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never said anything bad about my Jewfu


skellington thread

Does anyone actually dislike her? I just want her to hold me tight and make me feel safe desu.

>youtube.com/watch?v=S176AKQhcCk starts playing

It's too bad none of the color in her costume will be in the movie

they colored her eyes blue and gave her boob armor? they really get away with this?

i have nothing to apoligize i liked her since day1

Lankington more like it but still 10/10

armor nipple???

I love jewess goddess!!


oh shit I'm sorry

I can't wait to listen to her fail at hiding her accent while she slowly stumbles through her lines in a dead monotone for two hours.

>has to speak German in the movie
>it's dubbed over by Antje Traue

But it will look like this


Only if Snyder made it

It will look way darker than BvS

Those blue eyes are just a shoop.

is there a trailer out already?

This looks shooped, I can tell from his many dicks op sucks.


Im just happy Im originally Syrian.Every time Zionists bomb Syria, I get a free fap fantasizing about Gal invading my country and crushing my people like insects

It's just a sneak preview.


I fantasize about getting tortured by mossad and becoming her own BDSM gimp in her rape dungeon

>Don't you want to buy a ticket to see the pretty girl, goyim?

>A Foreign Whore

if this wasn't a shop I would

she actually looks like WW with blue eyes, wow.

this person can barely speak English how did she get this role?

>Surely, you'd be willing to pay a few measly shekels to see the pretty girl, right goyim, and buying a ticket to watch the sexy girl for a friend or two would be a great gift on your part!

she looks like a simpleton

I have to say, she looks a lot better in the role than I thought she would when she was cast. The lack of blue eyes bugs me, but the rest works, and the personality she's been shown expressing is pretty spot on.

I doubt it. The first footage was hastily color corrected to match the aesthetic of BvS, since it was really released to promote that film. Jenkins will probably go for a different look with her colorists. Especially since BvS' aesthetic really didn't go over well.

Seriously though, is the jewess lab on the fritz? This is their worst product yet.

The cinematographer is the guy from Chronicle and Fant4stic, and the movie is set in WWI
It will obviously be dark and blue as fuck at least in the parts that take place in our world and on the war front.

>The cinematographer is the guy from Chronicle and Fant4stic
>setting is the sloggiest of World Wars that ever slogged

Well, at least it makes sense why WW would "retire" after seeing all that bullshit.

i am a hater, part of a large group that knows we fucked up

Still looks like shit.

Wake me up when Gal reaches Alison Stokke status.

Don't look at her

>dem feet


They should have actually made her wear blue contacts

her feet look really pretty


Don't be fooled


>two actual abstractions of the star of David
>neither one of you can point them out