Help Sup Forums. I'm 22 now and have been letting my pubic hair grow the way it wants to ever since i started puberty...

help Sup Forums. I'm 22 now and have been letting my pubic hair grow the way it wants to ever since i started puberty. however i have recently become sexually active and my girlfriend looked at my penis funny the first time she saw it. we still fucked but i would feel more confident if i shaved and was hairless. so like how does Sup Forums shave their penis? how do you shave your tip?

Ask the surgeon who sew that on.

You probably just have a weird dick. Let's see it OP.

> shave your tip


I shave my shaft and balls because I like them sucked, and also like the same for pussy im sucking and fucking. I keep the rest of it trimmed about a quarter inch

no fucking way this pic is real, give us a timestamp pic

Dude, the guy who circumcised you was VERY bad at it. A cut cock doesn't even looks like that.

I didnt know you could have hair on the tip wtf, thast a weird dick

What a shitty "dick". This trans bullshit is so fucked up. Maybe a blind virgin can be fooled by that. Boys will never be girls and girls will never be boys.

What the actual fuck OP

The pic is of a penis that has been sewn on.
It's a transexual post surgery.


I've seen this picture before he's lying that's not his.

>hamfisted circumcision at that
I wonder why.

actually fucking retarded

You clearly should have put a pic unrelated here OP, these autists struggle with common sense.

Besides that I'd save always trim, women like a think layer of pubes. Trim as close to the skin as you can, this helps avoid shaving rash as well. Shave the base of the cock if necessary depending on how far up it goes. And shave balls, smooth balls are the best for having sucked by said lady. Be careful though, be slow and gentle, it's a risky maneuver.

See this

This pic is indeed old pasta..

huh..... so that's how that works

Pic stolen from another thread posted about 10 min ago... Unoriginal OP... what a cunt

Stale pasta is stale.

Weird dick, but the real question is what does hers look like?

hold on a sec, is that hair on your TIP?!

If you have an inherently hairby body like me, trim the hair down to body level; dont shave. Itll look like a bald spot on a monkey's body. The contrast is a turn off. I always shave my shaft and balls by trim around the base of the cock with a beard-size trimmer to bring it down to manageable size. Less ingrown hairs this way too; less itch, etc.

Never had a chick looks sideways or complain. Even had one asian ex who loved going down on my balls, taint and asshole and she loved the trim job I did.

beeing this retarded

You penis it's fucking really weird....just ask her how it's going to look better

mfw trannies. fucking mutants. you guys know the kikes do this right?