Have you ever dumped somebody because they had shit taste? I left my ex because he likes The Three Stooges. I'm sorry...

Have you ever dumped somebody because they had shit taste? I left my ex because he likes The Three Stooges. I'm sorry, but I can't be with somebody who thinks hitting people is funny.

No, I don't really enjoy watching movies with other people unless it's a dumb flick so I don't care about their shit taste

I'm so alone

What about Wild E Coyote? Do you feel sorry for him when he falls off of a cliff, and slams into a rock?

>Doesn't like The Three Stooges

Kill yourself.

>it's a "female" ironically posts objectively wrong information for attention episode
2/10, some sperg is going to rage. You almost got me.

I feel sorry for him because he'll never catch that ostrich.

Too much b8 to be effective

this. how tiresome

So, perhaps we should use social media, and gather the SJWs on twitter to demand that Warner Brothers make a feature in which he catches the roadrunner, and feasts at last.

Little bit much OP, needs to be subtle. Have a (you) anyways

No, I think he should go vegan. There's plenty of plants to eat in the desert.

I vegan coyote. BRILLIANT!

Three Stooges was pure kino

Confirmed by quads

What's the modern day Three Stooges?

I'd say Workaholics

Thank you. I thought of it all by myself. :-)

Do they poke each other in the eyes?

Three Stooges is shit tier.
Its like "comedy" in Mexico or Japan.
>Holy fuck he fell down
>Oh my god he got hit
>He is man, but is wearing clothing usually worn by women

If you're 10 years old, I'll give you a pass. But if you can watch 40 min of that as an adult, you are officially a retard. email me to get your handicap parking pass.

In the brown eye maybe.

What's your email?

Oh wise guy, eh? *slaps you in the face, pokes your eyes, and bops you on the head*

Disorder in the Court was GOAT

Anyone see that 3 Stooges movie from a few years ago? I actually thought it was pretty funny, except most of the gags were just recycled from the old shorts and all. They didn't try very hard to come up with any kind of modern slapstick. Also the Jersey Shore stuff made me want to die. They definitely cast the right guys for the parts though