I Ruined Men’s Childhoods by Dressing Up as a Ghostbusters Character for Halloween Last Year

I have literally never heard a single man say Ghostbusters ruined their childhood, yet women won't shut the fuck up about it. Why are modern females such annoying cunts?

Other urls found in this thread:


Dykes are gonna dyke

>Daddy bailed on me as a child:the picture

Because women can only feel empowered by shitting in the bed and ruining everyone else's good time.

just ignore it and make more threads about how fun it is to physically abuse women

Women deserve to be hung from lamposts.

>lets 'get back at' men by badly recreating a comedy classic that has men in it

I have a problem with the fact that people are this delusional to think they have had this much of an impact on things. Good for you that you get pounded by a strap on and dressed up as Harold Rammis.

Also, why the fuck is blogging considered journalism nowadays?

women like her desperately want to be men, it's quite hysterical

No. Those kinds of women die from cancer because even they rue their existence and the stress destroys them. This behavior is basically mental illness.

Cunts are gonna cunt

Literally no one gives a shit about these damaged women with daddy issues.

Fuck. Women.

2016 is the year that made me hate women and blacks. I wonder if all adults go through this transition at some point, or if this has just been a really fucking awful past ~18 months.

We have to wait for sexbots and artificial wombs

Why would that guy think he is ruining peoples childhoods dressing as a ghostbuster?

>this triggers people

>Egon Spengler and Gozer, embodied by WOMEN

Gozer was already a woman you twat
And I saw three female ghostbusters at a con I went to 4 years ago. My childhood was not ruined. Cosplayers don't ruin childhood's, shitty remakes do

That post you screenshotted is a lot more reasonable than your MRA mini-tantrum. Kill yourself you low IQ neckbeard.

It's been pretty bad

>American """"""culture""""""

>I'm gonan pay for this movie even if it's shit to stick it to all men!
You're as dumb as her you dickhead

What does it mean? I feel like I'm missing some cultural contexts in this thread.

t. Melissa Fatcarthy

Women like here are funny, there are tons of movies where the woman is the hero. They are just latching onto this shit fest because muh empowerment


If anyone's interested.

>hate women and blacks

But user, what if there was a black woman who hated feminism and BLM and wanted you...

>EU collapsing
>civil war in turkey
>France taken over by terrorists
>Hillary Clinton treason

Who the fuck even pays attention to this petty bullshit when there's so much more happening right now?

Archive that shit nigger, don't just post the site.

I wouldn't say modern women, I'd say modern feminists.

No women or person is the same, hence making generalisations in my opinion is stupid.

Paul, calm down, your movie bombed, it's okay, it's not like you'll never get work again. Melissa Mccarthy might not work again though.

Obviousy this little jewish goblin was constantly denied by males during her younger years, and is making herself feel better about it by shitting on her male peers childhoods

There is something truly horrifying about cultural marxism and capitalism working hand-in-hand to dupe moronic women.

Normalfags. All they care about is their identity politics and pokemon Go. Not to mention thousands of blacks are planning on protesting the RNC this week, and Bikers riding in to meet them head on. Coaligns with the hacked messages from the blm terrorist leader talking about fucking up the RNC and trying to declare martial law

>Why are modern females such annoying cunts?
I blame social media. It is like fueling a fire of idiocy.

Just use an ad blocker and your click doesn't matter


Gozer WAS a woman.

>if you hate women you have a low IQ and your facial hair genetics aren't good.


>Gozer was a woman

How does it feel to be a faggot, and be wrong?

All fucking women must fucking hang

Yes, took the form of a woman briefly but you know what I mean.


I've never been able to be attracted to black women so it doesn't matter. I've jerked off probably 4500 times at least at this point and not once to a black woman


>post from 2 months in the future
>I'm supposed to be impressed it knew what happened

She's just a baitclicking faggot, no real life person cares what costume someone wears for Halloween.

Like most women she is lying for attention.


oh and if you read between the lines I think she's trying to tell us something her bosses aren't allowing her to write:

Top comeback


>mfw I remind myself that these people don't reproduce


Gozer was already a woman.

I know this because I checked beforehand to fap to the actress.


>I will see this movie even IF it sucks
This is the attitude that fucking pisses me off. If you actually give a shit about feminism you shouldn't support a shitty movie just because it claims to be for feminism. You should be demanding that they make a GOOD movie for feminism. It doesn't help your cause in the longrun to just pretend that a shit feminist movie isn't shit.

A lot of these morons need to realize that there's an enormous difference between "This movie is going to be shit and I won't support it because it's about females" and "This movie is going to be shit and I won't support it because I know a movie about females can and should be done better."

>this passes as journalism

Its almost as if they base their unwavering opinions on assumptions and misunderstandings.

But thats not the hardline feminists and SJWs I know.

It was from February Eurofriend

More Proof that modern feminists have dogshit for brains.

But gozer can be anything it wants so it picked to be a raging femanazi which is quite apropo.


What's wrong with two dudes dressing up for Halloween and what does it have to do with women?

she just pat herself on her back and pretended every man looking at her was upset when people were just mostly trying to figure out her gender

Do they really think they are changing anything? If they do, then they're toying with literal insanity. Like, I hate feminism, but I don't care about this at all. It's not even good clickbait.

Fucking obliterated

nadine should never have left plinkett's basement

>American "women"

What's dis?

Suffrage was a mistake.

>No women or person is the same

Nah, but pretty close.

I'm 38 and have been working either a full-time or two part-time jobs since I was 15. I've had a lot of female co-workers in that time. Most of them were lazy and did the bare minimum amount. They expected the men to carry them and since the men had no choice but to carry them, they did.

Now I will say I've met quite a few women who are highly competent at their jobs. Even like four I'll freely admit that I'm proud to have worked with them. But they shared one thing in common with the women that were lazy, worthless sacks of shit. They were illogical, emotion-fueled creatures. Every now and then I'd get into an argument with them where absolutely nothing short of telling them they were right would get them to shut the fuck up. More times than I could count have I told a woman "you're right" just so that she would leave me the fuck alone and I could go back to doing my job.

When they get into this state, and even the more competent and logic-inclined women are capable of entering it, no amount of reason, proof, and well-constructed arguments will get them to stop talking. They only want to hear "Yes, you're correct."

Estrogen is seriously fucking worse than heroin sometimes.


>not once to a black woman

Hey guys, i think this is one of those threads where we just say things that aren't true

Save us, Putin.

We need you

literally nothing wrong with mras.

go back to tumblr.

That's a terrible fucking Gozer desu

This problem is most prominent in the military. I entered the Marines pretty disgusted with how female Marines were talked about behind their backs, but by the time I left I agreed with about half of what was being said. Illogical and emotion-fueled is exactly their biggest problem and they will never face up to either of those claims.

And you've ruined my afternoon by showing me your ugly face and slut attitude, you hairy fish gobbling cunt.

>That Egon is a woman


>MRA mini-tantrum. Kill yourself you low IQ neckbeard.

*rolls eyes*, *yawns*, 0/10

I would fug, but never be able to produce children with her. I wouldn't want my kids to be black, or even remotely black.

I feel the same way. Like if she was adopted by white parents it might be OK, I don't want to have to go to a black family gathering or anything. But even then the biggest problem is I don't want to have black kids.

I actually dated a black chick adopted by white parents, she was pretty well adjusted.

>undead spirits
>as opposed to all those living spirits

well said

I think its in pretty insensitive to refer to McCarthy as a whale.

I'm glad Harold Ramis can't see stuff like this.

The man was is now in a better place


Who keeps posting this fags videos? Is it shilling or do you guys actually like this 15 year old youtuber?

Is it just me or has the gender war been getting bigger and bigger lately, don't remeber this shit 5 years ago being this bad, but suddenly feminism produced nothing but retards. When did we reach critical mass?


The internet, blogs, and twitter have made things worse I feel.

But its not just the gender war, its really anything against white straight males. Basically because I think society sort of needs someone to vent at, and now we made so that you cant really make fun of anyone but straight white males. And maybe fat people but even they are becoming off the table, even though really they are one of the few groups who are what they are by choice rather than birth.

>I'm going to go as a sexy cat lol
>let me put on tights, corset and a short skirt lol
>plus cat ears, and maybe a tail if I can be bothered :)
omg stop looking at me

>I Ruined Men’s Childhoods by Dressing Up as a Ghostbusters Character for Halloween

I'm not really sure why she would think that unless she really, really hated men.

If I saw a woman dressed as a Ghostbuster I would probably think it was cool and keep walking.

You have to have serious gender issues to think that your costume choices somehow harm the emotions of others. Also, deeply rooted psychological problems and narcissism issues.

Don't care about men's rights I just hate these sort of whiny cunts who think they have something to prove to men.

If I saw those two, I don't even think I'd know they were women. I'd probably thing "why is that fag dressed as Miley Cyrus"?

Who does this fucking retard think she is?
Girls have been dressing up as ghostbusters for halloween for decades and literally nobody gave a shit.
If anything, it gave us our first taste of rule 63.

>cosplay as Egon
>wear Ray's goggles
fucking bitches can't do anything right

Penis envy is legit.
It's probably the only thing I agreed with Freud on.

'the fuck did I just watch?

>Why are modern females such annoying cunts?

Because men stopped choking the shit out of them when they ran their mouth out of turn....

>he thinks everyone is a race traitor degenerate

>ghostbusters with girls made me hate all women

alright lol

Domestic abuse. The best part is, if he called the police with bruises on his face he would get arrested and she would recieve a restraining order against him even with video evidence Gotta love equality.

I've only ever heard it used in the context of mocking theoretical other people who say it. In fact, the only time I've ever heard it unironically spoken is during the People vs. George Lucas documentary, and it's said by a woman.