No shrekt thread? Shrekt thread

No shrekt thread? Shrekt thread

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something tells me that fapping to a truck tire is dangerous.

I bet he was Irish

>put it in a cage they said
>it'll be safe they said

It's a dummy, you dummies, and part of a health and safety video.

Looney Tunes style

See, I knew he was Irish

I do this daily and this is my nightmare


This is how my friends dad died. Inflating a tire at the mill. After it happened they made all tire inflating be done in a cage.

did he died?

kek'd and saved as
when you nut but she keeps blowing


this blood and flesh looks so shooped

its a dummy you fucking idiots


No, my man.
Its just another 'ISIS execution' video made by the USA to frame ISIS to justify another war.


>its a dummy you fucking idiots
that's obviously a kangaroo you fucking moron
>pic related



this is what you call a rekt thread?

Yeah it's pretty bad

weakest rekt ive ever seen

nice samefagging.

fake af but many people have died from over inflating wheels like this. either over inflation or a rusty old rim. definitely not a good way to go.

Which war Nostradamus, we should kill those lower lifeforms, eugenics now.

Fuck you! I'm getting there first.

this thread is really rekt

good thread

Your a dummie



loved it when he did these

he never said rekt, he said shrekt. pay attention


i dont watch any more, its all the nigger music that drove me away.


that proves nothing. you can edit this shit on MS Paint

fake and gay

Did the ratos eventually die?

Doesn't it take one bullet to the head to kill someone?



Poor babies. ;__;

seen this on so many rekt threads and still don't know the story. He cant have actually been trying to rob the place. What happened Sup Forumsros?

They're pretty good at not dying. They usually just try to to get in the way.

I dont like seeing cute animals get hurt, but Im kinda disappointed nothing bad happened in this


Yeah kkk died after a fight vs like 3 scorpibros


KKK rat died of a infection of the mouth, might have been thelobsters that gave him a bact infection.
i believe the Unterrat got fed alive to the ants


Not in the newer games



>Ha! Got'em

Hate this 'Health regen' stuff. Needs to be more realistic


>you are supposed to do that to me
>changes bodies*

dog what?
story on this bitch????

I liked how he was laughing at the end.

you know thats a dummy right you sadistic fuck you are the lowest of people, worse than fucking trannies kunt kys

Need to install that real damage mod on the server

no shit retard its clearly a test mannequin

no fucking way...
this is real yes???

He looks like he doesn't have patience for this shit.


he was a Bon Jovi fan

the name hahahahh

sums it up .


hadn't seen that wun yet.
isis is on some NEXT level shit



to bad face book keeps closed circles and shit, otherwise we would have rekt and get raped thread that would be way better then the limp stuf we have now, rehashing the old shit.

How does one get in to any groups that stream the raping and murdering ppl?


When did Adalia Rose travel to syria?

Did he get it hurt?



you say he didnt really lose his head? no way, you liar! it isnt shooped I can tell from all the realness and the legit pixels

I work as a firefighter and holy fucking shit.
All that hose that spilled off the top is tedious to stack.
Also Two Truck companies rolling code three through the same intersection and neither slowed even a little at the intersection. It's on both of them.



ban all muslims.

Now the Mario one

dumping mtn dew and your cigarette ashtray fire doesnt make you a firefighter, just fyi. the one who had the red light was more at fault

he always made nignog mouse look like a fucking dumbass, hiding and just chilling max.

I've seen a webm some minutes ago
at Sup Forums
some coloured or arabs were cutting a guys dick off
he didn't fight against it.

Didn't look like he was fighting against it.

Everything was dusty.

Anyone knows source?


what graphics card is that? i always wanted to buy gta5 but aint got nuff money

I am a firefighter

PlayStation 2

webm was named

couldn't save it.

Old meme

I am firefighter

is he going to be ok?

Did he died?