Her face when she finds out you've been watching baby shows

>her face when she finds out you've been watching baby shows

the fuck is her problem?

>her face when she finds you passed out in her room with one of her filthy, sweet-drenched socks on your dock and another one of her socks laying on your face

>user, I told you not to talk to me in public!

kiki used to be a 8/10

damn shame what's happened to her

this is 8/10?

who is that hot bitch?

A child, you fucking perverted pedophile.

>I'll give you a 10 second headstart user!
>Kiki why are you doing this!?
>what happened to ten?!?!

Hah, shame on you, got my current gf thanks to fucking Adventure Time.

muh dick


pedo aside, she's at her best while in stockings

fuck, US schools for having khaki pants or jeans for unisex dress code

He's talking about the one on the right, idiot

Why is this so hot?

Because you're a pathetic nerd that watches baby movies.

because you've fetishized girls being disgusted by you as a defense mechanism so you don't completely hate yourself

that look of disdain mixed with pity and disgust lights a fire in your soul
either because this alpha female sees you as the worm you are OR that his girl thinks you're not a man and you're going to prove her wrong all night long

Does someone have sauce on the original video?

What was actually spoken to her?

Who is this?

Monica Vitti dumbass

>look of disapproval

Is this meant to soften my cock? Because it only makes it harder.

What the fuck, my gf loves Adventure Time too. What's the appeal of that show anyway?

she has a nice neck

>those eyebrows

Is she the Cara Delevingne of our generation?

Holy shit

Mfw I have a sock on my dock

Look at the reaction from the lady on the left. Lel, its like the camera man pulled out his dick or something

There's some stiff competition out there

w-what's a baby show?

i'm stiff alright

what did he brow by this?

The shows that you watch, faggot.

no it's not

>socks on your dock

you mean like the west wing?

You watch barney and you're on the red card for it.

>"Miss Shipka! Miss Shipka! When is your next bowel movement going to be? Can I watch?!

Earnest, unironic, reasonably deep characters, sometimes dark themes, great animation, charming setting

I can't believe this girl is 7 years younger than me

Am I a pedophile?

only if you have dirty thoughts about them
