Does Sup Forums know how to make your pussy taste better, serious question here?

Does Sup Forums know how to make your pussy taste better, serious question here?


Eat cheetos and mountain dew then rub one out kek

idk i think its a natural thing, not sure if you can change that.

what about flavored lube?

I don't know...I heard that some mysterious device called shower is invented so you can use it for a change...

stop being fat

>implying that's a pic of me

Eat healthy, workout and add pineapple to your diet.

It's the same for men.

>implying youre not fat.

>implying I'm even a woman

i never implied that you were a woman, just that you were fat. which you probably are

touche my user

a buddy says when his wife eats oatmeal, it smells amazing. could just be her though

youre fat

Same shit that makes men taste better. Having lots of fruit in your diet and what not. Really not hard to figure out.

not into it


the pineapple thing is bullshit lol, like the juice fucking becomes preserved in vagina secretion and semen. kys faggot

>I don't know how healty food works: the post

it's your hygiene and diet. I can tell from the pictures.

>doesn't think diet affects the taste of secretions
You're stupid

virgin detected

Hygiene and diet is the biggest factor. Big gals, the sweat and onion-cunt smell makes things no bueno.

Just lower your PH levels. There are some soaps you can buy that keep PH at bay. PH is the chemical that makes your pussy stink like a rotten fucking corpse. Although it won't taste or smell like anything, it keeps bad taste and smell away. It's better not to taste like anything then to taste like rotting skin

please tell me this is bait and you're not just that stupid

Eat fruits and less fast food

Idiots think diet has any impact on semen flavor. Any difference you feel is psychosomatic, its all in your heads.

>not painting the bogbros over the pussy



>PH is the chemical
>PH a chemical
Did you drop out of middle school?

OMG, saray?


Fruit and vegetable diet. It may take a few weeks to flush the stink out. Also, stay off medication, some meds will make it real nasty..

Implying I would put my mouth on that Tarantula face.

1. tits or gtfo
2. I would recommend asking a gynocologist

You don't feel flavors, you taste them.

Clean it

Ya its not real, pineapple thing is a myth.

>pH chemical
And this is the current state of public education.

Actually this. Eating out is much better when my wife has just showered.

It's really not. Even the taste of sweat and smell of your body odor is affected by diet.

i read somewhere that exercise and eating fruits and not smoking or drinking made sperm taste better... i imagine it would work similarly to pussy

Have you tried turning it on and off again?

Do a few lines of coke and then eat some pussy, you won't mind or notice the taste


You have to diet for years and not smoke or drink for a year or two so your body doesnt stink or taste like shit you dingus. You cant make your body smell or taste good in just a month..

Cleanliness and dietary changes.

I'd assume you've done extensive research in this department. How many foods have you tried and how would you describe the flavor of your semen after eating them? I'm guessing you noticed a pattern after several weeks of ingesting your semen.

This and lots of women might be well advised to stay away from fish and stuff.

Oh yeah well I guess I'll just throw away multiple women's opinions on the matter, who have actually tried it and could easily taste it, and trust your word instead.

Jesus you probably smell like a walking onion you autistic neckbeard

Who said a month? Learn to read. Dingus.

I used to shoot heroin. My gf would tell me it made my nut taste like dope.

True but the rumor that if you eat a lot of pineapple it'll make your jizz taste better is false. Vaginal secretions and semen are not affected by diet, how your body smells can be though.

Eat pineapples

Diet can affect how you smell, it cannot affect how your jizz/vaginal secretions taste.

nice dubs m8

a healthy diet mostly oh and not smoking helps too

My girl has definitely noticed a positive shift in the taste of my cum after I quit smoking. Not sure about alcohol because I don't really drink much but I'm sure that could just as easily affect the taste as tobacco did.

>after I quit smoking
Ya think she could be just saying that because she's happy you quit?

>diet can affect skin secretions which in turn affects how you smell
>but no more, it doesn't alter the rest in the slightest

My bf quit smoking and starting eating right. Like a month later his cum actually takes good to me. I'd lap that shit up. Sluuuuuuuurp

OP, wash your vag. With a wash cloth and lavender Dr. Bronners. That's what I do

stop being a fat fuck, treat your stds, proper hygiene, etc.

Step 1: wash that shit
Step 2: wear hard candy in panties

Pineapple. A lot of pineapple.

Look up 'synaesthesia'. Or listen to some of Scriabin's later works.

might have bacterial vaginoses. quite common, but also causes bad smell. it's easy to find out, just a quick test at the doctors.

Just fucking clean yourself and eat fruit, stope being gross.

And yet thousands swear by celery.

>doesn't know how to greentext
Okay, its a health thing dipshit. Better diet=thinner=sweat less. Also your breath is better. You can believe whatever you want, but the fact is that eating pineapple to make jizz taste better is a rumor.

Add some bacon?

Considering she has plenty of other ways to convey that without needing to fabricate a story about my jizz changing flavor, when we had no prior knowledge that smoking had an effect on the taste of jizz, yeah.

Probiotic suppositories

1000% better taste and feeling

10/10 guy aproved

How do you make the inside of an animal that only 90 years ago invented deoderant and even then thought it must be unhealthy not taste bad?

Wash it. After that its the hand life played you.

the secret is jolly ranchers

DRINK WATER!!! stay fucking hydrated, if your piss is yellow, you need to drink more water. Get some Summers eve soap for that pussy and like everyone is saying clean up your diet. If you don't want to eat fruit then drink juice, but don't forget to drink even more water

put honey inside of it about 100ml or about 3.4 oz it sounds weird but the honey's smell and taste really stick to it

Thousands also believe in God and think walking under a ladder will bring bad luck

look up the meaning of psychosomatic you moron

is it me, or does pic related's lower leg always look like a really long hand in the thumbnail?


This user knows

>he doesn't ingest his own semen for research purposes
>Current year 2017

i shiggy the diggy