Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is better than Civil War?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is better than Civil War?

>inb4 "muh 27%"
That was for the theatrical cut.

Other urls found in this thread:

I've only watched the extended cut.

It was all over the place. Meandering in areas that don't matter (Lois spending 20 minutes finding out that Luthor is evil and does nothing with the information). Incredibly weird ads for the next movies (like when the dramatic music starts when Wonder Woman's picture shows up).

I have no idea where it's going. It fails to set anything up in a logical way that it makes the rest of the movie a chore to watch, a waiting game to the big fight, which was so mediocre and full of terrible effects that it wasn't worth watching 2 hours in the first place.

I don't even give a shit about the Martha thing because it works in the sense that it shocks Bruce into actually taking a second to think, but that admits that Batman wasn't thinkign for the entire film, because absolutely no one was.

If we're talking memeing to piss off marvel drones, yes.

If we're talking in actuality, is it objectively better? You'd have to be helmet-head retarded.

you're comparing apples and shit

Honestly, I think BvS: Ultimate Edition is better. Civil War just feels... incomplete. There's no stakes at all, and its entire purpose (like all the other Marvel movies before it) is setting up the next Marvel movies.

First Post; Best Post.

But BvS was even bigger at setting up the next movie then like 4 marvel movies combined. I really want to like BvS, it's not like Marvel fans hated Batman before hand...

>BvS was better because it set up the next movies in email attachments rather than via the plot

Like I said, helmet-head retarded.

At least BvS had actual substance and soul to it besides the pants-on-head-retarded setting up of the next movies.

You know what, fuck it. Why don't we just have Raimi direct every cape movie from now on? His Spider-Man trilogy blows every other superhero movie out of the water.

MoS and BvS are much better than the spiderman movies though.

Fair enough. Snyder should direct DC like God intended, Raimi should direct Marvel like God intended.

Civil war takes a far more logical approach at examining the repercussions of heroes' actions and the destruction they cause, which is analogous to America's current standing in the world. It also looks at the very relevant issue of government intervention in the lives of private citizens.

BvS is another christ allegory barely different from the matrix or harry potter. It's lazy, and often stupid.

You like BvS more because you were memed into it.

At least 2 hours a day I spend crying because of BVS shitposters praising a terrible movie that hurt my very core


Infinitely superior in every way.

now that the dust has settled, reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight

I wasn't memed into it, I fucking hated it before the Ultimate Edition came out.

How, may I ask, is Civil War more logical in its approach at examining the repercussions of heroes' actions?
BvS is all about how the world reacts to the events of MoS. It only takes one city-leveling battle to cause an outpouring of public outcry. This is a realistic amount of public response.
Meanwhile, the Avengers tear apart two cities across two movies, and nobody bats a single fucking eye until it happens in Civil War because the plot mandates it.

Except they were already thinking of an act after the battle of New York. Sokovia was the one that pushed it further and Lagos was the excuse.

not gonna risk it


that would actually be great.

I prefer Snyder's serious take on comics but I appreciate why people like Raimi's too, and he definitely captures the mix between compelling/comedic and serious correctly

But does anybody do shit about it besides "thinking"? Nope, and we never see anything of it until Civil War.
In BvS, there's already a whole committee on Superman that's trying to reign him in.

BvS then Green Room for me.

>How, may I ask, is Civil War more logical in its approach at examining the repercussions of heroes' actions?

Ultimate Cut helps somewhat here but the reasons for Bats and Superman fighting are still weak and come down to "because Lex said so."

In CW it's more organic; Cap wants to protect his last living friend, Tony wants to bring him in and hand him over for something he didn't even do (and later tries to kill him because Bucky killed his mother). BvS could have set things up better but didn't, and that's on it.

>and nobody bats a single fucking eye until it happens in Civil War because the plot mandates it.

Age of Ultron makes a point of how Stark created Ultron to try and prevent another New York, and in IM3 he's clearly PTSD. In Winter Soldier they argue whether SHIELD is necessary or doing the right thing. If you watch Agents of Shield it's an issue there too.

In the first Avengers movie, what happened in NYC was not their fault at all. In fact they prevented more destruction than was caused. In AoU, yeah, it was pretty much all Tony's fault. So the U.S. government, and United Nations, step in to provide "oversight", but actually just want to exploit the Avengers as an advantage to push their agenda's.

In BvS, the government's plan is never actually clear. What are they going to do, lock him up? Banish him? Make him work for them? They never even say.

>we never see anything of it until Civil War.
The World Council during the Avengers ending, how the Senator tried his best to get Tony's armors and guns in Iron Man 2, the entirety of TIH, plus Ross being the one that pushes the accords in Civil War.

Should I watch the ultimate cut even if I disliked the theatrical cut?

The answer is that the implications of having a privatized task force is never explored maturely. It usually devolves into Robert Downey Jr. meming and destroys any credibility the film has at exploring 1% of what is explored in the comics.

What are the stakes in BvS? They couldn't even keep Superman dead in one movie.

Depends on what you disliked. If you felt some of the motivations and subplots needed fleshing out and teh film was poorly paced/edited , you should rewatch. If you had problems with the whole film overall it won't change your mind.

That's another huge problem with the movie. If you're two movies into your shared universe and are already resorting to the "kill off heroes" meme, that's a bad sign.

Not to mention that the fact that he's coming back just reinforces everyone's perception that Superman is invincible and boring.

Ahh yes, it's much better to never kill off any of them ever.

you should go back to Sup Forums

I also prefer Snyder's serious take, but I also think Raimi did a fantastic job with his serious/comedic take on Spider-Man. In general, Raimi just knows how to write the mood of a movie. Civil War seemed confused with how it wanted to go - is it serious or quippy? Making your movie have mood whiplashes left and right is a very tricky thing which is very easy to mess up, but Raimi consistently is able to pull off mood whiplashes in all of his movies - see Evil Dead, Spider-Man, etc.
Plus, Raimi actually writes good quips.

Can't we all agree both movie are retarded?

Deep inside you all know that's the truth

"retarded" is a retarded non-argument

You kill them off when it's called for to avoid the whole meme that's evolved in comics over time of death being meaningless to super heroes. A couple of them will die in Infinity War, I'm sure.

>So Glen, today WB just released Batman V Superman: Ultimate Edition. Any thoughts on the ocassion?
>Sorry, who?
>Huh, Batman V Superman, you remember?
>The one directed by Nolan?
>No, Nolan didn't direct that movie.
>Sorry, you gotta help me out.
>You know what? It doesn't matter, let's forget about it and move on.
>Yeah, let's forget about it and move on.
>In other news, they released new info concerning Spider-Man: Homecoming filmation. Also, Suicide Squad will hit the theaters this August 8.

There's 5 step in grief, and you re stil in the first one. Denial

not an argument

>A couple of them will die in Infinity War, I'm sure.
1, if you're lucky, and it'll be bucky/hawkeye/black widow/scarlet witch .

those are big trips
>for you

was meant for But while I'm here...
>Ultimate Cut helps somewhat here but the reasons for Bats and Superman fighting are still weak and come down to "because Lex said so."
It's less "Lex said so" and more "Lex has spent the entire movie subtly egging each of them on from behind the scenes and is able to push them off the edge at the right time." I agree that the theatrical cut is retarded with the reasons for the fight, but the ultimate edition truly does justice to the fight.
>In Winter Soldier they argue whether SHIELD is necessary or doing the right thing.
Do they really? It's been a while since I watched it, but I remember the whole thing being about how HYDRA has permanently infiltrated SHIELD and that's why it needs to go down. (That said, I enjoyed Winter Soldier the most out of every MCU film, excepting Ant-Man.)

>the government's plan is never actually clear
That's... kind of the whole point. The world still has no idea what to do with Superman - do we kill him, capture him, rehabilitate him? We don't know.

I (OP) despised the theatrical cut, yet here I am praising the ultimate edition.

>A couple of them will die in Infinity War, I'm sure.
That's precisely what people were saying about Civil War, famiglia.

The Senator said she wanted a conversation and that's why she called a hearing. I imagine they just wanted to know his goals and intentions.

>mfw nothing in DCEU is as heart-wrenching as this scene

Adding more shit to a pile of shit only makes a bigger pile of shit.

Even mutilated as the theatrical release was, I still enjoyed it more. It brings too much to the table to really even be considered "capeshit," same with MoS.

Read it as "if you're lucky it will be" those heroes and I hope so (except winter soldier)

Civil War had moments of levity, it wasn't whiplashing with quips.

BvS's problem wasn't that it was serious, it was that it was *bleak.* Also very atonal, with stuff like Batman straight-up murdering two dozen people for the crime of working for Lex and/or at the docks. Why not go in and steal it with stealth? You know, the thing Batman is famous for?

Killing or maiming heroes has to be done with care. Doomsday and the Death of Superman arc could have worked but should have been saved for a while, and given to someone who's not Snyder. Those plotlines are never going to escape his shadow now, and he miss-handled it badly.

Batman hates and motives toward superman felt like watching Anakin skywalker fall to the dark side in the sw prequels.

It will be the Vision.

Not to mention the final fight is more beautifully choreographed than any clusterfuck in BvS.

Civil War was the most paint by numbers marvel film yet

This movie was absolutely crap



That's not Iron Man 2.

Haven't seen the extended but the theatrical was a glorious train wreck

This user gets it

DC sucks and always will

No. Civil War was the better movie. Deal with it and move on.

>Batman straight-up murdering two dozen people for the crime of working for Lex and/or at the docks
They fired first, famiglio. Even if they didn't, the scene still demonstrates how far over the edge Batman has been driven.

is that so

Was the final RT score really 27℅? What a fucking blunder.

top kek

It was pretty bad.

It became a meme among critics to hate it, most of their reasoning were really inane.

>but the ultimate edition truly does justice to the fight.

It does, but then fucks it up with the end of the fight. It's just the "Martha..." thing.

If he'd said "He has my mother" I wouldn't be criticising it as badly. It's just that the resolution to their conflict hinges on their mothers conveniently having the same first name. Also Lois being there to explain it, because Superman can't communicate effectively himself for whatever reason.

Really this is through the whole movie, they do something that could have been really well handled but then fuck it up. Lex putting the bomb in the one place Supes wouldn't want to look? Legitimately smart, both for him as a character and by the writers. But then there's the jar of piss in the same scene.

>Do they really?

Yes. I think they could more accurately have called Civil War an Avengers movie since it expands more on those themes and is more of an ensemble thing than purely focusing on Captain America but the themes and issues are discussed in the prior movies. It just comes to a head when the world finds out SHIELD, who were heading the Avengers program, couldn't even vaguely be trusted.

>If he'd said "He has my mother" I wouldn't be criticising it as badly.
that would make far less sense for Batman to stop though, coincidence or not Superman saying Martha is the only reason that scene works.

>They fired first, famiglio.

No, they don't. Bats goes in with lethal force.

>Even if they didn't, the scene still demonstrates how far over the edge Batman has been driven.

You know how people always try to argue with logic that Batman should just kill Joker and other members of his rogue's gallery to save lives?

Him not killing is a core aspect of his character, and whether you think not killing is logical (or even practical, given that he can punch through brick walls, kick trees in half, and is shown using strikes that would maim at best a lot in comics or movies) it is at least somewhat defensible on the grounds that he just doesn't do it.

They should have shown Bats falling and had that driving Supes into conflict with him. Possibly had Lex send someone to pose as Batman and fuck people up.

>No, they don't. Bats goes in with lethal force.
nope, the only time Batman kills anyone in the film is when they have already tried to kill him or are trying to kill someone else.

Pretty much.

His reasoning was so flimsy that he just forgave immediately when he learned their mommies share a name.

Or are sitting in the security shed at the front of the docks having absolutely nothing to do with proceedings, or are protecting Kryptonite.

That scene doesn't work, though. And entirely due to the resolution of the conflict, which could have been handled differently.

The build-up, even in Ultimate, is pretty weak and the pay-off is just dumb.

There was, or at least could have been, a good movie in there. It's just that too many times they fucked the execution.


>That scene doesn't work, though. And entirely due to the resolution of the conflict, which could have been handled differently.
in your opinion, I thought it worked brilliantly and completely fit with the character of Batman.

What fucked BvS is that Snyder can only make movies with a certain tone, if you look at the movies he made they all have the same tone

>dawn of the dead
>legend of the guardians

>same tone

I honestly think that Snyder fundamentally doesn't get Batman and Superman. We've all seen the oft-spammed Batman prison rape comment, but he's also said things that later came out of Lex Luthor's mouth (or were close enough to stuff that did not to matter) and he praises Ayn Rand, to the point of wanting to make The Fountainhead.

As a result, his interpretation of super heroes is much closer to what happens in Watchmen, except he doesn't understand why Alan Moore made it or the message he was trying to get across, which was aimed at both readers and the industry.

The TL;DR is that he pretty much wanted to make another Watchmen movie, but used Superman instead of Dr. Manhattan and Batman instead of Rorschach. They way the DC characters act is much closer to their Watchmen counterparts, down to Supes' aloofness and Bats' murderousness.

Civil war was a shitshoe

>The TL;DR is that he pretty much wanted to make another Watchmen movie, but used Superman instead of Dr. Manhattan and Batman instead of Rorschach