Superior space flic

superior space flic

interstellar is shit compared to sunshine

the ending sucks tho

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A star the size of the sun would expand and consume the Earth as a Red Giant before shrinking and weakening lmao

Intersteller ending was even worse

can you mansplain this sentence to me please? lmao

>sunshine makes noise
>they get louder the closer you get to the sun
>in space

/literally unwatchable/ general?

>superior space flic
>the writer knew completely nothing about physics
>something completely idiotic happens every 5 minutes
>last 15 minutes turned into an '80 slasher flick with the murderer being a guy with 3rd degree burns on his entire body

compared to

>le love connects time and space normie theory xD

>I can see my daughter 30000 years in past because love lol xD

both films were shit as
>hard sci-fi
just for different reasons.

>le love connects time and space normie theory xD
that's not actually in the movie. only anne hathaway says this retarded sentence. later on it's said that the humans from the future built that pocket universe or whatever the fuck that was. which makes Hathaway's dialogue even more pointless and stupid. not sure why people keeps saying this ever happens in the movie

>that's not actually in the movie

what the fuck are you on about?

the whole point of the movie is that love makes connection to these people even tho they are in diffirent space and time

>that's not actually in the movie. only anne hathaway says this retarded sentence
McCounaghey's character also says it in th tesseract you fucktard. Did you even watch the movie?

That is one potent combination of retardation and trendy memes, user.

>the sun is weakening
>throw atom bombs there
>despite the fact that thousands of nuclear fusion reactions take place there every second anyway

>a human can swim in the coolant
>which means it's warmer than freezing water
>he freezes AFTER he gets out from there

>they have a supercomputer
>they use mathematicians to calculate trajectories
>mathematicians make mistake and condemn everybody to death

>a body is thrown into space
>it freezes

>scientists cannot communicate with each other after the network breaks down
>they can talk with ship's computer
>they won't use it to communicate with each other

It's good because it introduces a fun conflict every fifteen or so minutes that these "scientists" have to solve. They fuck up, fight, and someone dies. Rinse, repeat, but it's still fun.

There's also some light (pun) themes about the sun as a god, and sort of the insanity that comes with it. Everyone has their own approach to God, Death, and the Universe and it's fun to see them play out. Harvey is afraid to die and will put himself as a priority. Capa thinks the science is beautiful and doesn't mind dying. Searle is fascinated by the sun in a creepy, albeit benevolent way, but not as much as Pinbacker who dooms the entire planet.

so why are they explaining this "scientifically" at the end, making that speech about feelings obsolete, you morons?

look at this fucking virgin nerd

no one cares about this stuff fucking boring nerd retard

>a body is thrown into space
>it freezes
Do you expect it to boil at -200C? You're right about the other points though.

>>a human can swim in the coolant
>>which means it's warmer than freezing water
No it doesn't????

He was literally right about everything.

autistic virgin retard spotted right here

catch him before he runs away

actually, yes. the fluids at least.
pick one

so you say a human can swim in temperature below zero without dying of hypothermia in a second?

We can't assume we know everything about the physics of the sun dying. Obviously it's not the natural course of the sun because that would take billions of years. It's something different.

The coolant isn't water. He can swim in it, but it freezes him over time, not instantly. It is colder than freezing water.

That was the point. They were taking manual control. And the math was correct, the point was other components weren't also reset. And then the computer DOES take over when damage has been done.

The freezing point is fair.

I don't understand your point about the ship's computer. They do talk to the computer, which is on board, and they do talk to each other. They can't talk to earth.

>require a shit to perform a precise task
>allow it to deviate off course
>put a crew on it so they have to burden the ship with massive amount of life support shit completely unneeded if they just sent an unmanned vessel

>perfect vacuum
Hello burger.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Maybe the computer only has a couple of set functions that mostly pertain to ship functions, and can't actually take messages and relay them. Or maybe there's only certain areas where the ship is "listening." It's not HAL. And part of the reason Capa couldn't talk to anyone was because he lost his comms unit.

>so you say a human can swim in temperature below zero without dying of hypothermia in a second?

That's not what you said. Re-read it and please stop posting.

literally this

ladies and gentleman

let me introduce you autism

literally snyder apologists tier post

>the ending sucks tho
I thought so too, but it grew on me.

The ending of the film is a complete genre shift, so it feels like a betrayal to the great hard-science of the first and second act. So while the ending isn't what you would expect, it still has some great moments.

>Cappa's jump to the payload
>the gravity of the payload stopping Cappa from falling to his death
>the gravity of the sun literally slowing space and time so Cappa blowing himself up is actually a serene and magical moment

I see burnt toast man as being more of a symbolic representation of man's insignificance to the grandness of space, rather than a crazy zombie monster. Kind of like a Star Child, you aren't meant to take him literally, but reflect on what he represents, and he changes the film's focus from character-driven hard science to theological.

>making excuses for terrible screenwriting just because you like the movie: the thread

>The ending of the film is a complete genre shift, so it feels like a betrayal to the great hard-science of the first and second act.
It's not even hard SF in the first and second acts lmao.

>i is to stoopid to understand de obvious
you're too stupid to live. please, die already.

anyone else lmaoed at the fact that one of the crew members name is KAPPA?

nice subtle meme reference if you ask me desu

>I see burnt toast man as being more of a symbolic representation of man's insignificance to the grandness of space, rather than a crazy zombie monster. Kind of like a Star Child, you aren't meant to take him literally, but reflect on what he represents, and he changes the film's focus from character-driven hard science to theological.
Are you the one writing all those BvS glorifying posts?

>thinking something humans could influence the workings of a STAR

The film is shit.

You fucking idiot.

"a human can swim in the coolant, which means it's warmer than freezing water"

If something is liquid, it doesnt mean its at a higher temperature than the water's melting point.

DUDE twich memes L M A O

>i am a retard and i don't know what hypothermia is

nah dude, fuck that movie

like what the hell is this Suckerpunch bullshit?

You didn't get a fucking Nolan flick lmao are you 12 or something

Just stop posting. Please. You're making it worse for yourself.

I'm tired of you. Goodbye.

Everyone who referenced it in the film was blinded by love which clouded their judgement

>Brand just want's her hubby back
>Cooper just wants his daughter back

There's a reason they are all crazy lookin' when they are mentioning 'le love connections'

both are great! (:

>literally this post

oh noes!

>kickass yet grounded sci-fi movie with ridiculously high stakes and an unclear outcome
>becomes slasher movie where the killer wants to kill the crew because God lol

I have never gone from loving a movie to fucking hating it by the end as hard as I did with Sunshine. This movie defines shitting the bed in the third act.

You know a form of autism is nitpicking a good movie and then saying it sucks because of nitpicking.

>I have never gone from loving a movie to fucking hating it by the end as hard as I did with Sunshine.
I have with Pandorum.

>le controversy videogame reviever image

fuck off fucking jared faggot

you mistaked this place to be r3ddit?




That 3rd act boosted the movie and added more plot and kicked its interest keeping the movie fun.

Fuck off and Trump 2016

>dat ending credits music

yeah, those autistic fuckers. last time i've seen a damn good A+ movie about football and then i read those idiots nitpicking
>why are they bouncing the ball in their hands?
>you don't use cricket hammers in football
>if it takes place in arctica, why are there palm trees?
>i don't think they allow shooting the enemy team from a helicopter during the match
bunch of fucking autistic idiots!

>the ending sucks tho

you suck

the ending is fine

>t. embryo

t. Danny Boyle

You could turn your brain off or you could not let trivial things affect you so harshly.

>sunshine makes noise

No, but the sun does.

>t. retard

t. hawk

The last segment was incredibely unnecessary and retarded. It disappointed me just like Pandorum, which began pretty fucking good and ended up being a shitty action flick in space.

The entire 3rd act sucked, that's why it doesn't get as much praise.

>so you say a human can swim in temperature below zero without dying of hypothermia in a second?

Yeah mayne, absolutely. It's not like your core temp is instantly going to throttle down. As long as you don't mind massive tissue damage and probable death within a short period of time you can totally withstand subzero swimming.

this nigga really good actor

the guy swims there for about 3 minutes or so, though.

t. reasonable person

Hello samefag.

>>sunshine makes noise
What are solar energetic particles?

Something you can't hear with your ears, retard.

Yeah? That's fine. You can hold your own in freezing water for about 10 minutes before the cold reduces your motor functions. At which point you'll most likely drown due to lack fo being able to swim, rather than succumbing to hypothermia, which would take longer.

Who said they were listening with their ears?

You do when they impact with your spaceship's hull, ubertard.

That's not what was going on in the movie, plebismus maximus.

You think they were sticking their heads out the window, getting a good earful of sun noise every morning?

But it obviously was, you megawimp.

The ending was so bad that they should have destroyed every copy of the movie. It's Cube tier bad. It's one of the worst parts of any movie with out the name rob zombie attached to it.

Why do you think that?

>people complaining about the science
>the plot was literally and figuratively a vehicle for the themes and character study

im done with this fucking board. see you guys tomorrow.

but it's not even freezing water. it's coolant. it suppose to be much colder than freezing water. what would be the point of using a chemical with temperature similar or even higher then freezing water?

>t. pleb

It would be very cold in storage. It would be decidedly less cold when it had just had superwarm computer cores immersed in it.


these fucking autists are talking about what temperature human body freezes...

im outta here

>t. samefag