Any cheaters on Sup Forums?

Any cheaters on Sup Forums?
Really want to bang this chick from my class, but don't want to lose my girl, so how hard is cheating on your conscience? Think she'll notice anyting?

>general cheat- and make it a cuck thread while we're at it

>don't want to lose my girl
Then don't cheat on her, you dipstick.

Easy, you dont

Do it, you're a man. She's the one that has to be faithful

There is no foolproof way of getting away with it. You take the risk. All she has to do is blab about it to someone else and the word spreads.

Up to you, but if you don't want to lose "your girl" then just don't do it, you twat.

Ultimately, that's your decision. But if your girlfriend finds out, be prepared to be dumped, and deservedly so.

Yeah right, forgot to add
>inb4 don't

Do it if you want, but if your gf found out and left you, you'd be a fool to have any sort of remorse.

Why didn't your old man raise you to not be a shitty person?

you you like your firl, you will feel a unimagined bad feeling and guilty fora long time. you will fuck your relationship. dont do it

Alright then don't be surprised when your bitch leaves you, faggot.

It's just that the girl from class is basically telling me she wants to suck my nuts til they burst every party we go to. I have zero feelings for her and love my gf but she just turns me on like mad

She's not gonna find out, the two live miles apart and aren't probably ever gonna meet, just need to know whether I can keep up the charade to my girlfriend

If you do it you accept that she too may do the same thing.

Dont be an idiot, I have and do cheat on every girl I have ever dated (and now engaged)

Couple of rules
1. avoid sending anything over text that would lead to suspicion no nudes, no sexting, cut that shit out
2. Dont do it with anyone she is too close to, I know this is a turn on for a lot of people but you are asking for trouble, I had a relationship really blow up in my face cause of this.
3. dont confuse lust with love. As long as you actually love your GF you will be fine, never fall for some piece of ass and ruin the good thing you have.
4.Sacrifice your affair for your relationship, always. so many people start fucking up the home life to appease the mistress STOP your main girl is #1 always blow off the other girls if you need to they arent important.
5. Dont fucking BRAG, do not brag to people you know, dont walk around like a big man because you fuck side chicks. thats an excellent way to get caught, nobody has to know but you.

follow those rules and youll be fine.

Why isn't your girlfriend a chill enough bro to let you hit that?

My pops left me when I was little :'(

It fucking shows.

Lmao at the idea that she's already fucking his friends

Cunt. Shitty human.

OP think about it, would you want you girl to cheat on you if she found someone else attractive? My guess is no because you made this thread in the first place.

Don't do it, its not worth it to hurt people like that.

So you ever got the urge to tell your girlfriend to clear your conscience or anything?


so what

no ive never even felt bad tbh

So you cannot advise others on matters of love for you know nothing of its ... fuck I almost typed some romantic bullshit. My bad dude I believed in solid relationships at one point but it's just not how people operate. No rules OP. Fuck all

If she fucks as many people on the side as you that's makes you soul mates

She won't and she doesn't, that's exactly why I think I'll feel bad about it. She'd never do anything like that to me and I know it would break her heart if she found out, yet I can't shake off the urge to fuck my classmates brain out

I've been cheating on my boyfriend for years, you'll feel guilty about it the first few times but just remember the golden rule "its just emotionless sex". Make sure to leave no paper trail like texts and calls or emails. If your girl or guy was given the opportunity to cheat on you and get away with it 99% of the time they'll do it. Either you stay loyal long enough be the one getting cheated on or you become the cheater.

as a avid cheater myself I disagree with your last statement but not falling in love and no paper trail are key.

I think there are people that remain faithful I dont agree that most people cheat, dont delude yourself or make yourself feel better.

Accept that you are that asshole and own it.

is it because you cant satisfy your girlfriend with your 4 inch weiner that you feel the urge to fuck someone else?

it all depends on your morals. I have done it maybe 10 times and it's phenomenal. Majority of times with escorts but pussy is pussy man. The first few times I felt different around her and more guarded with my phone in case she noticed anything. You learn to hide that shit pretty quick.

cheating is the same as any other moral/ethical cross road you come to, as long as your not a sociopath or psychopath

The first time you will feel like a cunt but keep going and it will all become normal

Shit pal you got me

does ur current girl take it in the ass?
does this girl?
whichever answer is yes, fuck that ass

found the woman on Sup Forums

>implying women dont amorally cheat just as much if not more than men.

oh it didnt count I was in Mexico!

My girlfriend does every now and then when she's on her period, doesn't like it though, in case you were interested

so then how big is ur dick?

About 6 inches. Nothing too special but it does the job

good advice here, i do this too

>6 inches
>'guys should i cheat'
With a dick like that your girl is probably banging Tyrone and his friends already, might aswell fuck around yourself.

Just fuck your girl or jerk off when you feel horny. Being horny makes people do things they'll end up regretting.

2 miles is nothing, the world is smaller than you think. Maybe if you got out of the house you would realize that.

It ain't love if you could consciously do that. At the most you think it's love because you're comfortable with where you are in life. You're use to being with your GF, in your own place(I imagine) working a decent job and doing things you want to. Just imagine if she did it to you. I know when you're horny it's fucking tempting. Walk away and get off with your GF or alone. After that you won't feel that strong urge.

>4.Sacrifice your affair for your relationship, always. so many people start fucking up the home life to appease the mistress STOP your main girl is #1 always blow off the other girls if you need to they arent important.

You retard

I'm a retard for telling you 2 miles is nothing? Nigger how far do you travel in an average day or trip.

not really, I dont equate sex with a random girl or a mistress as equal in standing the relationship with my fiance.

So you're asking us how well you can keep your shit together? Are you actually retarded?

How are we meant to know? All it takes is for you to bump into her in the street one day, or for her to know someone that you know, or to find you on Facebook and leave you a comment.

Like we said, it's up to you. Be a twat, take the risk.

I used to date this girl well while I was dating another she wrote my nick name in school the other noticed then they found out I was cheating on them, thought well it is probably ah meh, did this shit again and busted again now im lonely and in the chan.

If you're not a piece of shit it'll devalue your entire relationship with your girlfriend.
If you're a piece of shit you won't think anything of it until you're caught and then you'll lose the girl and a ton of respect.

six degrees of separation. they might have a mutual friend. I've learned the only true way to cheat and NOT have the main girl know, is to only cheat with a good, good friend you can trust. I mean, down ass girl. more loyal than the main. that kind of woman is truly hard to find tho.

if the girl from your class is at least 4 connections seperated from your girlfriend then it won't get out so easy

in the beginning it will be hard on your conscience but you will get caught because you get so lazy that you forget to hide that you were actually cheating

If you think it is morally just you can do it, but be prepared to suffer the consequences pic related. Not that many people think cheating is morally justified.

Maybe her 4 inch pussy isn't enough to satisfy him.

As a married man who has been with his (now) wife for 16 years (I'm 36 so you do the math) who has slept with about 20+ other women I can tell you one thing... don't be a fucking idiot and it will be alright. Use an app like WhatsApp or something because text communication can be seen on your Verizon activity bill (the amount of texting) and don't put your public face out there on Tinder or any other hookup app. It might be harder to find girls but believe me, they are out there.

My wife isn't into anal, isn't into role play, isn't super sexual, and isn't particularly interested in exploring all that. The girl I just fucked before work is and let me tell you... she's such a fucking whore that it turns me waaaay on. But my wife is extremely intelligent, very beautiful, hard working, and a hell of a catch. I plan to be with her until I die but I'm not going to put my dick in a box until I go into a box 6 feet under.


She will find out. Try as hard as you want to play it cool afterward but she will sense a shift in your conscious. Girls are very perceptive. Then you you'll have crushed her spirit and that's a shitty thing to do. They'll be no telling whay karma has in store for you but ive learned everything always comes full circle. Enjoy your heart ache.

if you're thinking it will be on your conscience, then don't do it. because it will be. I have cheated like 5 times, at Least. much more than that now that I think about it. It hasn't once crossed my mind about being on my conscience.

The two live miles apart. As in the two girls live many miles apart from each other dumb nigger.

Thanks for the advice old faggy friend.

Listen to . Keep your phone clean (delete chat logs, disable notification previews, save no pictures/videos), don't do it with anyone even remotely close or connected, don't tell anyone, be prepared to end any and all relationships.

also put her under a nickname
instead of
>Harry from the bar with the bad jokes

or something like that so should your phone be compromised at least you won't be immediately in trouble

If your wife or girlfriend is worth a shit they won't go through your phone anyways. I have my locked in case I lose it but the last thing my wife would ever do is pick up my phone and start snooping. If your girlfriend/wife is the kind of girl to get jealous and suspicious all the time do yourself a favor and get the fuck out! Your life will be hell for a long time especially if you nut in her, make a baby, and she won't get the vacuum treatment.

there's a married asian girl I exchanged numbers with at a fitness club. She barely speaks english and got to the states a couple months ago. She tells me my bod is beautiful and we've chatted for a good hour. We've been texting for days since, she didn't understand what I was saying when I sexually escalated with her. Anyways I wanted to know if there's a real chance she wants my D.


>How bad is it on your conscience?
Depends on how much you love/want to keep her. How would you feel if she got dicked deep by some other dude?

The more you love/want to keep her, the more you feel like a piece of shit in relative terms.

It all depends on how much you care about the person to measure how bad you'll feel.

It'll eventually weigh down and fuck with your entire outlook on the relationship. It'll suck because if you ever think she's cheating on you, you'll have no solid ground to stand on because it'll make you a hypocrite.

hey user.
i'm going to tell you now it is fucking hard to run a double life, and your girl will notice if you're acting differently trying to court this new bitch (unless shes a fucking retard).

i would recommend you only do this new bitch once unless you're willing to lose whatever it is you have now. i cheated on my girl for a solid 6 months out of a 2 year relationship and eventually your own bullshit catches you.

after being a career cheater eventually it wears off, you just stop feeling bad about it and you take what you want, and be self interested. the first time i did it and it set in, it took me about 10 months to make peace, but now i just don't care. you eventually learn that you gotta look out for you, enjoy yourself now kinda thing.

at least that's how i justify it

you need to grab her by the pussy

She will notice, and you will feel bad.

Quads don't lie

I want to but how?

She seem to like it when I showed her new exercises when I moved her body in place but I'm not sure if this like a cultural thing where they are use to physical contact. Western woman are pretty obvious if they like this sort of stuff.

She's too close to your inner circle bud. If a hooker then whatever but women like to bitch, gossip and make your life hell so leave that shit alone unless you're totally cool with potentially giving up your current relationship.

>fucked 3 hookers in amsterdam when seeing an ex
>she believed i was going for the smoke and shit

Save yourself the drama OP and eliminate the risk, get a hooker instead.

>"OMG when I first came the states it was stressful not understanding the language. Like this one guy talked to me for a week before I realized he was hitting on me!"

You're that guy.

she can't be that dumb though

Forgot to mention to this day she doesnt know cause shes a dumbass, i kinda liked her and distanced it all. Dont shit in your own back garden brother, keep those extra curricular fucks completely impersonal

seriously man, your a much bigger loser and sucker than she ever will be. your just a coward with no self control. i bet you think your a spy or something sneaking around. but your not. your a beta faggot with a lot of insecurity issues.

just kill yourself seriously. just do it

Just depends on how much you value honesty. If you don't care that your word doesn't mean anything and that even those closest to you can't trust you, cheat away.

you're a fucking shit person.


Kek at all the whiteknights talking shit

This user knows though

This has nothing to do with the woman. I seriously don't give a fuck about any of your gfs (aka your right hands). This is about being a fucking man and having the courage to stand by your actions and not hide like a coward. If your "alpha" enough to have girls on the side and your main girl doesn't mind, then you're fine. You aren't being a little bitch about it. But if you're lying (lying by omission is still lying) and covering your tracks, you're a coward.

I had an affair behind my wifes back. I thought it was great, but in the end I realised I was only doing it because she reminded me of my wife when we first got together and I missed it.
Wife found out and the look on her face made me realise just how badly I had fucked up. I literally fucking crished her heart.
She eventually gave me another chance and I'm determined not to waste it.

If you want to screw around, fine. If you want to keep your girl though, don't fucking do it. She WILL find out and, even if she doesn't you WILL feel like the biggest scum of the earth. It isn't worth it.