums have largely shitty fanbases (read autism, manchildren, etc) but the boards themselves are pretty good, at least in comparison to Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is literally a worksafe Sup Forums, at least Sup Forums and Sup Forums talk about their respective subjects. And by the way this is all coming from someone that absolutely loathes Sup Forums.

no one is even spamming too and threads are still hitting the archive this quick. it truly is time for the split.

you forgot derailing threads with gets.

what about /celeb/?
We all know we really need this.

I have gotten bans for saying that I liked an actresses teeth...

Imagine Sup Forums discussed little but capeshit and blockbusters, and discussed them seriously with minimal shitposting, and acted like that made them patricians.

that's what Sup Forums and Sup Forums are.

I've been in a couple active threads this past month which has gotten about 250 replies and then immediately hits archive... WHY? Despite lots communicating on them.

>no one is even spamming

Surely, you jest. I'm willing to bet it's the same autistis that want a /film/ board who are doing all the shitposting. Like this faggot ->

>dubs trips combo

>the truth of Sup Forums

Sup Forums will always be /meme/

It will never happen idiot.

They already had a /film/ board 3 months ago as a test and whilst it was up: there was nothing but shitposting nonstop which was so unbearable.

>I did like the Doctor Who /film/ general which was cool and different

A new board being spammed? Unheard of!


>Watch these before asking for recommendations
>Watch these obscure, shit films just because I say so

Do you have any friends? Even a single one?

Ban all the Sup Forumsedditors

Then Sup Forums will be good again

Look at the catalog
There is none.

a /film/ board that is not a blue board?

of course keep the mods deleting the stupid cunny shit but why is it so wrong to discuss an actress on her looks?

You faggots don't deserve a new board. /film/ happened and it was spammed into oblivion. You want memes - you get memes.

Don't forget the part where it was opened up early with no moderation either


Nah I think Sup Forums is alright. And it's DEFINITELY better than Sup Forums. The autism over there knows no bounds

No spamming? Every single hour there is a banepost

You just described Sup Forums in one post.

you haven't seen them, you can't call them shit

>tfw I try to have a film discussion on Sup Forums but everyone is too obsessed with porn and "pictures you said you wouldn't share" threads

Sup Forums somehow managed to get 100x worse in the past few years

Seriously: go to Sup Forums anytime of the day and the ONLY thing they talk about is porn.

Yes I like to have a fap but I don't spent 24/7 on the subject!

Sup Forums is legit the only board that I really appreciate.

This is your typical Sup Forums user and the strongest argument for /film/ right here

Remember when /film/ froze after 30 minutes and died six hours later?

oh and right now a furry porn thread is up... yep furries are becoming a norm on Sup Forums


Interesting but not surprising that the best Sup Forums nights this last year were E3 (Sup Forums kiddies retreated to their home) and during terrorist attacks (Sup Forums kiddies retreated to their home).

The night of the Florida gay nightclub shootings this board was actually usable again. I had a Altman thread that had more than 50 posts :3

kek I actually noticed how there was literally no cuck spam for 2 days during the police shooting

>E3 (Sup Forums kiddies retreated to their home)
>people still pretend Sup Forums is a boogeyman after that


Simple solution:

Sup Forums
>Would Gordon Ramsay's shows be improved by not using the *whiirrr* and other reality tv type sound effects? Let's finish this discussion in a nice, orderly manner and please only post if your comment directly contributes to the discussion.

Sup Forums - random
(Gordon hops around a little)
(looks directly into the camera)
>And hot.

Sup Forums seemed so slow back then

It felt slower last year than it does now too

Sup Forums for animation (anime and cartoons)
Sup Forums for comics and manga
Sup Forums for tokusatsu and American TV series
/film/ for both mainstream and pornographic films


>pornographic films

>Sup Forums

Sup Forums has got to be the most delusional board on Sup Forums.

what are you babbling about?

Exactly. I made a thread, got distracted for literally 15 min, came back to reply boom it's archived already.


Its the new way for people that are against this split to prove its a bad idea since the whole "Sup Forums is too slow" doesn't work now

>see comfy /ck/ themed thread
>has discussion about kitchen nightmares which is a tv show
>browse it for a while, go to sleep
>wake up, it's still there
>deleted 5 minutes later
I hate threads like that being deleted, like why the fuck even bother deleting it at that point, it had 274 replies

Notice how text posts have grown quite a bit while Images post have not grown, this is because Redditors are unaccustomed to the image board format.

>>see comfy /ck/ themed thread
Kill yourself /ck/r eejct

>r eejct
Kill yourself /lit/ re-inter the 'jection


Why hasn't a fellow tech savvy Euro created Sup

What is stopping us lads?

nice false flag

>opening a new board without moderation and big announcement

it was an inside job by the mods